Monday, January 10, 2022

Deltacron's hint to Moshiach

As we know, Delta is the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet and it corresponds to the letter Daled in the Hebrew.  Omicron is the fifteenth letter of the Greek alphabet and it corresponds to the letter Ayin*.  These two letters combine to form the word עד . [the fact that Delta-Cron reads left to right and Hebrew reads from right to left means they are also in the correct order] 

Coincidence is G-d's way of remaining anonymous.

The word עד  means ''Until".

I think this is a hint that we will have Covid until Moshiach comes. 

Also these two specific letters - עד - are enlarged in the Torah scrolls in the passage of the Shema, the most important and well-known Hebrew prayer of all.

Interestingly, the same Hebrew root of the word Ad (A-U-D) {ע-ו-ד} also means witness and testimony. In fact one of the Hebrew names of the Ark of the Covenant is Aron Ha-Edut (ארון העדות)– literally means the Ark of the Testimony. [Source]

These are just some thoughts.... 

*Note: [received via email from Dov bar Leib] Omicron comes from Ayin, but Ayin is the 16th letter of the Hebrew AlephBet while Omicron is the 15th letter of the Greek Alphabeta. The discrepancy comes because while there is a 1 to 1 correspondence between all the letters between Aleph/Alpha and Ayin/Omicron, for some reason when the Hebrew letter is Vav (the 6th letter), the Greek alphabet skips the corresponding Greek letter. So after Dalet/Delta one goes to Hey/Epsilon, Zayin/Zeta, Chet/Eta, Tet/Theta, Yud/Iota, Kaf/Kappa, Lamed/Lambda, Mem/Mu, Nun/Nu, Samekh/Xi, Ayin/Omicron. Notice that the Greek alphabeta skips over the letter which corresponds with Vav.  

1 comment:

  1. Received via email from Dov bar Leib: 5782 is the 74th or עד year of Israel being a country.
    The 74th year is the end of חבלי משיח בעתה.[birthpangs of Moshiach in its time]
