Showing posts with label Rav Chaya. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rav Chaya. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

The Missiles attack of Iran on Israel is the sign of Amalek

Translation from French to English by Dave

Oh Go-d of Israel, hit all of them!! 

In the Zohar that the Rav cited in his last classes, namely the Zohar at the end of Balak, it talks about the king that dies on 25th of Ellul. 

Nasralla = gematria of 'melech Romi' , [the king of Rome, words of that specific Zohar] = 362

[video transcription below]

We are now one day after Rosh Hashanah, in the ten days of repentance, on the fast of Gedalia. (The Rav reads the letter I posted-  in the comments here - re the miracles of Tues evening, the Rav finds it phenomenal) 

The Rav says he has a video in which Dr Gold, inventor of the iron dome, says that everything his company has done was with Go-d's help . At the start of the project Gold says, they were in contact with American scientists who told him that no way it can work because there are 100 problems in his plan. If one problem is not solved, everything falls in the water. Dr Gold says : and in the end we managed to solve all the problems . Dr Gold said it all came from Go-d and what we managed to accomplish is absolutely abnormal.

R Ron Chaya: Hashem hates it when a person says that it comes from man and ignores Hashem.  After the first attack of Iran just before Pesach a scientist wrote to the Rav and also told him after having calculated, that it's impossible i.e. miraculous, that the defense system had 100% success because there should been at least 5% failure. Said it's absolutely abnormal. Shouted it's a miracle! Now again, miracle! The miracles that we're experiencing here in Israel since a few weeks are phenomenal!

Besides, Iran daily pushes approx 2 million Arabs that live here in Israel to revolt themselves. Suppose only 1% would act, i.e. 20,000 of them, watch out they have machine guns and more but let's suppose they would only come with kitchen knives.. what would we have done ?!?  But it's a fantastic miracle... We're living a daily miracle.. The 7th of October was something like the Nazis did but it was supposed to be much bigger, a concerted attack by Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Israeli Arabs etc but it didn't happen. - an extraordinary miracle.

We're experiencing miracles thanks to what ? October 7 because of its horribleness has awakened the Jewish people. Many non religious and Israelis have understood that they're being attacked because they are Jewish so now they have decided to become 'super (religious) Jews'. And a couple of months ago a study has been conducted by a non religious institute who has said that 39% of the non religious are coming closer to the Torah . Many rabbis have told the Rav that it's much more than that. 

During the pre Rosh Hashanah selichot, in Eilat, the coast at the Red Sea in the south, with Rabbi Zamir Cohen, 5,000 people came to do the selichot! Secular Jews!   This year's selichot at the kotel: full of people for 2-3 km from the kotel, at least 50,000 people! Including secular Jews!, who during one hour cried Answer us our father!   It's phenomenal!   It's the end of our enemies, the messianic times. We are there, very close. 

Rambam [Maimonides]: it's a Gemara, the Torah promised that at the end of the exile the Jewish people will return to the Torah and will immediately be saved. Before the Holocaust there were no baalei teshuva. After the Holocaust in one or two generations millions had left the Torah either to communism or to atheistical Zionism, became anti Jewish. Stalin said that he didn't have to look far to find anti Torah Jews. How much we have suffered in Israel from atheistical anti Zionism, terrible! Now it's almost gone. Hertzl was an atheist- anti -Zionist, his children weren't even circumcized,  not to blame because his parents did not teach him, he was a journalist who saw people scream death to the Jews!  said it's not normal, he did not understand that it's because the goyim hate those who got the Torah, and reasoned it's because we have no land so he decided we need a land. 

1895: first Zionist Congress in Bahl: he said if you want it won't be a legend and he created a country and said that thanks to that country we'll be a country as the others i.e. without religion. But he failed.

Now when Bibi goes to the UN he is hated, many leave the room.  Although Hezbollah is an organisation that is recognized by the UN as terrorists that have killed many people and not only Jews but different nations and don't let the Lebanese people develop themselves. 

Re Hamas, are we hated by the UN because we defend ourselves against their missiles?! No, it's the hate of Yisrael, the nation of Israel! Atheistical Zionism has failed. It's written in the Torah Jews are hated because they got the Torah, that is the real reason for the hatred.

Now, because the Jewish people are doing teshuva, now that the atheist-Israelis start to understand that they're being hated because they are Jewish, so Hashem shows who He is and does extraordinary miracles and the great of Israel recognize that it's thanks to Hashem - even Bibi mentions Hashem in his speeches much more often than before.  And we don't even see half of the miracles. 

