Tuesday, July 16, 2024

JD's Pro Israel Stance



Anonymous said...

Since it now looks even more likely that Trump will win, I hope this doesn’t mean we will have to wait at least another 4 years for Moshiach to come. It’s very disheartening. I would much rather Biden win just so a lot more people will want Moshiach and see it’s our only solution. Now, too many have settled for believing that Trump will make things great again for the Jews in America and that they no longer really need Moshiach. They look as Moshiach as only something that “those with difficult lives want”.


Anonymous said...

May HaShem have mercy on the souls of all or any, who, for any reason, wish hard times upon His Chosen People.

Love to all, Shana Reba

Anonymous said...

Nah. It means Hashem is lining up his men. When Moshiach / Geula Era gets fully underway Hashem needs peacemakers, princes too. Stage is being set.

Anonymous said...

Who are we waiting for redemption from - Moshiach or Hashem? This dependence and praying for over a thousand years for Moshiach, whoever he is, to redeem and perfect the whole world, in my opinion, is a mixture between magical thinking and avoda zarah. But still we hope and pray.

Devorah said...

Rochel I think Trump is a sign that we are being shown what a messianic figure will be like. L'havdil.
I agree with anonymous at 5.57... Hashem is lining up his men.

Anonymous said...

@anonymous at 5:57. That would mean that Moshiach can’t come until after they are in the White House on Jan 25, which means Moshiach can’t come in 5784 or 2024. What a shame.


Devorah said...

Has everyone forgotten that Donald Trump's name is gematria 424, as Yaak pointed out back in 2016.

"Then again, 424 is also the gematria of משיח בן דוד [Mashiah ben David], so if he becomes president, we hope his presidency will herald in the new era of Mashiah."

I don't know if we have to wait until 2025 or not, but as we are in b'ito maybe we do. It's an unknown. But according to this post at Myrtle Rising it will happen in a year ending with a 5.

Anonymous said...

And according to many calculations and predictions, it will happen in 5784.


Anonymous said...

I truly hope that Trump suddenly withdraws from politics immediately, so all those pinning their false hopes on basar vedam (and deny as you might, that is what you are doing) and focus on Hashem alone. The geula is crowning Hashem as melech.

Many decades ago now, the Rebbe said kalu kol hakeitsim. There is nothing else left. But, even if it is the time for the geula, it still depends on tefilla and tsaaka.

You may say, just discussing, but you are leading each other astray. We don't need 'messianic figures', just Melech Moshiach.

Devorah said...

I'm just watching this play out in front of our eyes, I'm just saying what I'm seeing. What will happen tomorrow or the next day or the next.... who can say? everything can change in an instant. But at this moment, Trump is a messianic figure whether we like it or not. There's talk of miracles and the Hand of G-d and it's all coming from the Trump factor. That whole shooting incident was obviously Hashem's handiwork, not a conspiracy, not a false flag, it was a real event. Just like October 7 happened in a way that was seemingly impossible, and we still don't know all the facts... it was set up by Hashem, that's how I feel.

Gavriela Dvorah said...

Magical thinking and avoda zera???!!! Are you serious?

Devorah said...

Someone just sent me this

Parshat Tzav 8:23


Its not about pinning false hopes on Trump, I'm just reporting what people are saying. And the above is just one example.

Devorah said...

Gavriela Dvorah, I didn't even notice that until I read your comment. Yesterday was pretty hectic, I guess I didn't read things properly.

SB Tovah said...

If Trump wins, Vance has a good chance of becoming president, with his nuclear rhetoric.

Does Vance use eye makeup to accentuate his eyes?

He may be a reincarnate of a Biblical personality like Nimrod sent down again to make amends, with power of life and death over millions.

An ex-marine, a born-again Catholic, fervently pro-Israel and anti-Iranian, if Vance is a believer in Dark-Enlightenement and an Apocalyptist as stated on wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._D._Vance , then watch out!

Vance's eyes do remind one of Nimrod as depicted in the 1966 film "The Bible"!




Devorah said...

Yes he wears eye make up - it's very strange.
Everything is so confusing these days.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday morning in broad daylight a meteor flew over NY/NJ. Over the Statue of Liberty and mid-town Manhattan. "Signs in the sky.."



