The Erev Rav are the reincarnations of the ancient Egyptians who purposely came along and tried to join up with the Jewish people to stop the Redemption and the coming of Moshiach. Over the 3000+ years, they have been the thorns in our sides and caused us many, many tzarot. These Erev Rave are usually wealthy, influential and powerful in important positions. They can and are halachically by now Jewish but they do not have Jewish neshamot and that is why they can be such betrayers of Hashem, His Holy Torah and the Jewish people. They are not like your ordinary Jew who sins as every person sins. They had and have the one agenda and that is the destruction, c'v, of Torah/Judaism. They had the one mitzvah (not their choice) of bringing us back to the Land of Israel as a nation to be accepted by the nations of the world. I believe that is one of reasons that H' allowed Moshe Rabbeinu to let them come along. They had a lot to do with the shoah and the destruction of millions of our people and that was the reason the nations (UN) agreed to allow our people to return home. It was an extremely nasty path but we do not understand Hashem's Ways, but it always leads eventually to the good. Now, their time is almost up, and time for our Redemption is near, very near. May every true Yehudi merit the coming of Moshiach Tzdkeinu, in a blink of an eye, with kindness and mercy!
!!!!!! המשיח מופיע השנה משיח תשפ"ג מהרב חיים קנייבסקי זצ"ל
המשיח מופיע השנה גילוי מסעיר- מהרב חיים קנייבסקי זצ"ל לעם ישראל לפני הגאולה משיח תשפ"ג קרבים אתם להפתעות מאוד גדולות הן מצפון והן מדרום. עליכם להכין את הכלי - האמונה, הכלי האמיתי של הנשמה לקראת הבאות. הולכים אתם לעבור נסיונות גם מבית וגם מחוץ, עליכם להתחזק בעבודת הבורא ולהיזהר לא להיכשל בלבוש לא צנוע - כל בת ישראל שתרשה לעצמה להלך בלבוש לא צנוע ישפטו אותה דין מאוד קשה גם למטה וגם בשמים. אנכי פונה בפניה נרגשת זו בעיקר לבנות ישראל הקדושות והטהורות שיבינו שזאת זכות בעבורי לזכות אתכן לגאולה ולבקש מכן שתדעו שכל בת מלך היא בת מלך טהורה - קבלו על עצמכן לבוש צנוע מכף רגל ועד ראש. הגאולה ממש ממש בפתחה!! בימים הקרובים ובמהלך השבועות הקרובים יהיה מהפך מאוד גדול בעולם - אתם תרגישו זאת גם פה וגם סביבכם. השינויים הם מלחמות ואסונות טבע שיבואו בעולם. הפאות שבנות ישראל חובשות הן הכשלה גדולה ובכך שבנות ישראל מרבות להסתובב עם הפאות ועם לבושן הלא צנוע הנחש עצמו מסתובב וגורם להרבה נשמות מעם ישראל להיות כלי עבורו ולעזר להכשיל את עם ישראל. עם ישראל!! ניתנה לכם זכות אדירה - יש לכם אפשרות לשנות הגזירה. אומות העולם מנסות להכשילכם אך בזמן שיגיע רגע השליטה הקשה ביותר זה יהיה הנסיון הגדול שלכם - מי לחיים ומי למוות, מי לאמת ומי לשקר. עליכם לדעת שזה האות הגדול לקראת הגאולה וכך תהיה ההבדלה בינכם לבין הגויים. הערב רב שמח להכשילכם ולכן מבקש אנכי תפתחו שערי שמים - עליכם לזעוק ולהשמיע זעקתכם על מנת שתזכו לגאולה ברחמים ולביאת גואל צדק ברחמים, אמן.
@שערי הגאולה please if I may get a word to the Rebbe I am in need of a bracha. I am a gieress 13 years and have no auccess in shiduchim. I am an oleh for 8 years and font really leave Yerushalayim to visit there. Thank you Leah bat Sara
Hi, I'm a different"anonymous" than the one above. I just wanted to add to something Rav Kessin said, at around the 5 minute mark. He said that the Israeli government will now be more in line with the Torah because "Cheshvan was a messianic month and there was a solar eclipse." Since I learned that governments are chosen in Shamayim before they are elected in This World, it would seem that the Jewish People are deserving of a more Torah-friendly government. Good work, everyone!
2d anonymous here: He said there are 217 years left until 6000, he said there will need to be time for everything to be taken care of before the year 6000 to ready the world for the Future, and he mentioned 17 more years until 200. But I was listening pretty carefully here, because I dislike predictions, especially those that give us years until Moshiach, and he didn't say it would take that long. He didn't seem to be predicting, just talking about the time there is left and that there has to be time between Moshiach coming and the year 6000.Anyway, again, Moshiach will come "'b'hesech hadaas," when no one is expecting him, so I always assume that if someone is predicting his arrival, it won't happen that day that they are predicting. Anyway, Moshiach could come now, in the next few moments. That's the attitude we're supposed to live with, and looking at world events, it doesn't even seem so unlikely any more.
