Saturday, December 10, 2022

Who is Mashiach?

[published motzei Shabbat]

Rabbi Efraim Palvanov 

What is the true role of the Messiah, and how can we properly identify this person? What are the 5 key qualities that Mashiach must possess? And who were the 5 major figures in Jewish history that had a messianic movement associated with them? 

Find out in this class, where we also explore Jacob’s transformation into Israel, the spiritual power of music, the greatness of King David, and the timeline of events in the forthcoming Messianic Age.

 *Background image of the Third Temple under construction courtesy of The Temple Institute.


  1. I have a question ...he says Mashiach is a warrior and we know he needs to build the Temple, but wasn't Dovid HaMelech not allowed because he spilled blood in war? or does the Temple get built first then the war?

  2. Rivkie as far as I know, the Third Temple is built by G-d and will descend from Shamayim.

  3. Rivkie good question. Maybe because King David fought מלחמות רשות ( discretionary), whereas the Messiah will have to wage מלחמה מצוה (commanded / defensive)?

  4. I have a few questions also in regard to same. I always understood that MBY is the one who wages the war against Amaleik and not MBD, as he is not the one to wage the wars because he will have exceptional powers and one of his powers will be the words coming from his mouth. He also will be the eternal King Moshiach. Another thing of importance is that techiyat hameitim will have to begin 210-214 years before the year 6000, and that should begin within the next few years. There are many questions and there are different answers and, hopefully, we will find all the answers sooner than we imagine coming straight from Moshiach himself.


  5. Thank you all! and yes, please we should hear from his mouth the words we are waiting for!

  6. Please Hashem speedily and soon!


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