Anonymous said...

It’s not unusual at all for a politician to wear some form of makeup.


Devorah said...

Pancake makeup for TV, yes, that's normal.
Mascara and eye-liner on a man - no, that's not normal. Plus it's obvious, it's not subtle, he's making a statement.
What that statement actually is, I have yet to work out.

Anonymous said...

We don’t know for fact that he is wearing eye-makeup . Even if he is, I don’t see the connection to him wearing makeup and Moshiach (what this blog is all about).


Devorah said...

Actually this blog is about a lot of things, Moshiach is just the topic that we are all wanting to hear about. It didn't start off as a Geula blog.
His eye make-up is extremely obvious once it's been brought to your attention. You can't "unsee" it anymore.
Anyway, it's just another weird anomaly as we see so often these days.

Anonymous said...

I highly doubt JD Vance wears eyeliner and mascara. He simply has thick, dense black lashes. Just look at photos of him as a child. His eyes always looked like that. He's far too serious and conservative a man to be messing around with eye makeup. Come on, people.

Anonymous said...

he does not have makeup on this picture

Devorah said...

No, he doesn't have it on it that photo you just linked to.... but just ask Google if J D Vance wears eyeliner.... you'll find it will auto-fill the word "eyeliner" for you - it's a hot topic.

Anonymous said...

Wait. This isn’t a Geulah blog? I thought this blog is supposed to be about anything connected to Moshiach’s close arrival?


Devorah said...

It became a Geulah blog.

In the beginning I was just using my blog as a way of keeping things I needed to know and wanted to refer back to, it was like my virtual filing system.
Then I realized other people were liking the same stuff I liked.

After that, I was inspired by Nava at Dreaming of Moshiach and when she quit blogging, I started with Moshiach related posts.

But that doesn't mean we only have to discuss Moshiach, there's plenty happening in the world and all of it relates to Geulah.

Tomer Devorah said...

I wouldn't put too much stock in whatever Vance says today. In 2016 he famously said that Trump is America's Hitler. Obviously he can make a 180 degree turn in his opinions.

Also, this tweet appears to be a paraphrase of what the tweeter thinks he heard. In point of fact, the official remarks Vance has made on Israel (like the war in Gaza has gone on too long) can be taken two different ways and which way it ultimately would go is yet to be determined.

One ominous fact is that they intend to pick up the Abraham Accords from where they left off. Doesn't matter if it is Biden or Trump trying to make this "deal" with Saudi Arabia, it is in the final analysis a death sentence on Israel as it requires the establishment of a Palestinian State.

No matter who wins in November, it is bad news for the Jews. That's why HKB"H is going to bring them down.

Anonymous said...

So we went from a year so far filled with tremendous tragedy such as October 7 and high antisemitism worldwide, with great hope for Moshisch’s imminent arrival …. to now settling for Moshiach not coming before Nov 5? What has happened to us? Should I just give up on Moshiach? I’ve been a reader of these blogs for years and once again, “Moshiach is delayed”. I was hoping that Moshiach coming today was a real possibility, but it seems it’s not possible anymore until after Nov 5 or Jan 25 when Trump is back in the White House.


Gavriela Dvorah said...

Moshiach has nothing to do with Trump. Today the Knesset voted against the 2-state solution, againstva fakestinian state. Only 8 votes against. So the only way Eisav and the islamists will make their state is if they put boots on the ground. Now that might bring us closer to the revelation of Moshiach!

Devorah said...

It's all speculation Shoshana, and we are waiting for the Kochav Yaakov as well.
We don't get to pick and choose when and how, that's G-d's decision.

Anonymous said...

Everything is from Hashem. It is not the first time there has been an unsuccessful attempt on the life of a political leader. Wiki: List of heads of state and government who survived assassination attempts and for the US alone: WASHINGTON (AP) — Before Saturday’s attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, there have been multiple instances of political violence targeting U.S. presidents, former presidents and major party presidential candidates.

