Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Queen Esther's Kabbalah

Rabbi Efraim Palvanov

Revealing the hidden wisdom in one of the most mystical ancient texts, the Book of Esther. Along the way, we explore the Seven Prophetess of Israel, the Ten Sefirot, the mysterious “Erev Rav”, and Esther’s incredible prophecy of the Nuremberg Trials. Plus: why is the number three so important in Judaism, and what is the deeper meaning behind the triangle and the Star of David?


  1. I am usually a big fan of Rabbi Palvanov but I was very disappointed with this lecture when he veered off topic and spoke disparagingly about a large segment of klal Yisroel and it's leaders. This is not the way to bring achdus. There are twelve shvatim (tribes) and there are many ways to serve Hashem. I tried to comment on Spotify but comments have been turned off for this lecture.

  2. He was talking about the Erev Rav. I don't understand any of it. He said these Erev Rav are trying to bring down the government, but the people I read on the internet say the government is the Erev Rav.
    So basically I have no idea what is going on anywhere anytime or by who.

  3. Wonderful shiur when he was on topic. When he went off topic I believe he made major mistakes since Zohar & תלמוד בבלי are different time periods and in the mishna there is no mention of Balei Talmud - so it wouldn't be mentioned in the Zohar but balei mishna includes the gemara since it is the explanation of the mishna. 
    Also ת"א שמע vs ת"א חזיא is understood as having to do with lower generations. Actually Talmud Yerushalmi is ת"א חזיא since it's a generation before תלמוד בבלי which then became ת"א שמע.
    Everything in the Gemarah is divine as Eliyahu Hanavi said about 2 differing opinions that אלו ואלו דברי אלהי-ם חיים and the tradition is that when Moshiach comes the Halacha will be like Bais Shamai.
    Purim Sameach Eli


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