Wednesday, October 9, 2024

The Missiles attack of Iran on Israel is the sign of Amalek

Translation from French to English by Dave

Oh Go-d of Israel, hit all of them!! 

In the Zohar that the Rav cited in his last classes, namely the Zohar at the end of Balak, it talks about the king that dies on 25th of Ellul. 

Nasralla = gematria of 'melech Romi' , [the king of Rome, words of that specific Zohar] 

Nasralla= 346=melech Romi, king of Rome נסראלה. = 346 =מלך רומי

[video transcription below]

We are now one day after Rosh Hashanah, in the ten days of repentance, on the fast of Gedalia. (The Rav reads the letter I posted-  in the comments here - re the miracles of Tues evening, the Rav finds it phenomenal) 

The Rav says he has a video in which Dr Gold, inventor of the iron dome, says that everything his company has done was with Go-d's help. At the start of the project Gold says, they were in contact with American scientists who told him that no way it can work because there are 100 problems in his plan. If one problem is not solved, everything falls in the water. Dr Gold says : and in the end we managed to solve all the problems . Dr Gold said it all came from Go-d and what we managed to accomplish is absolutely abnormal.

R Ron Chaya: Hashem hates it when a person says that it comes from man and ignores Hashem.  After the first attack of Iran just before Pesach a scientist wrote to the Rav and also told him after having calculated, that it's impossible i.e. miraculous, that the defense system had 100% success because there should been at least 5% failure. Said it's absolutely abnormal. Shouted it's a miracle! Now again, miracle! The miracles that we're experiencing here in Israel since a few weeks are phenomenal!

Besides, Iran daily pushes approx 2 million Arabs that live here in Israel to revolt themselves. Suppose only 1% would act, i.e. 20,000 of them, watch out they have machine guns and more but let's suppose they would only come with kitchen knives.. what would we have done ?!?  But it's a fantastic miracle... We're living a daily miracle.. The 7th of October was something like the Nazis did but it was supposed to be much bigger, a concerted attack by Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Israeli Arabs etc but it didn't happen. - an extraordinary miracle.

We're experiencing miracles thanks to what ? October 7 because of its horribleness has awakened the Jewish people. Many non religious and Israelis have understood that they're being attacked because they are Jewish so now they have decided to become 'super (religious) Jews'. And a couple of months ago a study has been conducted by a non religious institute who has said that 39% of the non religious are coming closer to the Torah . Many rabbis have told the Rav that it's much more than that. 

During the pre Rosh Hashanah selichot, in Eilat, the coast at the Red Sea in the south, with Rabbi Zamir Cohen, 5,000 people came to do the selichot! Secular Jews!   This year's selichot at the kotel: full of people for 2-3 km from the kotel, at least 50,000 people! Including secular Jews!, who during one hour cried Answer us our father!   It's phenomenal!   It's the end of our enemies, the messianic times. We are there, very close. 

Rambam [Maimonides]: it's a Gemara, the Torah promised that at the end of the exile the Jewish people will return to the Torah and will immediately be saved. Before the Holocaust there were no baalei teshuva. After the Holocaust in one or two generations millions had left the Torah either to communism or to atheistical Zionism, became anti Jewish. Stalin said that he didn't have to look far to find anti Torah Jews. How much we have suffered in Israel from atheistical anti Zionism, terrible! Now it's almost gone. Hertzl was an atheist- anti -Zionist, his children weren't even circumcized,  not to blame because his parents did not teach him, he was a journalist who saw people scream death to the Jews!  said it's not normal, he did not understand that it's because the goyim hate those who got the Torah, and reasoned it's because we have no land so he decided we need a land. 

1895: first Zionist Congress in Bahl: he said if you want it won't be a legend and he created a country and said that thanks to that country we'll be a country as the others i.e. without religion. But he failed.

Now when Bibi goes to the UN he is hated, many leave the room.  Although Hezbollah is an organisation that is recognized by the UN as terrorists that have killed many people and not only Jews but different nations and don't let the Lebanese people develop themselves. 

Re Hamas, are we hated by the UN because we defend ourselves against their missiles?! No, it's the hate of Yisrael, the nation of Israel! Atheistical Zionism has failed. It's written in the Torah Jews are hated because they got the Torah, that is the real reason for the hatred.

