Last night I reluctantly started to watch The Family. I have never watched anything that involves Xtianity and when I say I watched it reluctantly, I am totally serious. There were several times I almost turned it off, but I forced myself to continue watching.
The main reason I turned it on in the first place was because of the topic coming up on Tomer Devorah's blog, and I wanted to know what all the fuss was about. And there was also my own blog post where I thought Trump's ''chosen'' comment was a joke. I don't think that anymore.
After watching one episode of The Family, I now understand that when Donald Trump looked up and said he was the Chosen One, he was totally serious. Devash is right.
This of course confuses everything for me. Until now, I have thought that Trump was working towards our Moshiach, but I now think he is working towards a Xtian messiah, and I am re-reading all of Tomer Devorah's posts with a new outlook.
Truthfully, I don't know what to think about the future right now.
For those of you who have not seen The Family, and I'm sure that is nearly all of you, I suggest you watch it as reluctantly as I did. It is full of references to JC and it is difficult to sit through I admit, but at the same time it will remove any delusions you may have regarding current events.
I would like to contact Rabbi Kessin and discuss this with him, but I have no access to him. Someone reading this who does have access to Rabbi Kessin, please make him sit down and watch The Family.
Update: Just saw this on Instagram: Trump's latest post - watch out !
Update: Just saw this on Instagram: Trump's latest post - watch out !
![]() |
''Departing MCAS Cherry Point in North Carolina for Fayetteville, North Carolina. This is amazing!'' - President Donald Trump |
They have taken the Torah teaching of ''blessing rests on that which is hidden'' and used it to hide themselves...and their deception. Twisted Torah... that is what Xtianity is.
ReplyDeleteDevorah, am glad you read all of Devash's posts because she is one of the rare ones who is focusing a lot on the missionizing, etc. that is going on but which a minority of Jews are aware of. This is the real danger because this is a 'war', but a spiritual one. As long as we are aware of what's really happening behind the scenes, we are on guard. The media in Israel is also part of this agenda and that's why very little is publicized on this. The media has been corrupted everywhere.
ReplyDeleteDevorah, Why are you being taken in by a Netflix series? Do you know the agenda of the writers and producers? Sounds like yet another anti-Republican or anti-religion Liberal Hollywood hit piece that's trying to portray Trump as a white supremacist nut job who's in the pocket of some evil cabal.
ReplyDeleteTrump is not a religious Christian. Don't you remember the gaffe he made during his campaign in front of, I believe, an evangelical audience? He referenced "Two Corinthians" rather than "Second Corinthians", and was mocked for days and weeks over it. Anybody with even a cursory knowledge of the Christian bible knows it's "Second Corinthians".
This kind of post suits Tomer Devorah's blog, not yours.
Having seen Rabbi Kessin's shiurim, and I'm familiar with the "chosen" wording, I don't think its representing Christianity. I think Trump believes he has a special role and the reference of a chosen one was started by someone interviewing him shortly beforehand. He didn't start that saying, he only repeated what the interviewer said. I think though that Hashem is having Trump use these words not knowing how on target he really is as we see many times in Chazal.
ReplyDeleteI’ve only watched one episode so far but I can see why Devash is feeling the way she does. Until now I did not understand. Whether or not Trump is with us or with ‘them’ I cannot say - I would like rabbi Kessin to discuss it that’s all - I don’t really see any agenda in the Netflix series - it exposed everyone Democrat’s and republicans - i haven’t been ‘taken in’ just educated about something that is hidden from view - excuse typos I am on my phone. I’m interested to hear everyone’s thoughts esp if you watch The Family on Netflix as painful as it may be 🤷♀️
ReplyDeleteN. Scharf I also thought that until I watched The Family.
ReplyDeleteYou've not been educated, you've been influenced by a leftist conspiracy theory. Always a good idea to be very, very critical when evaluating Hollywood productions that have a political bias.
