In this video, Rabbi Kessin should dispel any Mashiach wannabees and any confusion about who is and who is not — until Eliyahu HaNavi comes to inform us. One should trust what our Holy Torah tells us, and the many authentic G-d fearing Sages have said. “Actively waiting” means while awaiting Mashiach one keeps busy doing mitzvos and deeds of kindness, and charity to the needy.
anonymous, I pre-empted your comment by discussing this with some other Geula bloggers, as I am also confused, and as I have linked to that site on my Blog Roll and everyone is going there, it does need to be clarified. I will now copy what they have written without giving their names.
Before I do that, everyone please be aware that the Kessin video above was put together by someone calling himself 'Jews and Goyim' and other videos from his channel may or may not be kosher. Just a warning.
Now regarding Rabbi Berland's statement.
Firstly: we do not have Nevuah [prophecy] today - in exchange for not having a base taivah [desire] for Avodah Zarah [idolatory]. When the Men of the Knesset gedolah davened for that taivah to be removed from the world at the beginning of the 2nd Temple period, the Taivah was removed but so was Nevuah. Apparently Nevuah and this Taivah for Avodah zara of so many Kings of Judea including Menashe son of Chizkiyahu were a package deal. They use the same spiritual pipes. A tempering on the side of Tumah brought about an equal tempering on the side of Kedushah [holiness].
So we are left with a form of Ruach HaKodesh which transmits information to the right side of our brains, the more feminine side. This also explains why the feminine side of the taivah for Avodah Zarah which we call witchcraft still remains in the world. It allows for ''right brain'' Ruach HaKodesh to transmit this lower form of prophecy which we call Divine Inspiration as opposed to prophesy which is Divine REVELATION.
Rabbi Berland, I believe, is telling his followers that he is the Moshiach. Whether or not he is, I cannot say.
And from another blogger, who said ''we don't have to decide if someone is Mashiah or accept anyone's claim of being Mashiach. He has to prove himself. If he does all the things Mashiach is supposed to do, then we will know it was him all along. But until then we just watch and see what happens and pray for Mashiach's success without naming names since it is impossible to actually know for sure it is him until he accomplishes his tasks. thing I know for sure Mashiach will not speak in riddles which people can interpret any number of ways. Mashiach is coming to make things clearer to us, and erase our doubts, not cause confusion. He is coming to strengthen the Torah and increase Kedushah without which we cannot come closer to HaKodesh Baruch Hu.
I should have said Apparently he is telling his followers that he is Moshiach - certainly that is what they are saying - whether or not he actually said it again I do not know.
"We want moshiach now!" is a campaign iniriated by the Rebbe MH"M based on what the Bais Yoseph says in hilchos birchos hamozon in the tur daf kuf pey ches": We will not be redeemed until we demand the third bais hamikdash. Rabbi Kessin shou not disparage anything the rebbe says without checking the Mh"M's citaions of his sources. Also, eliyahu need not come first to announce Moshiach: Rabbi Akiva and all the chomai hador deemed bar Chochba to be Moshiach without any announcement by the aforesaid prophet, and they still believed it until he was "killed" not simply dead; all pf this happened before he failed to complete his task,
Devorah, thank you for sharing this. Thank you even more for continuing your blog. I turn to your blog for hope and reassurance. You would not believe how important the things you post are to me. You really help me to go on and not give up when life gets tough. May Hashem always bless you. From my heart, I bless you.
Look at Rabbi Chaim Vital in Dalet Ma'os Shekel Kesef - where Rabbi Chaim Vital clearly explains that Moshiach knows that he is Moshaich and only a few close disciples know that that He is Moshiach, however the majority of Yiddin do not accept him as Moshiach, especially Tofsai Torah. Rabbi Chaim Vital bases this on the Torah with regard to Yosef HaTzadik that his Brothers "Lo Hikiruhu". Rabbi Chaim Vital then states that Moshiach is hidden from the world until He is revealed so that the Whole World recognized Him as Moshiach.
Always remember that Rabbi Kessin is basing everything on the RamChal.
Lol that's funny Marie. I did not stop blogging because I wanted to, I had a problem with a shoulder injury... but once I said I would no longer blog, Hashem healed my shoulder.... well, it's on the mend it's still not 100% but I can now again type with both hands instead of one finger. Every time I have ever stopped blogging, so many people email me and complain that I feel like I have no choice anyway. This blog keeps me grounded and I learn a lot from peoples' comments as well.
