Monday, March 9, 2020

Ani Ma'amin

It's a strange phenomenon lately, that people who know absolutely nothing about Moshiach or the End Times, are suddenly experts on the subject.  They want to either deny that there is such a thing as Moshiach, or suggest we are hundreds of years away.  I don't have the energy or the inclination to even argue with them.  These are people who are experts in their own fields, whether it be law or medicine or investment bankers..... and they have never listened to a shiur, or learned any Torah, about Moshiach, and yet they KNOW for a fact that it's all nonsense.

Last night on 60 Minutes Australia a leading public health expert warned that up to 60 per cent of the world’s population could become infected by coronavirus, killing 45 million.   That in itself is quite an End Times event, but if you add that to the other signs in the world, we are definitely almost there.

So why are so many people in denial?  I guess it's because firstly they are ignorant of the facts, and secondly they are so caught up in the lifestyle of materialism and their concept of ''normality'' that they cannot envision a world of spirituality, devoid of all things related to financial gain.  

I'm talking about people from all walks of life: the irreligious and even the religious [so called] who look at me like I'm a lunatic if I even mention the word Moshiach.   Some laugh, and some get angry, and some just don't know what to respond, they are so far away from the truth.  

How on earth can Moshiach come into a world where most people don't even believe in His coming?  Things such as the Coronavirus need to happen just to bring people to a state of despair and a search for something more than materialism.  

Northern Italy is now in lockdown.  People cannot leave their homes and they are not too happy about it.  How long until the rest of the world follows suit and we are all in lockdown?  Maybe that's not too far away.   The world is on the brink of another global financial crisis, soon toilet paper will be more valuable than money it seems.  In Australia it certainly seems to be the case already.

I am very grateful that I have a blog where people who read it understand that we are close to Moshiach, because if I had to rely on friends and family for their support, I'd be in big trouble, because most of them are clue-less.   How about all of you.... are you surrounded by non-believers and people who ridicule you?  Still ?  How long will it take for the world to wake up and see what is really happening/


  1. I agree Devorah. May H’ help us all. May Moshiach come swiftly. Thank you for your blog. I’ve been reading it for years. I love the mussar posts. Very helpful and encouraging. All the Best to you!

  2. Bring Moshiach now! Please Hashem, bring Moshiach now. Even though we are Not ready and all our Aveiras do not merit that we should see Moshiach, please bring him anyhow.

    Leah from NY

  3. Shavua tov, Devorah.
    Ok, so first and foremost, go get a cup of coffee because I'm about to respond to your post. Ok, Are you back yet? ;)
    A R R O G A N C E.....A P A T H Y......
    I G N O R A N C E ...Shall I keep going?
    Think about this: What other generation has there been that can sit PRIVATELY, UNDETECTED, UNNOTICED, SECRETLY behind a "screen"
    and spew forth anything they want? They can pretend to be professionals or say mean ignorant things and never have to come face to face and justify their comments.
    Everyone is now an expert. Religion? G-d?
    Oh, no no no, why should one be bogged down with the yoke of Heaven?
    Devorah, when they see you coming, they hear the voice of spirituality and wake up. They hear the voice of, "Hey, the world will not always be like this? The music will stop- and stop soon. We will be expected to answer for our lack of follow through on the mitzvos.
    They see you coming and are reminded of an end to materialism and excess. They are reminded that prayers need to be said with heartfelt sincerity.
    They see you coming and they are reminded that "...although He may tarry, await Him."
    They are bothered by your alarm clock ringing to wake them up from their slumber.
    They want to press the snooze button and go on with life as it is. Whether or not this virus will wake them up, one thing is for sure:

    The longer it goes on, the larger the area it fills. The more it spreads, the more it is going to be on everyone's mouths. No one can avoid something of this magnitude and not be affected.
    Whether it is their job and quarantine or someone they know getting sick,(G-d forbid anyone!) or community members in their immediate vicinity feeling economical pressure, it will be felt.
    Yes, Devorah, Moshiach can come in a world where most people don't believe in His coming.
    Surprises have that effect on humans. Supernatural surprises have an even greater effect.

    Keep on doing what you are doing, Devorah.
    We who read your blog are awake and reading. We are grateful for all that you do. We are many many many thousands of miles away, but we are close in spirit.
    With much hakoros hatov,




  5. As always Devorah, thank you for writing from the heart and expressing how many of us feel as we are surrounded by a world that is in its death throws and obsessed with creating its own destiny devoid of the Divine Reality.

    This is the final climax of a 4000 year struggle that started between Avraham and Nimrod. The vaulted ceiling world of man made bricks and mortar is crumbling under Divine scrutiny as all the humble living stones are being built into a beautiful Succah. The vaulted ceiling representing human self reliance and independence from HaShem, with the Succah representing total dependence on HaShem allowing the penetration of the Heavenly rain.

    So scoffers and naysayers will come and desperately clutch at straws and sooth themselves into believing their delusional lies.

    With Purim upon us, I read this insight on Ohr Somayach.

    “Behind every Jewish joke there’s a Jewish tear. A wry bitter/sweet feeling of two thousand years of exile. Tears of sadness. Tears of joy.

    In the Psalm, Shir Hama’alot, that is sung after a festive meal, there is a line that yearns for the coming of Mashiach: “Then will our mouths be filled with laughter…” When the Mashiach comes, he will come in an instant, and things will be totally turned upside down.

    Just like Purim, he will come in crisis, in catastrophic reversal – hippuch. His coming will not be through gradual improvement. He will come in the darkest hour… which is always just before the dawn.