Ramban [Nachmanides] says the biggest miracle is the exodus of Egypt, specifically that Pharaoh when he got to the Red Sea he decided to cross it. That was really stupid says the Ramban and it's a miracle that Hashem made him stupid but that he remained at the same time intelligent enough to lead his country. Well that's what happened last Tuesday evening: both the US and Israel have told Iran, watch out if you attack Israel we'll attack you. 

Iran, thought that it's stronger than it really is but really the US is way stronger and I the Rav in my classes have told you: the US must attack Iran.  Although everyone says it won't happen, the Talmud says two nations will last till the messianic era: Persia - Iran, and Rome - modern Rome is America.

Tosfot: Tractate Avoda Zara page b: "Paras will fall in the hands of Rome" so how can we say both will last till the messianic era?   Tosfot answers: it will be just before the messianic era. And the biggest miracle is that Iran just like {haraoh, see above, has made the mistake of attacking Israel. 

Biden: we're now in total collaboration with Israel for an attack on Iran.* 

R Yehoshua Eshel mi-Apta says that in the end all the nations will want to  wage war with each other but they'll see that the only one who will benefit from it is Israel. 

The real leader of America is Obama . Btw Barack Obama = gematria Pharaoh. It's written that all the big leaders of history will return in the last generation    Nasrallah = gematria 346 = gematria melech Romi', ie king of Rome, as calls the Zohar. * 

The Zohar says Moshiach will come 70 days after they killed Nasrallah but.. says the Rav, it can also come earlier, now ! If we all do teshuva as now..  there is a benefit if it happens now in these days of repentance: we're all clean from our sins. There's no better time for it to happen now, when everyone wakes up, naila! , Yom kippur, could be that at the end of it we'll hear the shofar of Moshiach. 

I could be wrong but we're hoping. In any case we see so many extraordinary things happening, could be that we'll do teshuva, Hashem will eradicate all our enemies and it will happen now. 

Amen and amen.

Monday, September 30, 2024

After Nasrallah, Israel Must Liquidate Amalek the Snake

H/t Dave

Rav Ron Chaya -  29 September Jerusalem

Translation below

After Nasrallah, Israel must liquidate AMALEK the snake: IRAN and its allies in gunsight ? 

Translation of French to English

Hassan Nasrallah was killed yesterday B"H, 83 bombs, each one ton, he and other commanders . It's written that when the wicked die there's joy . On the other hand it's written When your enemy falls don't be joyous -- that is written about Jewish enemies but when goyim enemies, real enemies, who who have spilled Jewish blood fall, it is permitted to be joyous. 

In previous classes we've already talked about Zohar parshat Balak p212b.: 
On the 25th of Ellul that will fall on a Shabbos, will die a leader of Rome . How can we say that Nasrallah who's been killed on that day is a leader of Rome? Because Nasrallah, as the great kabbalists in Israel have said, is part of Amalek.  Hamas too is Amalek. (Jews are commanded to go into war with them and annihilate them.)    Rome is Esav and the grandchild of Esav is Amalek. 

Original version of the Zohar: it will happen on a Friday that falls on Ellul 25 but the commentators say that there can't be a Friday that falls on Ellul 25 because then Yom kippur will fall on a Friday and that is forbidden. So they've correctefdthe version of the Zohar and have said it's a Shabbat. So it's interesting because they killed Nasrallah on a Friday but a little before sunset so it was already Shabbat in Israel . So the Rav says he is very happy that everything corresponds.

Re. The star that has to appear - see previous class, is a Nova, same name as that festival of Oct 7th 2023.   The Jewish people are compared to olives, when you press them the good comes out. So that festival of Hamas .. there's never been so many Jews who are doing teshuva.. it's phenomenal! 
Result: Hashem is doing miracles for us that we haven't seen almost since the Exodus from Egypt. We do teshuva and Hashem saves us and in this week's parsha that we've read this Shabbat : you'll return to Hashem and He will bring all the curses that he wanted to place on you on your enemies Baruch Hashem. 

What's next? Two options: 1. As that Zohar says from that Shabbat Ellul 25 there will be 70 days of war in the world. Can happen very easily. eg. The FM of Iran has said last week that if Israel continues to annihilate Hezbollah Iran won't have any choice than to attack Israel and this will have consequences that can be worldwide. Is logical: before the FM of Iran spoke the US gov had already said that if Iran will attack, the US will attack too. If Iran attacks it will have the support of Russia and China and if the US will react, we risk getting into a world war. 