Agree with first Anon and Anon @4:22 pm. Moshiach is so close; people forget that there will be 200 years or so of the Messianic era where life will be bliss! Techiyat Hameitim has to begin 214 or so years before 6000. The 7th millenium is the Olam HaBah. We do not give dates but at this time in history, we definitely give approximate time limits. In other words, we pray that H' will show us great mercy by bringing us Moshiach within any moment and/or within the next few years. L'havdil, the evil ones have their agenda because they think they understand Torah and G-D's ways and are counting that everything will turn their way by the end of this decade. But, H' allows the wicked to go so far but in a blink of an eye, He cuts them down. Amen!
Anonymous שערי הגאולה , I am confused about where you are taking these predictions from if R Chaim is not with us anymore. Where did you get this from and how legit is it?
All 3 Wars if you put the numbers of the date each war started they all come out to the same Gematria numerical Value number of 68
World War 1 started on July 28 1914 That’s 7+28+19+14=68
World War 2 started on September 1 1939 That’s 9+1+19+39=68
Current Russian invasion to Ukraine War started on February 24 2022 That’s 2+24+20+22=68
Do you know what’s the Numerical Value of 68? Chaim/Life and what is the Message from Hashem? Hashem runs the entire world from every country to every tiny city to every person and it’s all in the Power and Hands of Hashem the decree of every person like we say on Rosh Hashanah every year Lchaim Vlo Lamavess. (To life and not vice versa to death Chas Vshalom)
My friend Rivky said to me yesterday that this is the plague of darkness, we cannot see what is going on. To confuse the issue even more, ...
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"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
The Erev Rav are the reincarnations of the ancient Egyptians who purposely came along and tried to join up with the Jewish people to stop the Redemption and the coming of Moshiach. Over the 3000+ years, they have been the thorns in our sides and caused us many, many tzarot. These Erev Rave are usually wealthy, influential and powerful in important positions. They can and are halachically by now Jewish but they do not have Jewish neshamot and that is why they can be such betrayers of Hashem, His Holy Torah and the Jewish people. They are not like your ordinary Jew who sins as every person sins.
ReplyDeleteThey had and have the one agenda and that is the destruction, c'v, of Torah/Judaism. They had the one mitzvah (not their choice) of bringing us back to the Land of Israel as a nation to be accepted by the nations of the world. I believe that is one of reasons that H' allowed Moshe Rabbeinu to let them come along. They had a lot to do with the shoah and the destruction of millions of our people and that was the reason the nations (UN) agreed to allow our people to return home. It was an extremely nasty path but we do not understand Hashem's Ways, but it always leads eventually to the good. Now, their time is almost up, and time for our Redemption is near, very near.
May every true Yehudi merit the coming of Moshiach Tzdkeinu, in a blink of an eye, with kindness and mercy!
ReplyDelete!!!!!! המשיח מופיע השנה משיח תשפ"ג מהרב חיים קנייבסקי זצ"ל
המשיח מופיע השנה גילוי מסעיר- מהרב חיים קנייבסקי זצ"ל לעם ישראל לפני הגאולה משיח תשפ"ג
קרבים אתם להפתעות מאוד גדולות הן מצפון והן מדרום.
עליכם להכין את הכלי - האמונה, הכלי האמיתי של הנשמה לקראת הבאות.
הולכים אתם לעבור נסיונות גם מבית וגם מחוץ, עליכם להתחזק בעבודת הבורא ולהיזהר לא להיכשל בלבוש לא צנוע - כל בת ישראל שתרשה לעצמה להלך בלבוש לא צנוע ישפטו אותה דין מאוד קשה גם למטה וגם בשמים.
אנכי פונה בפניה נרגשת זו בעיקר לבנות ישראל הקדושות והטהורות שיבינו שזאת זכות בעבורי לזכות אתכן לגאולה ולבקש מכן שתדעו שכל בת מלך היא בת מלך טהורה - קבלו על עצמכן לבוש צנוע מכף רגל ועד ראש.
הגאולה ממש ממש בפתחה!!
בימים הקרובים ובמהלך השבועות הקרובים יהיה מהפך מאוד גדול בעולם - אתם תרגישו זאת גם פה וגם סביבכם. השינויים הם מלחמות ואסונות טבע שיבואו בעולם.
