Sunday, February 21, 2021

Worldwide Moshiach Event



  1. It would of been nice to of gotten a 'heads-up' about todays prayer.
    I saw this today, PASSED my 11:00 AM Eastern standard time!!!. Nothing was posted last week on Thursday or Friday to plan.

  2. I forgot about it, to be honest.... only remembered when I saw someone else post it on FB. I"m sure your prayers are still valid even if said later than the group time.

  3. Don't feel bad Devorah; I think most everyone forgot about it. I remember reading about its upcoming date 2/21, but as time passed, it was natural to forget (so much is happening in these crazy times). I was notified of it motzei Shabbat and e-mailed a number of people remind them about it. It seems most everyone forgot! But, H' knows what's in our hearts and every good thought and our tefilot will soon be answered with the coming of Moshiach tzdkeinu! Amen!

  4. So say it now! Just be grateful and say it with all your heart now. G-d is above time and space and will give full consideration to your prayer.

  5. Thanks to Devorah, I opened the site earlier in the morning and saw this. I was able to say it at 11 EST together with the rest of the planet.
    Thanks again, Devorah!


  6. Shavua Tov...

    Just read this on this blog. How horrid if that is true.

    Devorah, if you missed the event, perhaps it was Hashem that might have stopped you from following the decietful guy, posing as a Jew, but in disguise as a christian.


  7. Wow what a scammer. Thanks for that Nonee, I think it is something Devash should look into.

  8. It doesn't matter what the guy intended, when Jews prayed they prayed for the real Moshiach. His thoughts don't interfere with our prayers, our prayers are way above his thoughts.

  9. Yes, indeed you are right. I give your reply a thumbs up!!

    Indeedy, Hashem hears our prayers, our thoughts and sees our hearts.



  10. OUR PRAYERS, jews, observant, not oberant, non-jews, all tpgether directed to Hashem, make such an impact. and like said above i dondt think that anyone can derail them with their intentions.. with that said i was un able to follow that link... but in searching, i found this

    beH may we all keep praying to Hashem, The One and Only, and uniting together as much as we can, and doing our personal teshuva and revealing more of Hashem Light and truth in the world and may Hashem bring the moshiach and the geula shelema speedily


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