Why does the Rav think that they will attack: R Yehoshua Eshel of Apta texts from 250 years ago: in the end of days the nations will want to do war with each other and they'll see that the only one who'll benefit from it is Israel, and if Iran will attack Israel, that's great because the US will attack Iran and that is the end and Geulah, so the nations won't attack but the Rav Yehoshua answers that from Heaven they will be dragged into this war until their end, and he says that we can accept that from his mouth as if it comes from a prophet. 

So, understand that what's happening today is miraculous. 

The US refuses that 1) we annihilate Hamas 2) we annihilate Hezbollah ie. the method of divide in order to reign better. The US doesn't want a war and Biden, who always asked for a ceasefire, now says nothing anymore because of the upcoming elections. He's very close to Trump in the statistics and who will make the difference? The Jewish votes ! So now that he knows it's in his interests to be pro Israel he's given a green light for us to kill Nasralla, he's given eight billion dollars to Israel, etc.  Bibi is happy and now we can go into war and attack our enemies till Nov 4 at least.., Hashem's hand. 

So normally Iran will attack Israel, the US will attack too, the end and Moshiach will come. When?

Two options: a) Tikunei Zohar and Vilna Gaon brings that in Sefer Even Shema chapter 11: On Rosh Hashanah it will be the end of the decree of Hashem's enemies . It can happen very fast . If for example Iran attacks tomorrow... b) same Zohar that speaks re the king that will die on Shabbat 25th of Ellul, see above: 60 days of world wide war, a king whose I'd we ignore will rise and will wage war left and right - all the nations, it will bea  big balagan and afterwards : earthquake in Jerusalem, a cave will open, fire will come out of it and Moshiach will reveal himself. Approx on 5th of Kislev. 

So, says Rav Ron Chaya, we have to do teshuva and also wake up others , explain them what will happen and tell them to do teshuva . Yehezkel 36: Hashem will return us to the Land etc.. We see all this happening today so wake up dear friend. When Moshiach will be here not everyone will be able to survive (note: the Rebbe of Chabad, Menachem Mendel Schneerson disagrees with that) , it will be too late. I hope that the bar will be very low but there will be a bar - so return, do teshuva.  

R Yanuka said but the Rav hasn't verified it, that he hopes to be in his sukkah this Sukkot with Moshiach. We hope be'ezrat Hashem. Could be that we're mistaken but everyone understands that the things are moving forward, don't be blind . Baruch Hashem amen and amen.

Friday, September 27, 2024

WAR in the Middle East: ISRAEL will erase THE EVIL embodied by the NAZISLAMISTS

Rav Ron Chaya  

Many thanks to Dave for the English translation below.

English translation as spoken in the video above by Rav Ron Chaya

So we're at war with Hezbollah which is Arabic for G-d's troops. Nasralla is Arabic for the winner in G-d's Name. May their names be erased. In 48 hours 50% of their weapons don't exist anymore, almost all the commanders have been killed, the story of the beepers: 500 blinded, 1000's injured, many dead doubled because they are giving wrong numbers. ie. We're heading towards victory . 

Why is it so urgent for me to talk to you?  Because the Israeli Chief of Staff has said that the IDF hasn't used all it's forces, and yesterday Halevi has said that they were now going to increase their attacking power.  Hezbollah have 250 thousand missiles, now half is gone but they have not yet used their precision missiles which are way more dangerous than the regular missiles that they're using now to attack Haifa, Tel Aviv, Akko etc. and US gov members have written that these missiles are Iranian missiles that were put in Lebanon to be used if Israel were to attack Iran in order to destroy their atomic centres.   These same members of the US government have said that Iran is waiting in case their two platforms, ie Gaza in the south and Hezbollah in the north , now only Hezbollah remains.. the US gov members wrote that if Iran will see that Hezbollah will start to disappear, Hezbollah won't accept that and will start using these missiles. In this case, say these members of US gov, the US will have to attack Iran. But if Iran will start attacking Israel, Israel won't have a choice but to intervene which is why the US has, in the last days, brought many troops to the region . Since Halevi has said yesterday that the IDF will increase it's intensity we are getting there for sure. In a few days or a few hours Hezbollah will have lost, Iran won't let it happen and it will attack , the US will attack, and when Iran attacks it will probably do so with the help of China, Russia, Korea, and the chances are big that we're then heading to a world war. That's the geopolitical analysis.

