Sunday, April 3, 2022

Third Rome: Russia, Ukraine and Moshiach

HT: Yaak

Rabbi Efraim Palvanov

This is the one of the most exciting and interesting shiurim I have ever heard. Highly recommended.

Did the ancient Jewish Sages prophecy the Russia-Ukraine war? What does the coming of Moshiach have to do with it? An eye-opening talk on the intertwined history of Rome, Moscow, Kyiv and the Jewish people.



  1. Efraim Palvanov's books are excellent.

  2. Yes I have his blog MayimAchronim listed in my Blog Roll.... if you're viewing the blog on a cell phone you can only see the Blog Roll if you "View Web Version" -there's a link to this at the bottom of whichever page of my blog you are viewing on your phone.

  3. This was excellent but what about China ?

  4. Thank you Devorah.


    This link sheds soeme light.

  5. Y'all may already know this, but for the record:
    Mar.22 on CHD - Ukraine govt. converting digital ID into wartime tool:

  6. Vladimir Putin's talking up of the use of nuclear weapons reminds one of the principle milchama nami ischalta d'geulah (Megillah 17).Fortunately Putin, who was once a KGB colonel, and has become a fervent born-again Russian Orthodox Xtian who talks apocalyptically of martyrdom with his enemies if Russia is attacked, seems to be a judophile.Yechezkel 38 and traditions from the Vilna Gaon, R.Dovid Luria, R.Shimshon of Ostropol and R.Moshe Shternbuch, indicate that war involving the Black Sea, Russia, Moscow, Tobolsk, Turkey, the Bosphorus, Dardanelles, Crimea, and the Strait of Kerch might be portents of Moshiach. The name 'Ukraine' derives from Ekron in the Tenach, the original Ukrainians being of Philistine origin (Sefer Hadras Chen, R.Noach Weintraub), and who in the future are destined to be uprooted - Ekron te'aker (Tzfaniya 2): "The Ukrainians have no right to a state nor independence!" (the Yenuka of Stolin)"For a fire is kindled in My nostrils that will burn to the depths of She'ol, and devour the earth and her produce and will set ablaze the foundations of the mountains" (Devorim 32). R.Boruch Horovitz shlita stated that a brocho should be instituted after every Shacharis that there hasn't yet been a nuclear war! "The USA must double and redouble its production of atomic bombs!" (R.Avigdor Miller 1984).Chassidus refers to the infinite chochmah of Hashem that is concentrated in matter as being the koach mah — "the potentiality of what is." The release of the vast energy in the atomic nucleus is a mere remez of this potential. Midrash Shir Hashirim 2 speaks of the Moshiach coming in a generation deserving of destruction, and indeed that will be capable of destroying itself.
    "The L-rd empties the earth and makes it waste and utterly despoiled.....the earth mourns and withers, the world languishes and fades away..... the earth also is defiled under its inhabitants; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore the curse has devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left.......desolation is left in the city and the gate is battered to ruins" (Yeshaya 24)."A noise shall reach even to the ends of the earth; for the L- rd has a quarrel with the nations . . . evil shall go forth from nation to nation, and a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth. And the slain of the L-rd shall be on that day from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth: they shall not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried; they shall be dung upon the ground" (Yirmiya 25)."And it shall come to pass that in all the earth two-thirds shall die . . . and I will bring the third through the fire and refine them . . . and this will be the punishment of the nations . . . their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their sockets, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth" (Zecharya 13 & 14). "Damascus will cease being a city: it will be a heap of ruins" (Yeshaya 17). " and brimstone and burning wind will be the portion of their cup" (Tehillim 11).With the power of the atom bomb a person can be standing, and then in the next second before he hits the ground, be completely consumed. Before the atom bomb, no weapon had the capability of such destruction: "The war of Gog and Magog will last 12 minutes" (Vilna Gaon).At the time when warships will come to attack Ashur and Ever (Syria and Iran?), Bilom in his last prophecy (Bamidbar 24) wailed: Oy mi yichyeh misumo E-l — "Woe! Who will survive when G-d does this?"."Near the time of the Geulah, all that will be left of the empire of Russia will be a little tree on a little hill!" (R.Nachman of Breslov).

  7. Putin is a Judophile. When he was a young boy, both his parents worked. He would go downstairs to visit an elderly Jewish couple, orthodox Jews, the man would study gemara and Putin liked to learn with him.

  8. is judophile a made up terminology?? please define


  9. Yes I think it is a made up word, meaning "love of Jews". I think the real word could be philosemite. I kinda like Judophile :) but I must admit I hadn't heard of any of these words until someone mentioned it in an email.

  10. There is a lot of talk about Gog and Magog, it is almost like people want war and loads of deaths because that will mean Moshicach is on his way. Hashem can bring moshiach whenever he wants. He can bring Moshiach without war and can CVS bring war without moshiach. We should be careful how we speak because our words can make things a reality in the world. As for all the prophecies, let Moshiach come and explain what they all meant. The wars and struggles can be internal and spiritual (not that thats any better) we just don't know. Therefore, May it be Hashem's will that Moshiach comes today and with Rachamim.


  11. I think this war with Russia/Ukraine IS the war of Gog u Magog. As the Rebbe said, Gog u Magog will not affect the Jews per se, it will be fought outside of Jerusalem, see

  12. This rabbi packs in lots of interesting info - he's really on the ball! If only I could find time to concentrate better and absorb this b'yishuv vodaas, that's how harried I am.

  13. when is Chatzot in the cosmic clock?

  14. Chatzot was 5750 [1990] on the cosmic clock.


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