Worth noting that Rabbi Berland also said Moshiach will come down on Seder night a few months ago
Annie: your quote from Malachi 3 is true, but this is what is written on chabad: There is a tradition that Elijah the Prophet will come to the world and announce the imminent arrival of Moshiach. However, according to other opinions, Moshiach may arrive unannounced. Elijah would then arrive to assist in the peace process. Some suggest that if the Moshiach arrives in his predestined time, then Elijah will announce his arrival; but if Moshiach comes suddenly, then Elijah will appear after Moshiach has come.
As mentioned before, it is unclear as to exactly how these events will unfold. However, this uncertainty does not affect the general matter of Moshiach’s arrival.
If Mashiach doesn’t know he is Mashiach, then he needs Eliyahu to announce him, because no one else knows. If he doesn’t know it himself, then Hashem needs to “activate” him and infuses him with the extraordinary energies he needs to complete Mashiach”.
It doesn’t make sense that he would know on his own, because if he did, how did he know? Did Hashem “speak” to him? Does he have all his kohos without the zap from Hashem? Something doesn’t add up here.
Regarding the comments about Rav Berland, His comments were not necessarily made as nevua and their realization can be on different levels that not everybody can always perceive.
Therefore there is no situation of 'false prophet'.
Rebbe Nachman says that every tzaddik is the concept of Mashiach. He also says that everyone needs to listen to the tzaddikim of the generation because they are all the face of the Shechina. It comes out from these statements that every true sage has a uniqueness that no one else has: for example Avraham Avinu was the first Jew. Moshe was the greatest prophet yet when shown the classroom teachings of Rebbe Akiva he did not understand them. Likewise for the uniqueness of every tzaddik.
Ultimately, Mashiach will reveal the uniqueness and goodness of every aspect of reality, Jewish, Non- Jewish, everything. Therefore we must emulate this by always searching the good in everything and growing the positive aspects. If a little light dispels much darkness (evil, negativity, bad etc.) then great positivity and focusing on good will transform everything to good.
This was the Lubavitcher Rebbe's approach, he never ever focused on gloom and doomsday scenarios and focused on increasing the good and the positive.
I find it very interesting that Rebbe Nachman says that even Mashiach dies. This obviously does not mean that his teachings will die! Mashiach's teachings continue and get increasingly enhanced ( more comprehensible, more influencing etc.) until the resurrection of the dead where all the tzaddikim of the previous generations will make a circle dance with 'Hashem' in the middle of the circle.
too many people see the concept of Mashiach as a sports competition and do not understand that all true tzaddikim have their own irreplaceable mission.All the holy Tannaim and Amoraim and Rashi and the Rambam and all the awesome tzaddikim until our very own generation's Tzaddikim will have their teachings shine forever. Mashiach will encourage this unity and we should try to emulate this approach.
in that case Jordan, perhaps it is not smart to publish such sensational posts saying ''At 10 o’clock on Tu B’Av, David will be revealed'' because that is a positive statement and the writer of that post did not give us an alternative meaning. If there is another meaning, then that should have been stated. As it is, hundreds of people have read it, many of whom expect to see Moshiach revealed on 15 Av. When that does not happen, some of those people may lose faith. It is a serious business to blog about Moshiach. The fact that Rabbi Berland is already a controversial figure, and also known as a tzaddik amongst some Gedolim, is not helping the situation. When a holy man says something like that, people tend to take him seriously. When that prediction [or whatever it was] does not occur, we lose faith. That is not something we want to happen, and I for one as a serious Geula blogger need to address it, as I only just put the Rav Berland blog back on the Blog Roll and i have unwittingly played into this scenario. If Rav Berland is talking above our heads, and we do not understand what he really means, then statements such as this should not be put on the internet, for all the reasons I have just stated.
And that is why I have now again removed that blog from the BLog Roll, and it is why I removed it previously. It is not up to me to make decisions about people, and if something is over my head I do not see it as being applicable to my own blog. I'll stick to the things I do understand.
PS: WHen the Lubavitcher Rebbe gave over difficult concepts, he always brought it down to a level that everyone could understand.
Complaints from people living in the East because they are being woken up every night by the helicopters flying very low doing surveillance....
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"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
Above and beyond amazing! May it be speedily and soon!
ReplyDeleteIn this video, Rabbi Kessin should dispel any Mashiach wannabees and any confusion about who is and who is not — until Eliyahu HaNavi comes to inform us. One should trust what our Holy Torah tells us, and the many authentic G-d fearing Sages have said. “Actively waiting” means while awaiting Mashiach one keeps busy doing mitzvos and deeds of kindness, and charity to the needy.
ReplyDeleteIt is says at Shuvu Banim from the words of Rav that David will come in TuBAv. Is it a prophecy or Rav is giving his braha?