They are both long lists. All it shows is that political violence is common. Hashem saved the lives of all the other intended victims too. All of this is fact. Your interpretation is just that. And you seem to be heavily invested in your narrative. You are not simply commenting on what happened, but what you very much hope will turn out to be.

What is a messianic figure? Never heard of this term outside of this blog. Eliyahu Hanavi will announce the identity of Melech Moshiach. What else do we need beyond that, or find in our mesoret on the subject?

Comparing the Trump attack and a day out of the Shoah on Simchat Torah is completely misplaced, and lacking in sensitivity. Again, political violence is not uncommon. Israel is still reeling from its worst crisis ever. Two events completely different in magnitude and quality.

Per Shoshanna's and others' comments:
Understandably, given the year we're in, all of us are looking for something to clutch at, to give us hope. We should merit to hold on to Hashem alone. In this context, all the talk of Trump etc is leading people astray, making them feel that Moshiach can't come today, which is patently false. It also gives false hope to Jews who truly want to stay in their galut, that they will be able to.

The order of the day is for Jews to want Moshiach today, and to take action towards that. Aliya is central to the geula. Numerous sources for this in our mesoret. Recently, Rav Kanievsky ztsl, Rav Dov Kook, the Yanuka, all called on Jews to make aliya urgently.You can bring me a hundred rabbonim in galut who will tell their communities to stay put, and all that shows is that they too are influenced by their galut.

Jews are supposed to want to make aliya, for spiritual ascent, but as that is not happening (nor does there appear to be any leadership in this direction in the galut), we are unfortunately being given the hard option, where Jews will have to make aliya out of fear. Liquidate any assets you have asap and move them to Israel. Then figure out how to move your family and community. THIS is what the focus of Jews in galut should be.

Let me remind you that German Jews put their hope in President Von Hindenburg. A friend of the Jews until he wasn't when he urged Germans to vote for yemach shmo. A Jewish woman wrote to Hindenburg personally asking for assurances for her safety. He wrote back encouragingly to allay her fears. Polish Jews mockingly called Zabotinsky, the Purim general, with his plans to move a million Polish Jews to Israel. How many times can the Jewish heart be broken?

If we are talking about just writing what we see, the Shechina has left the exile. Jews should be following. Yet for the most part they behave like the proverbial frog in the slow boiling pot. Israel has issued travel warnings for Israeli citizens either not to travel to or excercise extra caution for about 80 countries, including the countries you live in. (Honorable mention to Romania that has made Israel's Independence Day a national holiday for celebration). This is what is happening right now. How will the President of the US, whoever he is, protect you in Australia, the UK, France etc, etc, or in America? It's completely irrelevant to the lives of Jews in the galut. Every Jew should be making a plan now, however hard or 'impossible' it is.

Is anything too wondrous for Hashem?

The focus of a frum Jew should be on growing in emuna, aliya, geula, Moshiach.

Anonymous said...

The Kochav Yaakov is Friday, Sep 25, according to Rabbi Palvanov?


Devorah said...

Rabbi Palvanov was quoting the Zohar. 25 Elul this year is a Saturday - 28 September. But as our day begins the previous evening, which is obviously Friday night, it matches the prophesy which says it will be the sixth day of the week.

Devorah said...

Anonymous 5:49 - I am invested in the coming of Moshiach. I'm not sure what part of my "narrative" you think I'm investing in.

You have obviously never listened to Rabbi Kessin's lectures because he is the one who uses the phrase "Messianic figure" - I don't think I"ve ever used it before, but it's quite obvious that Trump IS a messianic figure whether you like it or not. You'll have to argue that one with G-d, not me.

Anonymous said...

I’m sorry to say, but if the secular experts said Sep 28, they are referring to the day of Saturday. Not Friday evening. That would be the 7th day of the week.


CalinT said...

Regarding the planet and the 25 th of Elul

Rabbi Levi Shore has a great video and channel for that matter. Check it out.

Devorah said...

Uriel: I'm just re-writing my comment.
Yes technically the 25th Elul is Shabbos, the 7th day of the week, but Shabbos begins Friday night, and Friday is the 6th day. We will see it at night on Friday which follows the prophecy. [if all goes to plan]
That is what Rabbi Palvanov said in his lecture.