Sunday, September 2, 2018

The Future Redemption

Parshat Nitzavim:

The future redemption: Moses warns of the exile and desolation of the Land that will result if Israel abandons G‑d’s laws, but then he prophesies that in the end, “You will return to the L‑rd your G‑d . . . If your outcasts shall be at the ends of the heavens, from there will the L‑rd your G‑d gather you . . . and bring you into the Land which your fathers have possessed.” 

The Talmud Talmud [Sanhedrin 97a–98a] mentions various signs to identify the generation in which Moshiach will arrive.

In that generation:
  • Torah scholarship will be diminished. 
  • There will be many troubles and difficult decrees. 
  • The younger generation will not respect their elders. 
  • There will be inflation in food prices. 
  • The government will turn towards heresy (denying the Torah). 
  • People will despair of the Redemption. 
  • People will have no money left in their pockets (i.e., savings). 
  • The Jewish people will not have supporters. 
  • The generation will be either entirely righteous or entirely wicked. 
  • There will be no fish available for purchase, even for sick people. 
  • There will be no arrogant people left amongst the Jews. 
  • There will be no judges or enforcers left amongst the Jewish people.

Source: Chabad


  1. That’s interesting: “there will not be any arrogant people left among the Jewish people.”
    Money wealth brings arrogance?
    I think the generation of the redemption from Mitzrayim was also without arrogance.
    Does that mean that we will be so downtrodden that arrogance will be so exhausted from our very being?
    That alone could bring the Mashiach.
    We are “nearly” there.

  2. Arrogance is something Hashem cannot stand, so yes it will be gone.

    Nice to see the comments being notified to us once again !

  3. There is tremendous wealth in this generation greater than in any other generation!! Please don’t tell me we have to wait that much longer. We want and need Hashem to come home!

  4. Shavua Tov, Devorah,

    This is so true..

    Yet also, what the words written on the 'Mickey Mouse picture', that too has to come, and may it be soon.. Amen.


  5. Also the last mishna in masejet sorta is very precise about this generation.

  6. It's discouraging, to say the least:

    Torah learning is stronger than in many generations...
    People ARE looking out for the redemption....
    People have LOTS of money....
    The generation cannot be called totally righteous but neither are we totally wicked....
    There's an abundance of fish....
    and an abundance of arrogant people....

    Now what???


  7. SK: Everything can change in the blink of an eye.

  8. David, I don't know why, but that's what it says in the Talmud: also see No fish before Moshiach

  9. About the fish, since they live in the water, perhaps something happens to the oceans?
    The oceans are being affected. However, I believe the Mediterranean will remain ok, because it is separated from the other waters on the earth.

  10. There maybe a large Quantity of people studying Torah however not at the Depths and Quality and total submission of previous generations

  11. Some people may have a lot of Money most people struggle just to make ends meet. Also most people live off Credit Cards and Mortgages.pretty much no one has savings

  12. Rav Berland gave a shiur I think 5 years ago on this Gemara, where he explained that when it talks about the generation either being totally righteous or totally wicked, that was referring to the 'birur' process that each of us needs to go through before Moshiach.

    At the end of that process, each individual will either recognise their errors, make teshuva and come back to God whole-heartedly - or do the opposite.

    You can see that birur playing out all over the place these days. The ones who are convinced they are perfect and that 'everyone else' is the problem - i.e. they are totally righteous - will be in for a very big shock.

  13. I just can't wait for some of these people to have their big shock. Sometimes I just want to scream at the absolutely hypocrisy that exists today ! It seems these people are everywhere now and we can't get away from them. Time for them to wakeup once and for all..HG

  14. Regarding the oceans, I read that in the messianic era, the ocean waters will all turn sweet; I think, starting from the trickle that comes from the holy of holies and then gets larger and larger and goes down to the Kinneret, the Mediterranean and then to the other waters. Can't tell you where it's written but read it somewhere and also a video about a couple of years ago.


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