ReplyDeleteanonymous, I pre-empted your comment by discussing this with some other Geula bloggers, as I am also confused, and as I have linked to that site on my Blog Roll and everyone is going there, it does need to be clarified. I will now copy what they have written without giving their names.
ReplyDeleteBefore I do that, everyone please be aware that the Kessin video above was put together by someone calling himself 'Jews and Goyim' and other videos from his channel may or may not be kosher. Just a warning.
Now regarding Rabbi Berland's statement.
Firstly: we do not have Nevuah [prophecy] today - in exchange for not having a base taivah [desire] for Avodah Zarah [idolatory]. When the Men of the Knesset gedolah davened for that taivah to be removed from the world at the beginning of the 2nd Temple period, the Taivah was removed but so was Nevuah. Apparently Nevuah and this Taivah for Avodah zara of so many Kings of Judea including Menashe son of Chizkiyahu were a package deal. They use the same spiritual pipes. A tempering on the side of Tumah brought about an equal tempering on the side of Kedushah [holiness].
So we are left with a form of Ruach HaKodesh which transmits information to the right side of our brains, the more feminine side. This also explains why the feminine side of the taivah for Avodah Zarah which we call witchcraft still remains in the world. It allows for ''right brain'' Ruach HaKodesh to transmit this lower form of prophecy which we call Divine Inspiration as opposed to prophesy which is Divine REVELATION.
Rabbi Berland, I believe, is telling his followers that he is the Moshiach. Whether or not he is, I cannot say.
And from another blogger, who said ''we don't have to decide if someone is Mashiah or accept anyone's claim of being Mashiach. He has to prove himself. If he does all the things Mashiach is supposed to do, then we will know it was him all along. But until then we just watch and see what happens and pray for Mashiach's success without naming names since it is impossible to actually know for sure it is him until he accomplishes his tasks. thing I know for sure Mashiach will not speak in riddles which people can interpret any number of ways. Mashiach is coming to make things clearer to us, and erase our doubts, not cause confusion. He is coming to strengthen the Torah and increase Kedushah without which we cannot come closer to HaKodesh Baruch Hu.
I should have said Apparently he is telling his followers that he is Moshiach - certainly that is what they are saying - whether or not he actually said it again I do not know.
ReplyDelete"We want moshiach now!" is a campaign iniriated by the Rebbe MH"M based on what the Bais Yoseph says in hilchos birchos hamozon in the tur daf kuf pey ches": We will not be redeemed until we demand the third bais hamikdash. Rabbi Kessin shou not disparage anything the rebbe says without checking the Mh"M's citaions of his sources.
ReplyDeleteAlso, eliyahu need not come first to announce Moshiach: Rabbi Akiva and all the chomai hador deemed bar Chochba to be Moshiach without any announcement by the aforesaid prophet, and they still believed it until he was "killed" not simply dead; all pf this happened before he failed to complete his task,
Mendel: Ever since I heard Rabbi Kessin say that, all I could hear in my head was the sound of children singing ''we want Moshiach Now''....
ReplyDeleteFor other readers like me who know no Jewish history, you can read about Bar Kochba/Rabbi AKiva/Moshiach if you click here
Devorah, thank you for sharing this. Thank you even more for continuing your blog. I turn to your blog for hope and reassurance. You would not believe how important the things you post are to me. You really help me to go on and not give up when life gets tough. May Hashem always bless you. From my heart, I bless you.
DeleteLook at Rabbi Chaim Vital in Dalet Ma'os Shekel Kesef - where Rabbi Chaim Vital clearly explains that Moshiach knows that he is Moshaich and only a few close disciples know that that He is Moshiach, however the majority of Yiddin do not accept him as Moshiach, especially Tofsai Torah. Rabbi Chaim Vital bases this on the Torah with regard to Yosef HaTzadik that his Brothers "Lo Hikiruhu". Rabbi Chaim Vital then states that Moshiach is hidden from the world until He is revealed so that the Whole World recognized Him as Moshiach.
ReplyDeleteAlways remember that Rabbi Kessin is basing everything on the RamChal.
Annie I have no idea, hopefully someone else will either correct you or answer your question.
ReplyDeleteTo Jennifer Brigman, i feel the same too regarding Devorah's blog.
ReplyDeleteGod bless you..
So allow me to end with these words, which I have partly taken from a song-
'When the going gets tough, the tough get going".
So i say:
'When the going gets tough..
Devorah's blog keeps me going"
And i really mean that, Devorah.
Bless You Devorah ..