Now, because the Jewish people are doing teshuva, now that the atheist-Israelis start to understand that they're being hated because they are Jewish, so Hashem shows who He is and does extraordinary miracles and the great of Israel recognize that it's thanks to Hashem - even Bibi mentions Hashem in his speeches much more often than before.  And we don't even see half of the miracles. 

Ramban [Nachmanides] says the biggest miracle is the exodus of Egypt, specifically that Pharaoh when he got to the Red Sea he decided to cross it. That was really stupid says the Ramban and it's a miracle that Hashem made him stupid but that he remained at the same time intelligent enough to lead his country. Well that's what happened last Tuesday evening: both the US and Israel have told Iran, watch out if you attack Israel we'll attack you. 

Iran, thought that it's stronger than it really is but really the US is way stronger and I the Rav in my classes have told you: the US must attack Iran.  Although everyone says it won't happen, the Talmud says two nations will last till the messianic era: Persia - Iran, and Rome - modern Rome is America.

Tosfot: Tractate Avoda Zara page b: "Paras will fall in the hands of Rome" so how can we say both will last till the messianic era?   Tosfot answers: it will be just before the messianic era. And the biggest miracle is that Iran just like Pharaoh, see above, has made the mistake of attacking Israel. 

Biden: we're now in total collaboration with Israel for an attack on Iran.* 

R Yehoshua Eshel mi-Apta says that in the end all the nations will want to  wage war with each other but they'll see that the only one who will benefit from it is Israel. 

The real leader of America is Obama . Btw Barack Obama = gematria Pharaoh. It's written that all the big leaders of history will return in the last generation    Nasrallah = gematria 346 = gematria melech Romi', ie king of Rome, as written in the Zohar. 

The Zohar says Moshiach will come 70 days after they killed Nasrallah but.. says the Rav, it can also come earlier, now ! If we all do teshuva as now..  there is a benefit if it happens now in these days of repentance: we're all clean from our sins. There's no better time for it to happen now, when everyone wakes up, naila! , Yom kippur, could be that at the end of it we'll hear the shofar of Moshiach. 

I could be wrong but we're hoping. In any case we see so many extraordinary things happening, could be that we'll do teshuva, Hashem will eradicate all our enemies and it will happen now. 

Amen and amen.


  1. Former PM Naftali Bennett: Strike Iran's nuclear program now

    1. Maybe imminent

  2. To see previous translations of Rav Chaya's videos, click the RAV CHAYA label below the post.

  3. This Rov relates such positive, hopeful messages. Please Gd, may all his predictions come true.

  4. This comment was just posted by Anonymous at Years of Awe blog, you can read it over there by
    clicking here
    , I am re-printing it here for it's relevance.

    Could be regarding Putin (and other tyrants like the guy in North Korea). The aforementioned pasuk in Haazinu refers to venom of snakes. So the instrument of death would be poison. This would be an appropriate Midah K'Negged Middah because Putin and others are notorious for poisoning their opponents. Poison is also about the only way you can to these highly sheltered guys.

    I live near Washington, D.C. Over the last year, the Biden administration has dictated what Israel can and can't do vis-a-vis Hamas. This was particularly true when it came to invading and destroying Rafah, the stronghold of Amalek on the border of Egypt. That is precisely the place where Shaul faltered "MeiChavilah Boacha Shur Al Pnei Miztrayim." (Rafah alludes to Amalek--Rafu Yideihem min HaTorah) and Shur means wall--Egypt built a wall there to keep out the Palestinians. So America prevented Netanyahu from fulfilling his mission of destroying Amalek. (There are many proofs of his gilgul from Shaul that you have noted--he is on record that Shaul was his favorite figure in Tanach because he was a tragic figure, his name is Shevet Binyamin, he is left-handed, one of his sons is named "Avner"-- the chief general of Shaul, his brother's name was Yonasan.) Indeed, Netanyahu often refers to Amalek and those references were mentioned in his enemies' charges against him at the World Court.

    By the way, the gematria of Binyamin Netanyahu in Mispar Katan (44)=the gematria of Mashiach Ben Yosef in Mispar Katan. Mispar Katan alludes to Shmuel reproving Shaul for not wiping out Amalek "HaLo Im KATON Atah B'Einecha.