ReplyDeleteLook at the reviews by non-leftist sources. Here's one (and the writer does not seem to be a fan of Trump):
"If you can get past its smug disdain for conservative views, The Family offers a fair critique of Trump’s character and the Christians who stump for him. But its assertion that Christians such as Coe own the religious Right is tabloid fiction."
Anon @ 11.22 - I wouldn’t call it a Hollywood production it’s more like a documentary or reality recreation - the writer is ‘half Jewish’ but not sure which half! 😀 and he lived with the Family - it’s his story . I believe it all - it’s not sensationalist it’s just the truth as far as I can tell anyway.
ReplyDeleteYou could be right Dee Dee I’m still confused but I felt the need to do this blog post as I do feel I’ve had my eyes opened to certain things I did not know previously. I am very ignorant of this kind of stuff generally speaking.
ReplyDeleteBut it’s not about Trump - it’s all of them - Bush Clinton Reagan / all of them - in fact Trump so far has not even been mentioned - like I said I’m only up to the first episode.
ReplyDeleteDevorah, Keep your thoughts and eyes only on Hashem..
ReplyDeleteHashem watches... Hashem knows... Hashems will and only H-s will, will prevail..
Amen v'amen.
Devorah, I'm not really sure what you're confused about. When you say you don't know "whether or not Trump is with us or with ‘them’" - what do you mean? Trump is not Jewish. He has roots in some denomination of Christianity, although he's not a very religious man. I very much doubt he looks at his presidency in messianic terms of any sort.
ReplyDeleteSure, he hears such ideas from his Evangelical supporters and maybe even from his religious Jewish supporters. Does that mean he conducts his daily affairs as though he's bringing about a Christian end-times prophesy or a Jewish Mashiach prophesy? I highly doubt it.
Trump is a president who loves America and sincerely wants to do good things for his country after 8 disastrous years with Obama. Is he more than that? Who knows. Rabbi Kessin has some very interesting theories about Trump's unique role as a "Messianic figure" in the redemption of Eisav. Is he right? Again - who knows. I'm just grateful that Trump's been good to Israel and that Obama is gone.
Dee Dee I hope you are right and I feel you are - but my doubts were brought on by that chosen line which is their mantra throughout the show - and Marie yes of course
ReplyDeleteYou can go on YI or Torahthinking,com.
ReplyDeleteYou can see if they have contact people who know Rabbi Kessin contact information.
The first (I just checked it).
Thanks Adina, maybe I will message someone on FB, just hoping they would see this blog post because I prefer to stay anonymous :)
ReplyDeleteNothing gives me greater joy than seeing Shalom between Devorah and Devash.
ReplyDeleteThat said, I believe you're both mistaken here. It's true that President Trump believes he was chosen by Hashem. We see this from his response to Jake Turx right after he was elected. However, the President is only mildly religious. His self-described chosenness is much more likely to be on the level of The Matrix's "The one" or even as trivial as Toy Story's "I have been chosen" than any Xtian Fundamentalist concept portrayed in a docuseries.
If he's a Xtian Fundamentalist, his life story has a funny way of showing it.
That makes a lot of sense Yaak. I'll get back to you in the third quarter, after I've watched another few episodes. Not that it will change anything you have just said, but just to satisfy my own curiosity about what comes next and what they actually say about Trump himself. Your rational approach is very helpful, I do tend to jump to conclusions, but it really was that ''chosen'' word that kept coming up....
ReplyDeletedon't think too much and trust in H'
ReplyDeleteTrump is a mystery man. no one knows what he's thinking (perhaps even himself). His daughter is after all a convert to judaism so there's something special about him.
He is also not so devout religiously as evidenced by his life of promiscuity
my $0.02
All true, Yosef.