Gemara, Tractate avodah zarah: two nations will last till the messianic era: Rome and Persia. Rome ie. 
not Rome of Italy but the continuation of the western civilization, ie. America. And chances are big that according to the Zohar that I cited this coming Shabbat or Friday afternoon the 'king of Rome will die' , as written, could be spiritually only, like he loses his power in Heaven. 
Tosfot: impossible that Persia will last till the messianic era because there's a Gemara in Tractate Yoma page 10: Persia will fall in the hands of Rome, Tosfot replies: it will happen just before the messianic era/Moshiach. When Persia will attack Israel, as the US wrote, see above, they'll have to intervene... it's the end,  Moshiach comes! 

So understand that we are there be'ezrat Hashem! Everything aligned: the era, the texts, .. At this weekend must appear a new star in the sky, people wrote to the Rav after his last class wherein he also talked about the Star: an invisible asteroid will circle around the moon for 60 days, not so significant. However there's a Nova , a small star that will explode and will be visible from earth , next to the polar star, and this star exploded 3000 years ago in the era of the giving of the Torah so that now it can appear, and the Zohar the Rav cited last time, p212 Parsha Balak: Ellul 25, ie. this coming Shabbat a new star will start shining in the sky, for 70 days there will be wars in the entire world, and Moshiach will come. That is one of the options. 

Other options that we hope: Tikunei Zohar: on Rosh Hashanah the decree of the enemies of Go-d will end. It can go very rapidly, see part one above about the wars, in a few minutes everything can end. It seems inevitable to the rav. In his last class he has explained why according to Rav Steinman it can happen by Hanukkah but, it can also happen before Hanukkah! ... So, we don't know exactly when it will be. 

Rumor but the Rav hasn't verified it: the Yanuka, hopes to be in his Sukkah this Sukkot with Moshiach be'ezrat Hashem. So, it's very very close. It's up to us to make a very big teshuva, after Moshiach will arrive it won't be possible anymore; To tell everyone listen you don't lose anything, at least do teshuva now for the holy days because  maybe Moshiach will come now, maybe we'll be in a world war, get moving a bit !! 

Now, what will now happen in Israel. The real enemy of Israel is the erev rav, ie. Jews that have a special soul that want the end of the Jewish people and they have the mastery over all key positions in Israel: justice, media, army etc. And the Tikunei Zohar talks a lot about them, says when Moshiach comes, the erev rav will disappear at once but if Iran will attack, there will be a big earthquake, big changes in Israel . 

Other option: Moshiach comes in peace, without any spilling of blood, with peace and happiness, that's what we're hoping and praying for. 

In any case, we've always talked about the coming of Moshiach, now that's it we're there and re geopolitics I just talked about, (see part one above) it's all written: Midrash: R Yitzhak said the year when Moshiach comes, the king of Iran is in conflict with the king of Arabia, ie Saudi Arabia, are Sunites and Iran are Shiites,  they hate each other extraordinarily. The king of Arabia will consult ie ask advice from the west, by Edom.  Arabia has a close alliance with America and they have no army, they have almost nothing. Have done some pact in the past with the Americans, who have committed to protect them .. from there the strong presence of Americans in the region presently. Boats, tanks, Marines etc. 

The midrash continues: Iran returns and destroys the entire world. The Rav asks how possible? Reply: it's enough that Iran attacks the petrol fields of the Saudis and it's over: the stock market explodes, world wide economic crash and finish. .. midrash: and all the nations of the world fall on their faces, like contractions like a woman that gives birth and B'nai Yisrael too, .. panic... and Hashem says "my children don't fear, your time of redemption has arrived , everything I've done I've done for you, don't worry, everything will be alright."   So we see now an attack by Iran that seems very very close..

So, what do we have to do? We've got to get moving, each one of us, and get others to move, and tell those who are far from the Torah that if they're at least progressing they may be saved because not every Jew(ess) will be saved (note from Dave: the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson disagrees with that, he said all Jews would be saved). 

3000 years ago, when one saw a prophet he or she would pass away so/ but now who will be able to see Moshiach?! Merits are necessary!! I (Rav Chaya) think that Hashem will put the bar very low but there's a minimum you need to be at..If someone knows, his responsibility is bigger... We must tell our fellow "listen chances are that it's the end, don't do full teshuva, just one month, start to observe Judaism a little bit," maybe it will save him be'ezrat Hashem. 

Baruch Hashem amen and amen.