Monday, January 24, 2022

Gaslighting and Geneivat Da'at

The term 'gaslighting' is used a lot these days.  The word originates from the 1944 movie 'Gaslight' in which a husband slowly manipulates his young wife into believing she is insane. 

Around the same time I was reading about gaslighting in an un-related book, one of my neighbours decided to gaslight me.  

She's done it before, and I had tried to ignore it and give her the benefit of the doubt that she's just stupid, but when she did it again.... AND I just happened to be reading a paragraph about it in a novel I'd randomly picked up to read....I decided that word was worth a bit of attention.

Gaslighting is actually geneivat da'at - theft of the mind.  It is the worst sin of all.... and you can read about it here.  Don't put up with it from anybody.  Walk away from them, don't argue with them, just move on.  

I think my lesson has finally been learnt B"H.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much. You always share things that teach me so much. May Hashem bless you.


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