ReplyDeleteOne should not entertain or believe anything coming from hollyweird as they are firmly ensconced in the DS. They will do anything to upend the elected sitting President. Once the xtian ideology enters your brain it is there forever, and will be scrutinized at 120. One must replace the foreign ideologies with Torah true hashkafa. This is what Rabbi has said is what needs to be worked on. It should be recognized that after thousands of years enmeshed in the non-Jewish “culture” we are not immune. Safeguard your exposure and what you allow to enter your mind. We are now witnessing a war between the forces of “G” and “E”, being played out in the media, all over the world. It will get even messier and more confusing.
ReplyDeleteWe are being tested for our devotion to HaShem, G-d, in these days before the culmination of our Geula and the appearance of Mashiach.
Yaak, I can confirm that Donald Trump is absolutely NOT a fundamentalist Christian or any kind of Christian save in name only. What is important to know is that the people behind and above him ARE. But if you look back every decade until the eighties, in many interviews and articles, Trump was always talking about becoming president. His reality TV show was conceived as a vehicle for carrying him to the White House.
ReplyDeleteThese people plan far ahead and they come from both sides. Interestingly, the 2016 Democratic candidate had a Catholic running mate and a Jewish son-in-law. The 2016 Republican candidate, as you know, had a Catholic running mate and a Jewish son-in-law. "They" were prepared for either contingency. Trump WAS chosen, but so was Obama. Think long-term plans. Could a Trump have ever been elected if an Obama had not come first?
I know some of this because I was there near the beginning and got involved at a grassroots level until I saw it for what it was. Just another stop on my journey to the Truth.
The main take-away from all this is to understand that we have no "friends" and Jews in chu"l are in danger. We have to stop living like we are still in the ghetto and stop looking for salvation to come from some goy "Cyrus," who, if you didn't know, turned on the Jews after giving permission to rebuild the Temple and advised our enemies to harass us into stopping the work since he could not rescind his order by Persian law.
Yes, ain od milevado. Absolutely, they cannot win in the end, but it's a war and the Torah itself obligates us to fight, even when we know the final outcome is assured.
Devorah, I appreciate and admire your intellectual honesty and your moral courage. Thank you.
I don’t think it’s safe to admire me yet as I am basically clueless on this matter but I do know how I felt last night and this morning when I blogged this - to be continued after further episodes - and don’t worry Neshama I could never be taken in by the fraud that is Xtianity
ReplyDeleteDevash I agree with you about the people around him influencing him - that is ''The Family'' of meshuggena Xtians which the documentary is all about.
ReplyDeleteI'm not so sure though that he always knew or wanted to be President, I think he was as surprised as everyone else when he was elected......I think that whole thing was a result of the insults thrown at him at the Correspondents Dinner that started it all and he decided to run for President there and then.
Just one example...
ReplyDeleteDonald Trump Teases a President Bid During a 1988 Oprah Show
Devorah, Trump was put into office by the “Patriots”, and these are specific people in the military etc, who have long been wanting to curb and oust the DS. Yes, Trump spoke about the presidency, a long time ago, after the JFK assassination. He was very close to JFK Jr. The Patriots are the people behind Trump moreso than any evangelical. The evans are out in the public, as non-Jews supporting the State of Israel. Whatever their duplicitous purpose may be (and we all know who they are hoping for), they are all under the watchful Eye of Hashem. One should never doubt that Hashem is running the show. Remember, we are ALL being tested.
ReplyDeleteDevorah, did not think you would be taken-in by the x’s, but only put into that old and familiar area of “doubt”, which is what Amalek is all about.
Wishing you clarity and a strengthening of Emunah and Bitachon. :-)
I agree with Neshama, we cannot fall prey to Amalek. I am holding by R. Kessin on this one. Not just because of is great learning, but because I agree and KNOW it is an open miracle that he is our president right now.
ReplyDeleteNo, he is not the Messiah. But he is certainly in office because that is what HaShem has decreed.
We should honor Trump if for NO OTHER REASON than what he did for Israel and Jerusalem.