    Shaul's downfall was listening to the people, so Netanyahu's Tikkun is to disregard intense pressure to fulfill his mission. And, as I noted above, the gematria of Sinwar is "Agag Melech Amalek."

    So Biden (a gilgul of Yeravam bern Nevat) not only has hamstrung Netanyahu at every turn, his officials have publicly gloated about it. This is a classic example of "Shibud Malchiyos." But remarkably, over the last few days, America has seemingly given up, even when it comes to bombing Iran, publicly acknowledging that it has no control over Israel! This is like Shibud Mitzrayim being released on the Rosh Hashana of the year of Yitzias Mitzrayim.

    1. Snake venom also mimics the sensation of fire...

      C S

  5. America currently has the gigantic hurricane Milton bearing down on Florida. Florida readers I hope you have evacuated ahead of this. Between the hurricanes and the election perhaps they are caught up in their own dramas.

  6. Towards the end of the blog post, I just added a link to Obama/Pharoah - that link goes to a blog post from 2012 - it has nothing to do with Rav Chaya's video but I thought it was applicable.

    1. BH
      he is definitely the reincarnation of paroh.

  7. About Oct 7th, R Ron Chaya says that moshiach could come and it would be nice if he would come on this year's Simchat Torah


  8. The gematria for “Nasralla” (נַסְרַלָּה) is 375, and the gematria for “Melech Romi” (מלך רומי) is 346. Therefore, they do not equal 362 in either case.

    1. נַסְרַלָּה. 345

    2. Devorah, please editing the text under the video. Nasralla is written with an alef after the reish therefore as R Chaya told me now, gematria:

      Nasralla= 346=melech Romi, king of Rome

      נסראלה. = 346 =מלך רומי


  9. We're going straight to the geulah -- R Ron Chaya


  10. Bibi: "we took out Nasrallah himself, and his replacement, and the replacement of his replacement" LOL

  11. I remember commenting a little while ago but I can't remember the exact date. I pointed out that the cosmic clock was exactly 12:48:00 and that it must be meaningful. Now, the clock will again be even in countings of 12 when it will soon read 12:48:60. Not sure what it means but it seems like something special may happen as I think something special also happened when it read 12:48. Do you remember?

  12. I agree with you Miriam, I also thought the 12:48 was a good time for something to happen. Does it go to 60 something seconds? Doesn't it tick over to 12:49..." 60 seconds equals one minute.... I don't know, cosmic time confuses me.

  13. Gematria of Nasrallah has been amended as per Dave's comment above.

  14. I am the anonymous poster on the End of Days blog. To put the post in context, it is brought down in the name of the Vilna Gaon that each pasuk in the Torah corresponds to a year from creation of this world. According to the generally accepted mesorah, there are 5845 verses in the Torah. Last year was the year 5784. Verse number 5784 in the Torah is found in Haazinu--"Ki Migefen Sdom Gafnam Umi Shadmos Amorah; Anaveimu Invei Rosh Ashkelos Meroros Lamo." R' Yehuda and R' Nehemiah view this verse in different ways; R' Yehuda applies it to Jews, while R' Nehemiah applies it to the Goyim. As applied to the Jews, it is an incredible nevuah about the disasters of last year--just as hostages were taken by an invading force on Simchas Torah, captives (like Lot and his family) were taken from Sodom and Amorah in the war between the kings in Lech Lecha. The Jewish people are compared to vines (Anaveimu Invei Rosh) and the North of Israel--the place where much wine is produced--was rendered desolate by Hezbollah. "Ashkelos Meroros" alludes to bereaved parents who lost children in the war (Rivka said about Yaakov and Esav--"Lamah Eshkal Gam Shneichem Yom Echad.") The verse can equally be construed as applying to the destruction wrought on the Goyim last year, but for the sake of brevity I will not present my thoughts on that.

