Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Have the Events of 5781 been Predicted 30 Years Ago ?

 An incredible note from the Lubavitcher Rebbe says so.  Rabbi Mendel Kaplan explains in the video below.

Thank you Chaya for sending this to me.  I'm listening to it now, but already want to share it...

I recommend this shiur because it is so full of wonders and miracles, it will give you all a lot of chizzuk, in preparation for the coming Year of Wonders which is going to be shown to us, iy''H.


  1. Toda, Devorah!!

    Just finished hearing it... and i feel such a peace and joy within me- my soul and my body.

    May Hashem bless you for posting this.. bless you for your blog, Hashem bless this Rabbi, looking forward to Part2.
    I love the Rebbe, and have experienced even as a non-Jew, things that i see as miracles in my life.

    Thanks again...
    Hashem is King.. Hashem bless Eretz Israel.


  2. I"m glad it made you happy, I felt the same way.
    And I know quite a few non Jews who experienced the Rebbe's miracles.

  3. We need hope in a much better world

  4. dm: your unpublished comment is not only completely false information, it is motzri shem ra just two days before Rosh Hashanah. I can assure you that what you wrote is nonsense, and anyone who subscribes to those feelings needs to do a cheshbon hanefesh and look into their own souls to understand why they feel the need to slander others. By not publishing your comment, I have done you a huge favour, as your destructive words will not be read by others.

  5. Encouraging shiur. Will you be posting the 2nd part to the video Devorah?
    Thank you for uploading this, much needed.

  6. Already published Tikvah Ruth, about 20 minutes ago...


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