Human beings are complicated. And HaShem uses imperfect people all the time to further His plans. Torah is filled with them! We need to stop expecting anyone to be 'perfect' in this world. But it is useful to look for people who are headed in the DIRECTION of perfection. :-)
Remember the story R. Kessin told that another Rabbi said that in the end of days it would LOOK like the offering of BAAL was the one that was accepted? That's the kind of test we are up against. Stay strong. All is in the hands of the Holy One Blessed be He!!!
It's so boring I jumped to the last episode, number 5. It starts with a journalist interviewing Trump in 2015, who admits to being a ''religious person'', but he doesn't follow the Xtian rules, he says he does not bring God into the picture, he does not ask God for forgiveness - he just tries to make it right, and do better from then on. So Trump does not follow the rules of Xtianity as set out by The Family.
ReplyDeleteI feel like I wasted a few hours watching this trash, but on the other hand I did get an inkling of what Devash is saying. HOWEVER, my final conclusion is that Devash is worrying for no good reason. I can't see that these stupid hypocritical Xtians will get anywhere with any of their plans, mainly because it is all based on lies and distortions. Trump is his own man, and even in the final episode [so far] they had nothing to say about him really. All he does is hold the morning prayer sessions, which are pretty harmless.
So I'm back to my old opinion, everyone here will be happy to know. I'm older and wiser and Devash I'm afraid I still don't share your dire doom-filled predictions. Because if Trump does feel 'chosen' it doesn't matter, he always felt chosen. Don't waste time worrying about these meshuggenas, it's a wasted batch of energy in my opinion.
Again, with your last comment, Devorah, I cannot agree with you. Devash is absolutely right. Her explanation is clear in her above comment. Trump is who he is and I think he is a basically genuine human being, meaning he is basically honest. What's on his lungs are on his tongue! This is not about him. I have been reading Tomer Devorah's blog for a number of years and she is always SPOT ON! What she writes about has nothing to do with the president personally; it is about a battle being waged in Eretz Yisrael by Esav/Yishmael/Erev Rav, all united to undo Torah Judaism and to have a one world religion, c'v, replacing Torah, c'v, with a mishmash of basic Judaism mixed together with every avodah zorah,r'l, there is. The xtians expect to rule from Yerushalayim, c'v. This is a spiritual war and the Jews (as proven by the above comments) are so unaware of what's really going on that they confuse everything pointing in the wrong and different directions. As long as the Jews allow for the goyim to have a hold in E.Y. with their missionary work with such a speed, it will lead to wars and terror for the Jews everywhere; it is the Torah that keeps us safe. When will we wake up and learn the truth (the FACTS, FACTS)?
ReplyDeleteYes I agree with you about all of that, as far removed from it as I am being in Australia I understand what you're saying. But why the hatred of Trump ? What has he done that Devash hates him so much? that I don't understand.
ReplyDeleteI love your blog so much. I did not want to answer you in public because I did not want to interrupt the Jewish people who were commenting. I am a bat Noach. I do not believe in Jesus. I was raised a xtian and was in the church until I was almost 40, in 1999. I read your worries and it touched my heart. This is one time, that my time as a xtian can be useful.
ReplyDeleteThe xtians have a totally different concept of moshiach than the Jews do. They are absolutely waiting for the man they say was crucified to return as their king. They believe that he has been resurrected these past two thousand years, but he has been waiting in heaven for a signal from his father (G-d forbid) telling him to go down to earth and begin ruling. You will probably find this surprising, but the xtians believe that there will be a seven year period of tribulation that will occur before Jesus reveals himself. They believe in an anti-christ who will come at the beginning of the seven year period and who will be destroyed by Jesus.
I do not believe in xtianity. I am only telling you this because I want you to know that if Donald Trump ever made the mistake of declaring himself to be the messiah, every pastor in America would turn against him immediately and declare him the anti-christ. He would lose the support of all the xtians. I am glad that most of the Jewish people on your blog do not know this. This makes me happy because it means that they have not been targeted by xtian missionaries.
