Monday, November 12, 2018

How the Democratics Winning the House is Part of the Redemption Process

Rabbi Kessin explains Hashem's wisdom in allowing the Dems to win the House. 



  2. I love listening to Rabbi Kessin.

    Toda for putting his shuirs on.

  3. If you look at Rabbi Glazerson's video above, you will see that Los Angeles has the gematria of 240 which is the same as Amalek, as well as some other phrases in Hebrew meaning ''lying with a man'' as in male sex.

    One of the houses which burned to the ground in the California fires belonged to Caitlyn Jenner, formerly known as Bruce Jenner, ex husband of Kris Jenner, mother of the Kardashian family. Bruce became Caitlyn in a very public way, and encouraged others to follow his lead.

    Just saying....

  4. just asking today is (was).. 11-11-2018

    If one adds the numbers of the year- it is 11.

    Would that mean anything??

  5. I don't know, maybe it's telling us we are in the eleventh hour
    although I think 2011 would have been the year to let us know that... Moshiach should have come then :)

  6. Devorah - I think it might be 2011 because I remember reading that in August, 2011, that the mincha of the cosmic clock had been reached! It was August 2nd and the 2nd of Av.

  7. Yes you are correct with the dates.... I Googled Mincha Gedola Cosmic Clock and ended up on my own blog

  8. If you carry the 11.11 to its conclusion I think you actually reach the number one “1” and this stands for the One and Only HaShem.

  9. A Rabbi going political to support the Democrats? During this time when USA has the most pro-Yisrael president in its entire history? This Rabbi wants we to return to the time of Obama, the Democrat president?
    What a nonsense! What a waste of time of the listeners! Pathetic!
    Please note that most Rabbanim believe that Trump is that president during the time of Geulah. He is compared to Cyrus on the matter of salvation. There is even a coin issued to it.
    Suddenly Rav Kessin comes with the idea that the Democrats will help Am Yisrael in the End of Days. Out of tin air!

  10. Ari: Maybe we heard different things, but I did not get any impression that Rabbi Kessin supports the democrats.

  11. Ari: You were definitely not listening to Rabbi Kessin's video. He is a staunch supporter of Trump, not c'v, the Dems who are 'progressives' meaning socialists. Please listen this time to the above video of Rabbi Kessin, saying the exact opposite of what you accuse him of.

  12. Also, want to remind the readers that the Zohar & Chazal tell us that before Moshiach's coming, most of the rabbis will be from the Erev Rav, so no surprise that there are 'rabbis' who side with sonei Yisrael and are against those who side with us!

  13. go trump! the dem wackos are going to try to destroy him but i think we will see some divine intervention.


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