Thursday, July 11, 2019

Death of a [Hidden] Tzaddik

Just last Friday, the day of the big earthquake in L.A., a young Chabad rabbi was suddenly taken from this world.  His name was Rabbi Tzemach Yehoshuah Cunin a''h.

The name Tzemach Yehoshuah literally means ''the Redeemer is flourishing''. 

When we look for hints for the coming of the Moshiach, these two events: the earthquake and the sudden unexpected passing of Tzemach Yehoshuah - can be taken as a huge sign.

Tzemach a''h was, by all accounts, a hidden Tzaddik.  His life was devoted to bringing Jews back to their roots, via his Chabad House in Century City Los Angeles.   He leaves behind a tzadekess wife and five children.

Tzemach's father, Rabbi  Baruch Shlomo  Cunin was appointed by the Lubavitcher Rebbe in 1965 , as a head shaliach to the west coast of America. Cunin built the very first of over 5000 Chabad houses, and is personally responsible for a network of over 200 Chabad Houses throughout California and Nevada.  If anyone can bring Moshiach, it is Rabbi Shlomo Cunin, as you can see for yourself in the videos below.

Running a Chabad House is no easy feat.  It requires constant input financially, and the Rabbis and their wives spend their lives raising money to support not just their own families, but those of all around them, helping whenever needed for whatever cause, being non-judgemental and available to others at all times of the day and night.

There are so many tragedies in the world today... we cannot help everyone.... but if you have a look at the thousands of people who have donated to help the wife and children of Rabbi Tzemach a''h, you will see just how big an impact one person can make in a short life on earth.

The fact that his name means ''the Redeemer is flourishing'' is a sign that we should ALL join and make a donation and rock the Heavens with an outpouring of Tzedaka, the greatest mitzvah of all.  Of course it is also a great mitzvah to support widows and children.

I am asking everyone to make a small donation, even if it is just one dollar, because one dollar multiplied by thousands of people makes a lot of dollars.  Let's all be a part of this and let's help the Redeemer to Flourish.  Click to here to see the Fundraising Page, with a link to donate at the bottom of that page.  Whatever kind of Jew, or nonJew you are, Breslover, Satmar, Ashkenazi, Sefardi... it makes no difference, we are all the same big family.  Non-Jews who align themselves with the Jewish people are Righteous Gentiles and will be part of the world of Moshiach.

Below are a couple of videos from the Levaya [funeral] of Rabbi Tzemach a''h.

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