I hope that this will encourage you and strengthen you. I pray that Hashem will allow us to keep this president who loves Israel. May Hashem watch over Am and Eretz Yisroel. May He send the Geula with sweetness and not harsh judgments. May Hashem bless you. I love your blog more than I could ever tell you. I find strength in your words. I love Rabbi Kessin and Rabbi Alon Anava and Rabbi Mizrachi. I also love Rav Kook, although I often wonder what he though about us non-Jewish believers in Torah. My children and I have wanted to convert for many years but we have not yet been able to move to a place with an Orthodox shul. May Hashem bless you, Devorah. From my soul, I bless you.
You can take the Jews out of Golus but we need to take the Golus out of the Jews!!
ReplyDeleteAfter all these years we are tainted and blinded by the experience, except those hanging on by their nails.
Mashiach will arrive to save us.
Believe it unconditionally.
Some people have an axe to grind because of their past experiences and can adopt a frame of mind and particular outlook because of it. It’s called prejudice. And many of us “suffer” from it.
Kol haKavod Devorah!
ReplyDeleteThis kind of talk is a distraction and what is known as “Devarim Beteilim” - frivolous talk, which is the work of the Yetzer Hora.
History has ALWAYS taught us time and again, NO MATTER how good times are and how comfortable we might be and NO MATTER how good society and THEIR LEADERS have been to us the tide can always turn in an instance against us, G-d forbid.
NEVER be complacent. We are living in Golus (exile).
All the world's a stage and it is Hashem our true Master, who orchestrates all!
Let's direct focus on a different kind of Trump(et) - the Shofar!
The daily shofar blasts are intended to rouse us from complacency and jolt us into repentance.
We are in the month of Elul - The month prior to the Jewish New Year is a time of introspection and personal stock-taking*. Studying Torah, Teshuvah (repentance), Tefillah (prayer), Tzedakah (righteous acts).
As for the "chosen" one. "CHOSEN" meaning to be in a COVENANT WITH G-D! (JEWS being the CHOSEN PEOPLE, "You shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation" [Exodus 19:3-6] ).
“To "bring” G–d to the people, and to elevate the people to be nearer to G–d. The purpose of the Jews is to bring G–d to the world and the world closer to G–d.*
*There is only ONE Moshiach (Messiah) (and ONE REDEMPTION! [GEULAH]) and this is one of the FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF THE JEWISH FAITH. In Talmudic literature the title Moshiach, or Melech HaMoshiach (the King Messiah), is reserved for the JEWISH LEADER who will redeem Israel in the End of Days.
He will rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem, and gather Jews from all over the world and bring them back to the Land of Israel. All the nations of the world will recognize Moshiach to be a world leader, and will accept his dominion.*
We all work together collectively as KLAL YISROEL toward the coming of Moshiach.
Our real purpose in the world of a jew is action (rather than words), our goal - to HASTEN the redemption by following and learning the Torah, performing Mitzvos (good deeds) , Avodah (service of G-d), Gemilus Chasodim (Acts of goodnss and kindness).
If we are found deserving today, G‑d will not delay the Redemption even one extra moment.
May this Elul be the last and final call of the Shofar which will usher in the redemption with Moshiach Tzidkeinu. Omein!
Devash: you call Trump a ''Cyrus''.... Rabbi Kessin says Trump is Eisav in the form of a reincarnated Marcus Aurelius - he does not say he is Cyrus although I believe other people do. Anyway I just thought I'd mention that because Rabbi Kessin speaks about it in his latest video - I know you are not in agreement with Rabbi Kessin and probably don't listen.
ReplyDeleteJust to clarify, I don't think Trump is Cyrus, but a great many people have bought into that without considering "the rest of the story."
