Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Bilaam and the Presidential Candidates Through the Prism of the Chasam Sofer

Rabbi Daniel Glatstein


Devorah said...

I found this a very interesting shiur, but he's not talking about the Presidential candidates per se - he's speaking generally about the concept of our leaders.

Anonymous said...

The major film about Moshiach by Berel Solomon is now out! Definitely deserves its own blogpost on your blog!



Devorah said...

I think you just did that for me Shira. :)

Anonymous said...

Regarding the assassination attempt, I'm astounded after having viewed on Rumble an uncannily accurate prediction made THREE MONTHS AGO by a psychic who was filmed speaking to a pastor (Cioccolanti). At that time, among other things, the psychic predicted THAT A BULLET WOULD WIZ PAST TRUMP'S EAR. There was more, but the scariest part, was his further prediction that after Trump wins, there'd be a major financial collapse, and that Trump would be weeping bitter tears, but that after that, there'd be better times ahead.

I know it doesn't belong on this blog because of its secular-religious orientation. But with that said, the fact that the psychic was so very accurate boggles the mind. And he didn't appear at all evil like Bilam was.

Devorah said...

I saw that man with his prediction about the Trump shooting and yes it was impressive. He saw him being hit on the ear and that vision he had was 3 months ago. It's all documented on video. He is a known psychic.
Very interesting times we are living in, that's all I can say.

Anonymous said...

What do u mean. Trump wins? Moshiach is not here yet? Malky