    Now what about this year--5785? The relevant verse in Haazinu is "Chamas Taninim Yeinam V'Rosh Pesanim Achzar." Let's focus on the Goyim (R' Nechemiah) and hope it doesn't also apply to the Jews. "Taninim is an allusion to Egypt--Pharaoh is called"HaTanim HaGadol" in Yechezkel 29:3. So it appears that Egypt is going to be severely punished for its treachery towards Israel--even though it is nominally at peace with Israel, it has turned a blind eye to Hamas smuggling devastating weapons through territory under its control.
    "Rosh Pesanim Achzar" is a reference to Iran, often described as the cruel head of the snake of terrorism. Its destruction appears imminent and a cruel fate awaits it.

    1. Thank you for clarifying, really interesting comment.

  15. Avigail: Rabbi Ron Chaya lives in Jerusalem. Your comment, along with a few others I have received this morning, was not published. Comments that are disrespectful to either myself or anyone I publish on my blog will not be published.

  16. Thank you.

    With the emphasis on parashas Balak and the insight of another poster that leaders now are gilgulim to see Acharis HaYamim, I tried to tie current figures to those mentioned in parashas Balak. Here is my take:

    Netanyahu: Shaul HaMelech to rectify the sin of not destroying Amalek. Netanyahu is on record that Shaul is his favorite figure in Tanach. (Bilaam said "V'Yarom MeiAgag Malko" interpreted to refer to Shaul and Agag).

    Sinwar: Agag. Gematria of Sinwar with the 7 letters=340=gematria of "Agag
    Melech Amalek" with the 3 words.

    Balak: Barak Obama. Balak/Barack very similar. Obama alludes to Balak taking Bilaam to "BAMOS Baal" in an effort to curse Bnei Yisrael. "Ben Tzippor"---Obama's father flew away like a bird--he abandoned the family when his son was 2.

    Trump: Chever HaKeini (Bilaam looks at "HaKeini"). Trump is known as a chaver of the Jewish people. His daughter took the name of "Yael" upon converting--the name of Chever's wife. Trump has been ridiculed for lusting after his daughter (like a man lusts after his wife).

    Kamala Harris: Bilaam's female donkey (Ason) who reproved him and was killed by the angel. The Democratic Party has been known as the party of the donkey since the 19th century, and Harris became the leader of the party the day after parashas Balak was read. Just as Bilaam's donkey performed sexual favors for him, Harris rose to power in California by performing sexual favors for a powerful man (the California Speaker of the House). Harris is constantly ridiculed for her "word salads"--she talks like a donkey. "Harris" means destroyed and Bilaam's donkey was killed by the angel. The gematria of Kamalah Harris with the 8 letters=458. The gematria of "Ason" is 457--equal under Im Hakollel. The additional 1 hints that Harris was elevated from an animal to a human.

    Bilaam mentioned Amalek --he is the Supreme Leader of Iran--Khameini--Haman is right in the name.

    Who was Bilaam? Possibly the evil self-hating Jew George Soros. Bilaam advised Balak how to get Bnei Yisrael to sin. Soros is the behind the scenes supporter of evil causes against the Jewish people. Hashem commanded Moshe "TZAROR ES HaMidyanim . . Ki TZORIRIM HEIM"--TZORER is like Soros. At one time, Soros's net worth was reported to be $24 billion--Bilaam went to Midian to get paid for his advice that caused 24,000 to fall from Bnei Yisrael.

    1. President Trump is probably the reincarnation of the good part of Eisav
      that will come back to assist Klal Yisroel.

  17. Very interesting Anon. Love the Kamala part, a gilgul of the donkey - and the gematrias etc. Not sure about your Obama though. Whoever he is, I'll be glad to see the end of him.

  18. And when you think about it, when she laughs.... she laughs like a donkey, all those teeth as well. Now I'll never get that image out of my head. LOL

  19. Devorah:

    I'm convinced that if she becomes President, it would be Hashem's way of bringing down Esav. Remember that Esav put the women before the children.

  20. It's any day now, the first 8 min of this video:

  21. QUOTE:
    Dr Gold says : and in the end we managed to solve all the problems . Dr Gold said it all came from Go-d and what we managed to accomplish [Iron Dome] is absolutely abnormal.

    SEE THE BELOW LINK - IT'S RELEVANT (Reported in 2014:

  22. Starting at min 6:30 R Fish talks about the same Zohar at the end of Balak


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