הפאות שבנות ישראל חובשות הן הכשלה גדולה ובכך שבנות ישראל מרבות להסתובב עם הפאות ועם לבושן הלא צנוע הנחש עצמו מסתובב וגורם להרבה נשמות מעם ישראל להיות כלי עבורו ולעזר להכשיל את עם ישראל.
עם ישראל!! ניתנה לכם זכות אדירה - יש לכם אפשרות לשנות הגזירה.
אומות העולם מנסות להכשילכם אך בזמן שיגיע רגע השליטה הקשה ביותר זה יהיה הנסיון הגדול שלכם - מי לחיים ומי למוות, מי לאמת ומי לשקר.
עליכם לדעת שזה האות הגדול לקראת הגאולה וכך תהיה ההבדלה בינכם לבין הגויים.
הערב רב שמח להכשילכם ולכן מבקש אנכי תפתחו שערי שמים - עליכם לזעוק ולהשמיע זעקתכם על מנת שתזכו לגאולה ברחמים ולביאת גואל צדק ברחמים, אמן.
@שערי הגאולה please if I may get a word to the Rebbe I am in need of a bracha. I am a gieress 13 years and have no auccess in shiduchim. I am an oleh for 8 years and font really leave Yerushalayim to visit there. Thank you
DeleteLeah bat Sara
Hi, I'm a different"anonymous" than the one above. I just wanted to add to something Rav Kessin said, at around the 5 minute mark. He said that the Israeli government will now be more in line with the Torah because "Cheshvan was a messianic month and there was a solar eclipse." Since I learned that governments are chosen in Shamayim before they are elected in This World, it would seem that the Jewish People are deserving of a more Torah-friendly government. Good work, everyone!
ReplyDeleteI am a different anonymous than the other 2. Did R'Kessin say 17 more years? did anyone hear that? thoughts?
ReplyDeleteAnon 1.17 - I've been so busy I haven't had a chance to listen yet. Transcript will hopefully be up before Shabbat.
ReplyDeletebs"d...for sure cannot wait another 17 years.!! Please Hashem!!!
ReplyDelete2d anonymous here: He said there are 217 years left until 6000, he said there will need to be time for everything to be taken care of before the year 6000 to ready the world for the Future, and he mentioned 17 more years until 200. But I was listening pretty carefully here, because I dislike predictions, especially those that give us years until Moshiach, and he didn't say it would take that long. He didn't seem to be predicting, just talking about the time there is left and that there has to be time between Moshiach coming and the year 6000.Anyway, again, Moshiach will come "'b'hesech hadaas," when no one is expecting him, so I always assume that if someone is predicting his arrival, it won't happen that day that they are predicting. Anyway, Moshiach could come now, in the next few moments. That's the attitude we're supposed to live with, and looking at world events, it doesn't even seem so unlikely any more.
ReplyDelete217 is the gematria of "Devorah" and also of "Ani Yosef"
ReplyDeleteJust saying.
Agree with first Anon and Anon @4:22 pm.
ReplyDeleteMoshiach is so close; people forget that there will be 200 years or so of the Messianic era where life will be bliss! Techiyat Hameitim has to begin 214 or so years before 6000. The 7th millenium is the Olam HaBah. We do not give dates but at this time in history, we definitely give approximate time limits. In other words, we pray that H' will show us great mercy by bringing us Moshiach within any moment and/or within the next few years. L'havdil, the evil ones have their agenda because they think they understand Torah and
G-D's ways and are counting that everything will turn their way by the end of this decade. But, H' allows the wicked to go so far but in a blink of an
eye, He cuts them down. Amen!
Leah Bat Sara, write to . They are a volunteer group that might be able to help with a shidduch
ReplyDeleteMy dear sister, Leah Bat Sara, go to
ReplyDeleteAnonymous שערי הגאולה ,
ReplyDeleteI am confused about where you are taking these predictions from if R Chaim is not with us anymore. Where did you get this from and how legit is it?
All 3 Wars if you put the numbers of the date each war started they all come out to the same Gematria numerical Value number of 68
ReplyDeleteWorld War 1 started on
July 28 1914
That’s 7+28+19+14=68
World War 2 started on
September 1 1939
That’s 9+1+19+39=68
Current Russian invasion to Ukraine War started on
February 24 2022
That’s 2+24+20+22=68
Do you know what’s the Numerical Value of 68? Chaim/Life and what is the Message from Hashem? Hashem runs the entire world from every country to every tiny city to every person and it’s all in the Power and Hands of Hashem the decree of every person like we say on Rosh Hashanah every year Lchaim Vlo Lamavess. (To life and not vice versa to death Chas Vshalom)
Interesting comment seen on Yeshiva World News