Tuesday, September 15, 2020

5781 Predictions

Thanks to Nonee for sending this to me.  I haven't listened to this Rabbi before:  Rabbi Aaron L. Raskin with some ''predictions'' for the new year.

5781 - ''I will show you wonders'' - the Talmud says that any year that begins with poverty will end with tremendous wealth.  

This lecture is well worth a listen - many good things to hear and iy''H they will all happen.  


  1. I got as far as the vaccine and then quit listening. If he thinks a vaccine is going to be a blessing, how can you trust anything else he has to say?

  2. Devash your comment came thru as I was about to type an email to a friend regarding the nonsense I keep reading and hearing about vaccines, masks, lockdowns, conspiracies......

    firstly I don't believe there will ever be a vaccine, - covid will just disappear by itself. That has nothing to do with Trump's saying so, but because I believe it was sent for a reason by Hashem, and will be removed when Hashem wants it removed.

    But hypothetically, if there WAS a vaccine and it did work then it would be a blessing. I don't believe in the micro chip and poison vaccine that some of you feel is coming our way. The only population control will be from Hashem.

    All the dire predictions including the ''summer war'' of 5780 did not happen. We have however spent a lot of time in lockdowns and many gedolim, esp in America, have died from this covid. And now Israel will be locked down for Yomtov, which sounds ridiculous, but so is everything else lately.

    And I also believe that the coming year will be a year of wonders and abundance as the Rabbi says above. I only see positive things happening, not the negatives. I am optimistic and hopeful.

    Wishing you and everyone a fantastic 5781 and the coming of Moshiach

  3. Thank you Devorah... this has been an extremely perplexing time, with only Hashem as the constant and guiding light. You are quite right in all that you write above. Thank you Devorah for resuming your blog. It is my go to many times through the day, for chizuk and quality Torah articles and links. Wishing all a safe, joyous 5781... may we all rejoice in the rebuilding of the Beis HaMidash and uniting together in Coronating Hashem KING!!

  4. Devash - I hear you. Of course one who thinks the vaccine will be the blessing....(will leave the rest unsaid...) - yet I'm also very open to the idea that Hashem can orchestrate that if it should be that the vaccine should come out - perhaps it can be a blessing for all the righteous and destruction for the wicked. How/When/Where/etc. - I can't answer - yet Hashem most certainly can!!! Time will tell. Be'ezras Hashem the upcoming year of 5781 will be a special one! Hashem holds the reigns and He alone chooses how to go about the course.

  5. Shana Tova to you Devorah! May this be the year we receive Moshiach's arrival and the world recognizes Hashem as their G-d!!!


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