Wednesday, December 28, 2022

The Roman Emperor Who Was Eisav

 Rabbi Mendel Kessin


  1. Such an interesting/informative shiur. Thank you.
    I believe it is not 2030 but earlier like 2027 (only H' knows).
    Rabbi Hool had a wonderful video just about a year ago or less
    where he gives an exact time table which made so much sense, because
    techiyat hameitim has to start no later than 210-214 years before the year 6000. This year 2023 is very auspicious, where we even see the change in govt in Israel, B'H, to the much better and this maybe will lead to MBY to fight our enemies (from within & without) and in a few years, MBD. Amen!
    The year 2030 in the year the amaleikim (globalists) use for their deadline date to take over the world.
    May H'have Rachamim and may it be that we soon see, k'heref ayin the coming of Moshiach tzdkeinu! Amen!


  2. The mitzvah is to yearn for Moshiach to come NOW, today. I think it's very important to have this in mind. We humans can be very smart but we aren't Hash-m. The End is hidden from us.


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