Marie, beautifully said ❤ May Hashem bless you, too
DeleteLol that's funny Marie. I did not stop blogging because I wanted to, I had a problem with a shoulder injury... but once I said I would no longer blog, Hashem healed my shoulder.... well, it's on the mend it's still not 100% but I can now again type with both hands instead of one finger. Every time I have ever stopped blogging, so many people email me and complain that I feel like I have no choice anyway. This blog keeps me grounded and I learn a lot from peoples' comments as well.
ReplyDeleteWorth noting that Rabbi Berland also said Moshiach will come down on Seder night a few months ago
ReplyDeleteAnnie: your quote from Malachi 3 is true, but this is what is written on chabad:
ReplyDeleteThere is a tradition that Elijah the Prophet will come to the world and announce the imminent arrival of Moshiach. However, according to other opinions, Moshiach may arrive unannounced. Elijah would then arrive to assist in the peace process. Some suggest that if the Moshiach arrives in his predestined time, then Elijah will announce his arrival; but if Moshiach comes suddenly, then Elijah will appear after Moshiach has come.
As mentioned before, it is unclear as to exactly how these events will unfold. However, this uncertainty does not affect the general matter of Moshiach’s arrival.
If Mashiach doesn’t know he is Mashiach, then he needs Eliyahu to announce him, because no one else knows. If he doesn’t know it himself, then Hashem needs to “activate” him and infuses him with the extraordinary energies he needs to complete Mashiach”.
ReplyDeleteIt doesn’t make sense that he would know on his own, because if he did, how did he know? Did Hashem “speak” to him? Does he have all his kohos without the zap from Hashem? Something doesn’t add up here.
Regarding the comments about Rav Berland, His comments were not necessarily made as nevua and their realization can be on different levels that not everybody can always perceive.
ReplyDeleteTherefore there is no situation of 'false prophet'.
Rebbe Nachman says that every tzaddik is the concept of Mashiach. He also says that everyone needs to listen to the tzaddikim of the generation because they are all the face of the Shechina. It comes out from these statements that every true sage has a uniqueness that no one else has: for example Avraham Avinu was the first Jew. Moshe was the greatest prophet yet when shown the classroom teachings of Rebbe Akiva he did not understand them. Likewise for the uniqueness of every tzaddik.
Ultimately, Mashiach will reveal the uniqueness and goodness of every aspect of reality, Jewish, Non- Jewish, everything. Therefore we must emulate this by always searching the good in everything and growing the positive aspects. If a little light dispels much darkness (evil, negativity, bad etc.) then great positivity and focusing on good will transform everything to good.
This was the Lubavitcher Rebbe's approach, he never ever focused on gloom and doomsday scenarios and focused on increasing the good and the positive.
I find it very interesting that Rebbe Nachman says that even Mashiach dies. This obviously does not mean that his teachings will die! Mashiach's teachings continue and get increasingly enhanced ( more comprehensible, more influencing etc.) until the resurrection of the dead where all the tzaddikim of the previous generations will make a circle dance with 'Hashem' in the middle of the circle.
too many people see the concept of Mashiach as a sports competition and do not understand that all true tzaddikim have their own irreplaceable mission.All the holy Tannaim and Amoraim and Rashi and the Rambam and all the awesome tzaddikim until our very own generation's Tzaddikim will have their teachings shine forever. Mashiach will encourage this unity and we should try to emulate this approach.
Jordan Wing
in that case Jordan, perhaps it is not smart to publish such sensational posts saying ''At 10 o’clock on Tu B’Av, David will be revealed'' because that is a positive statement and the writer of that post did not give us an alternative meaning. If there is another meaning, then that should have been stated. As it is, hundreds of people have read it, many of whom expect to see Moshiach revealed on 15 Av. When that does not happen, some of those people may lose faith. It is a serious business to blog about Moshiach.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that Rabbi Berland is already a controversial figure, and also known as a tzaddik amongst some Gedolim, is not helping the situation.
When a holy man says something like that, people tend to take him seriously. When that prediction [or whatever it was] does not occur, we lose faith. That is not something we want to happen, and I for one as a serious Geula blogger need to address it, as I only just put the Rav Berland blog back on the Blog Roll and i have unwittingly played into this scenario.
If Rav Berland is talking above our heads, and we do not understand what he really means, then statements such as this should not be put on the internet, for all the reasons I have just stated.
And that is why I have now again removed that blog from the BLog Roll, and it is why I removed it previously. It is not up to me to make decisions about people, and if something is over my head I do not see it as being applicable to my own blog. I'll stick to the things I do understand.
ReplyDeletePS: WHen the Lubavitcher Rebbe gave over difficult concepts, he always brought it down to a level that everyone could understand.