Sunday, September 23, 2018


Please excuse my absence but I've been busy with the arrival of a new baby.... my daughter's ....who was named in shul yesterday:  "Esther" [after my mother a''h].    Sorry no photos on the blog, she's too precious.  

And because I really do live my life by ''expecting nothing and appreciating everything'', when something truly amazing happens, such as a new baby, I am absolutely overjoyed and thankful.


  1. WOW!!
    GranMA already, congratulation.

  2. Baruch HaShem... So Beautiful, Devorah... Thank you for sharing your family with all of us... so nice... *:-)

  3. MAZAL TOV! Msy we hear only good news such as this. Wishing you and yours much happiness and naches.

    Shavua Tov v'Shana Tovah!

  4. Mazal Tov, such a precious happening.
    Wishing you and your family many more Smachot.

  5. Mazal Tov! Wonderful to hear good should have much nachas.

  6. Mazal Tov, shall she only bring you nachas..

  7. Mazal tov!! May this new precious neshama follow in the footsteps of her grandmother and of her name sake and reveal Hashems light in this world helping bring the complete geulah to reality bezras Hashem very quickly!
    Mazal tov may you and her parents and the whole family enjoy tremendous nachas from her together :-) May klal Yisrael share in simchos always


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