Monday, March 16, 2020

Midrash: Plague in ''Days of Moshiach''

HT: Yaakov Nathan

“Rebbi Yossi says: Hashem will never again bring a mabul of water, but a mabul of plague is to be brought on the idolatrous nations in the days of Moshiach.” [Yalkut Shimoni, Bereishis 8]

Message from Rav Kanievsky

The following letter was written by Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita regarding protection from the Corona Pandemic. It was translated and annotated by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the
Rav Kanievsky’s words are in boldface. 

 Rabbi Yair Hoffman’s additions are in plain type. Rabbi Hoffman’s additions are the background that is necessary to understand Rav Chaim’s words. May we all have yeshuos. YH


Adar 5780

Regarding the concern of transmission of the Corona Virus Pandemic

Everyone must be mechazek to refrain from Lashon Harah and rechilus as it states in Arachin 15b: [Why is a leper so different, that the Torah states: “He shall dwell alone; outside of the camp shall be his dwelling” (Vayikrah 13:46)? He (Rabbi Chaninah) answered: By speaking badly] he separated between a husband and wife and between one person and another; therefore he is punished with tzara’as, and the Torah says: “He shall dwell alone; outside of the camp shall be his dwelling.”

They must further strengthen themselves in the midah of humility and to be maavir al midosav (let things slide) as the pirush haRosh on the side of the page says explicitly in the end of Horios [14a],

The Gemorah there cites a debate between Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel and the chachomim as to who is preferable – a Sinai, one who is extremely knowledgeable or an Okair Harim – One who uproots mountains, one who is extremely sharp.

The Gemara explains that this is not just theoretical. Rav Yosef was a Sinai; Rabba was one who uproots mountains. They sent a message from Bavel to Eretz Yisrael: Which takes precedence? They sent in response: Sinai is preferable, as the Master said: Everyone requires the owner of the wheat, i.e., one who is expert in the sources. And even so, Rav Yosef did not accept upon himself the appointment of head of the yeshiva. Rabba did accept it upon himself and he reigned for twenty-two years, and then Rav Yosef reigned. The Gemara relates that in all of those years that Rabba was in charge, Rav Yosef did not even call a bloodletter to his home. Rav Yosef did not assume even the slightest authority, in deference to Rabba.

The Rosh explains in the name of the Ramah that since Rav Yosef lowered himself and did not wish to lord over Rabbah, his humility protected both him and his household members that not any of them became ill all of those years that Rabbah ruled and even an expert bloodletter was not needed to be called to his home.

Whoever strengthens himself in these the merit will protect him and his family members that not one of them will be sick.

[Rav] Chaim Kanievsky

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Rabbi Anava: Coronavirus, Purim, World Events

Rabbi Alon Anava
New shiur !
''The argument in Shamayim is not whether Moshiach will come.... because He is already here.... the argument is whether He will come in a peaceful way or not...''

Parshat Bo: 12:8-9 Rashi
אל תאכלו ממנו נא: שאינו צלוי כל צורכו קוראו נא בלשון ערבי:
You shall not eat it rare: Heb. נָא Something not roasted sufficiently is called נָא in Arabic.
[The Hebrew spells Corona] - relating to eating a limb from a live animal. ]

The Twilight Zone

It's Purim, and these headlines may seem like they are a Purim joke, but I assure you they are all real.  Seems like we've entered the Twilight Zone, the zone between the world as we know it and a new world that we've never seen before.

Israel to Quarantine all Incoming Passengers
In a dramatic but expected announcement, Prime Minister Netanyahu announced on Monday evening that everyone entering Israel will be required to enter quarantine for two weeks, due to the Coronavirus threat. The obligatory quarantine policy will be in place for the next two weeks (which is approximately until two weeks before Pesach), after which the policy will presumably be reevaluated.
Link: Jewish Press
Israeli Airlines Arkia and Israir Cancelling all International Flights

The entire country of Italy is now in lockdown.  
Link: WSJ

The stock markets are a Sea of Red - perhaps that's what ''turning waters to blood'' means these days

Monday, March 9, 2020

Ani Ma'amin

It's a strange phenomenon lately, that people who know absolutely nothing about Moshiach or the End Times, are suddenly experts on the subject.  They want to either deny that there is such a thing as Moshiach, or suggest we are hundreds of years away.  I don't have the energy or the inclination to even argue with them.  These are people who are experts in their own fields, whether it be law or medicine or investment bankers..... and they have never listened to a shiur, or learned any Torah, about Moshiach, and yet they KNOW for a fact that it's all nonsense.

Last night on 60 Minutes Australia a leading public health expert warned that up to 60 per cent of the world’s population could become infected by coronavirus, killing 45 million.   That in itself is quite an End Times event, but if you add that to the other signs in the world, we are definitely almost there.

So why are so many people in denial?  I guess it's because firstly they are ignorant of the facts, and secondly they are so caught up in the lifestyle of materialism and their concept of ''normality'' that they cannot envision a world of spirituality, devoid of all things related to financial gain.  

I'm talking about people from all walks of life: the irreligious and even the religious [so called] who look at me like I'm a lunatic if I even mention the word Moshiach.   Some laugh, and some get angry, and some just don't know what to respond, they are so far away from the truth.  

How on earth can Moshiach come into a world where most people don't even believe in His coming?  Things such as the Coronavirus need to happen just to bring people to a state of despair and a search for something more than materialism.  

Northern Italy is now in lockdown.  People cannot leave their homes and they are not too happy about it.  How long until the rest of the world follows suit and we are all in lockdown?  Maybe that's not too far away.   The world is on the brink of another global financial crisis, soon toilet paper will be more valuable than money it seems.  In Australia it certainly seems to be the case already.

I am very grateful that I have a blog where people who read it understand that we are close to Moshiach, because if I had to rely on friends and family for their support, I'd be in big trouble, because most of them are clue-less.   How about all of you.... are you surrounded by non-believers and people who ridicule you?  Still ?  How long will it take for the world to wake up and see what is really happening/