The Satan is dying. Moshiach is coming and the Satan knows his time is almost up, and he's fighting to hold on and everyone is doing their darndest to remove the President. Rabbi Kessin has told us this for many years now.
As we rapidly rush towards 5780, there is an item that has gone viral all over the internet, and that is the story of Rabbi Kaduri and the Israeli election. [which I told you about back in June] But there's more to this story, if you have not yet seen it somewhere else.
A report in Israel's daily Yisrael Hayom this week addressed a report that's been spread recently on WhatsApp groups and social media that Rav Yitzchak Kaduri zt''l predicted the current situation of the deadlock between Likud and Blue and White and the fights between the right and left.
The message on social media says that a ''sefer named U'Shevuato L'Yishchak'' which Rav Kaduri wrote in his youth, was recently found in the yeshiva of mekubalim Nachlas Yitzchak. A prediction was found in the sefer saying ''On the eve of the year 5780, the Year of Tikkunim, there won't be a government in Israel for an extended period of time. The camps will quarrel greatly with each other without reaching any decision. And then, on the day of Rosh Hashanah, the sitra achra [literally the other side - evil] will fight with the sitra d'kedusha [side of holiness] in Shamayim [Heaven] and HaKodesh Baruch Hu and His Legions will decide between them. This is all I can reveal, and from herein on I swore not to reveal more secrets.''
The report adds that ''In the ancient sefer ''The Bris of the Persimmon'' written by the mekubal R' Sasson Chai Shoshani who was called the ''Navi from Mitzrayim'', there is a wonderful quote which has special meaning during these days: 'The day will come that two ministers will win the government in Israel. The name of both will be Binyamin and neither will succeed in establishing a government. On that day you should know and understand that Moshiach is already standing by the door and on the Shabbos afterward, He will come and reveal Himself.'
Yisrael Hayom spoke to Moshe N, who is the assistant of R' Yosef Kaduri, Rav Yitzchak Kaduri's grandson, and the Rosh Yeshivah of Nachlas Yitzchak. ''In the yeshiva, there's all types of handwritten documents from Rav Kaduri with holy names and similar things that we keep in the safe' Moshe said. 'These are passed down from generation to generation, secretly - only between the mekubalim - and it's forbidden to reveal them.'
'In writings based on the kaballah of R' Sasson Chai Shoshani, Rav Kaduri speaks about the Geula and that before Moshiach comes they won't be able to form a government. So what was publicized [on social media] is very close to what is written in the documents, but the wording of the published report is not exact. The chavrusa of Rav Kaduri, Chacham Menachem Menashe, the author of Ahavas Chaim, wrote similar things. He wrote in the name of R' Sasson Chai Shoshani in Parshat Ki Tavo, the parsha we read this past Shabbat, on what will be at the end of days, how there will be a war with the Erev Rav about Shabbat and how the Erev Rav will have the majority.'
'The documents of Rav Kaduri say something similar but it's written in a more detailed way and it speaks specifically about this year as a year that can turn into a year of Geula. It doesn't say ''elections'' - that's an intepretation - but it writes about the fight between two different sides in Am Yisrael, that this is a stop on the way to Geula and one of it's signs. Ultimately, the Geula is dependent only on us, Am Yisrael.'
[YWN Israel Desk - Jerusalem]
Thank you for posting this, Devorah. We are indeed in auspicious times and Elul is propitious enough as it is. May all of the tzaddikim's words inspire us to do the requisite teshuvah and may we speedily and soon see the Geulah!
ReplyDeleteThanks Leah - I’m exhausted - running around - can’t even find energy to blog - but this one was vital 馃榾
ReplyDeletewhy do these always come out after the facts?
ReplyDeleteThere's several possible answers to that question Nathan. I can think of a couple.
ReplyDeleteFirstly, if you read the post,it says: Yisrael Hayom spoke to Moshe N, who is the assistant of R' Yosef Kaduri, Rav Yitzchak Kaduri's grandson, and the Rosh Yeshivah of Nachlas Yitzchak. ''In the yeshiva, there's all types of handwritten documents from Rav Kaduri with holy names and similar things that we keep in the safe' Moshe said. 'These are passed down from generation to generation, secretly - only between the mekubalim - and it's forbidden to reveal them.'
In other words there's a lot of documents, and it's forbidden to reveal them.
Secondly, even if it wasn't forbidden, there's a lot of documents. And sometimes, just as with the Torah Codes, things need to happen before we are made aware of them. I would say that is the case here. They are certainly not going to publish any or all of Rav Kaduri's writings if they are forbidden to be published, and just as the date of Moshiach is hidden from us, so is certain knowledge hidden from us, until after it has occurred.
Isn’t it amazing how this became public just at this juncture in the crisis in Israel?
ReplyDeleteAnd I know how you feel, me too the shopping and preparing is ALMOST on par with Pesach. Still have much cooking to do. I get organic farm eggs delivered but I ran out after making some gf challah, and couldn’t make some more things. Had to wait. Ulgh.
Are you going to post your Honey Cake again this year?
Ksiva v”Chasima Tovah
Wishing you a good sweet year awaiting Mashiach!
Thank you Neshama, here is a link to my recipe for Honey Cake
ReplyDeleteFor all of your efforts, Devorah, may you be blessed to have strength and peace!!!!