ReplyDeleteSomething you said earlier though has stuck with me. You said, " far removed from it as I am being in Australia." I understand that you were talking about your physical distance from events in Jerusalem, but you should just know that you may not be as "far removed" as you imagine. Your Australian Democratic Christian party was represented at the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast.
"Rev. Hon. Fred Nile and I, along with Robyn Peebles and other Australians, were so honoured to take part in this great historical event." (Source)
Your government has also been infiltrated with Dominionists like every other government on earth at this point. If Mashiach continues to delay, you may yet have to deal with the consequences. It's something every Jew is going to have to confront. "Forewarned is forearmed" is not just a nice phrase in my opinion.
As far as Rav Kessin, I was one of his biggest fans when I wrote this nearly a decade ago: Rav Kessin: "Just Before Mashiach". He used to stick very close to the sources, but in recent times, something happened. He's bringing a lot of chidushim that no one I know can find a previous source for and which actually contradicts the sources we do know. This is very problematic in my view and in the view of my own rav. As I'm sure you are aware, I do not speak against him, but I won't promote him either. I feel his current track is dangerously misleading.
Sorry, left this off the previous comment. It's a list of the Dominionist leaders in Australia.
ReplyDeleteACAL-Australia Coalition of Apostolic Leaders
Rev. Dr. John and Alaine McElroy, Convenors
Churchlands Christian Fellowship,Leader
Southern Cross Association of Churches, Founding Director
Julie Shannon, Victoria Regional Director
Trish Stuart Smith, Tazmania Regional Leader
Sue Baynes, Queensland Regional Leader
Ken Graham South Australia Regional Leader
David Balestri, New South Wales Regional Leader
Kathy Apelt, Member
Glen Rowbotham, Member
As far as I’m aware one of the sources for the ‘tov sh’b’Eisav’ is the fact that his head is buried in the cave of Machpela. I am not a history scholar though. I sincerely doubt that a man of Rabbi Kessins knowledge would come up with a chiddush not based on fact. Two rabbis equals three opinions and now we have the option of leaving questions such as these on Rabbi Kessins Facebook page.
ReplyDeleteI don’t doubt what you say about Australia’s involvement - I just don’t follow politics much so you would know much more than I on that point.
ReplyDeleteFred Nile is the only person you mention that I have even heard of / all the others are total nobodies here. Never heard of them. And I doubt if any other Aussie has heard of them either.
ReplyDeleteAlso... everything Rabbi Kessin says makes perfect sense. And if it makes sense, it's very believable. Not only does he explain it all and make sense of it for us, he is a psychologist and adept at understanding human nature. I wish other rabbis would explain current events to us, but he is the only one that I know of who is doing it. I don't have anyone to compare him to, because there isn't anyone doing what he is doing. If he is wrong, I feel that he would be very open to discussion about it, especially with another rabbi who is on his level of learning. I see him as a very humble man, and a sincere man, and certainly that's how he comes across in all his videos.
ReplyDeleteSources Regarding Eisav's Head Buried In The Cave of Machpelah:
ReplyDeleteAccording to Midrashic sources, when Jacob died, Esau tried to stop Jacob’s sons from burying their father in the Cave of Machpelah. While fleet-footed Naftali ran to Egypt to retrieve the deed to Machpelah in order to prove their ownership, Dan’s deaf-and-mute son, Hushim, saw the commotion and cut off Esau’s head. It rolled into the cave and came to rest in the bosom of his father Isaac, where it remains buried until today.*
The Seforim HaKedoshim say that Eisav's head was buried in Meoras HaMachpela because intellectually he was a great man. The Chida goes as far as saying that Eisav's mind was one thousand times greater than Yaakov's!
Reb Yeruchom says Eisav's downfall was that he felt his place was in the field rather than in Yeshiva. They both spent time in the field and in Yeshiva, but when Eisav was in Yeshiva his mind was in the field and Yaakov was the opposite. "This attitude," says, Reb Yeruchom, "is the fine defining line between the greatest Rasha and the Avos HaKedoshim." *