    The bitter/sweet humor of the Jewish People will then be transformed to a sweet/sweet humor. There will no longer be an elegiac quality to it. Ridicule will be deposed from its throne of idiocy. Our mouths will be filled with laughter. It will be a laughter of discovery, a laughter of total realization.

    Then we will see how all the pieces in this Comedy of the Absurd called Life fit into place.

    Then Yitzchak will laugh the last laugh.”

    Chag Sameach and may Maschiach speedily come.

  6. Birth pangs are painful. If this is the time, then there will be pain. During pain, one can only focus on it and ignore everything else. Those who don't know why they are suffering (like a mother for instance) will suffer anguish and possible madness. Those who know can endure.

  7. Shalom Devorah, what beautiful heartfelt words you wrote.

    I love the comments here of all, Joe, you said it so well and so true for many of us. Amen.

    I, as Noahide, also look forward to the moment Mashiah comes..and the people look up, in awe. For those who awaited this coming pure joy, happy tears, and rejoicing. Amen.

    For those who scorned, a rude awakening...
    I pray that all somehow all who do not feel we are at the end, that they too wake up, i pray to Hashem for mercy for them, and for all of us, even those of us, who believe.

    If i have said anything wrong... please forgive me.

    Devorah, so many love you and your blog.. i am among them.

    Hashem bless you and yours.

    Hashem bless all who come and read this wonderful blog.. Amen.


  8. I dont know if you noticed but ive been posting for at least 4 years about the years 2020 and 2021 coinciding with the moshiach prophecies of the zohar that state in the year 72 and a half the messiah appears. This i believe refers to 72 years after the state of Israel. More than that is that if you accept Moses view that we were in egypt for 430 years then our calender is exactly 220 years off. Which means 2020 also coincides with the year 6000 shabbat. What are the chances ?

  9. Nice theory George but if the lubavitcher Rebbe was happy with the years as we know them, then so am I. Besides, we are told that techias hameisim begins 210 years before the year 6000 so you can’t possibly be right.

  10. DEVORAH, there are many believers like myself but what we cannot fathom is the pain and suffering that we Jews will have to experience yet again. I am a child of Holocaust much suffering do we have to go through before Hashem takes pity on us? What more do we have to prove? Everything comes with blood and sacrifice. Why not sweetness? Jews who aren't clued into the coming of Moshiach don't want to be clued in not because of materialism or because there lives are so great but because they have no emunah or faith after so much heartache and endless struggle. Diaspora Ro

  11. No one knows anything about Mashiach or what the world will look like after his arrival. All the discussion in the Gemara is speculation on the part of the various חז’’ל, and this is obvious when you see that they disagree with each other on pretty much every detail. They can't all be right, and possibly none of them are. Anyone pretending to know is simply trying to pull a fast one. Be wary if they're asking for money.

  12. Yes Diaspora Ro, that is one excuse, and personally I can understand someone who themselves went thru the Holocaust and stopped believing.... but what is the alternative to not believing? For me, it is harder NOT to believe than to believe. If you stop believing in G-d and Moshiach, then how do you bring more children into this dreadful world? How do you justify the injustices the go on every day? How do you even explain the existence of the world? For me, no matter how bad it gets, to stop believing in G-d is an impossiblity, and believe me there have been times in my life when I was so angry and upset that I wanted to stop believing, but in the end it is impossible. The alternative to not believing is so much harder.

  13. Avi: Depends why they are asking for money, who they are, and how much money. And Avi, I'm not really sure of your motives here, not sure if you are the same Avi who has commented in the past, and where you are heading with your line of thought. There are certain rabbis who we trust, and we do know many things. If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.... as the saying goes. Follow great tzadikim such as the Lubavitcher Rebbe for example, and you won't go wrong in Torah knowledge.

  14. Devorah..I so agree! I have been listening to Rabbi Mendel Kessin since 2015 and before that Rabbi Nueberger. Thinking and believing that we are living in the times before the Moshiach comes gives me hope and takes away my fear since I have come to understand that these things are supposed to happen before the Moshiach comes.
    What bothers me is the way my sister(not Jewish)asks me if I can vote in Israel and America. Why does it bother me. She has never said anything before and I know there are antisemites spewing these ideas.Thay is disheartening. But it helps me see how different we are.And that is good.
    Forgive me if this sounds to lighthearted, with all these travel restrictions b/c of CV I don't have to worry about going to the US to vote...perhaps this is my time to look at my life goals. I do believe we are on the cusp of Moshiachzeit! If nothing else...things are happening faster than we could ever have imagined. R.Kessin says this is happening as time for Moshiach comes closer!

  15. thank you devorah
    this is where i come to when ever i am able, to get the chizzuk that there are still others like me looking and searching and waiting for Moshiach and Hashems salvation.
    ive been called a geulah conspiracy theorist...every thing that happens is a sign of the imminent geula (andeven as i write their words of derision, i feel the sting of amalek in them)
    these doubters, and those who mock, of argue what we say/think are just here as a tool for us to strengthen our own beleif so that we can daven with true kavana. really beieving that we are at the edge so very very close to geula beH.

    keep awaiting, we wait together
    the geula will comebeH k'heref ayin and until then we wait
    thank you

  16. Diaspora Rose: Fear not, most of our great Rabbis have said that the great sufferings of the Jewish have already taken place (millenia) and the Shoah was the final. Believe we are now in the era before Moshiach and just as in the first Geula, so will it be in our final redemption. We are in the era of the plagues, but on a worldwide scale as this will be the redemption of the whole world also. We are almost there, at freedom's door with the coming of Moshiach tzdkeinu; we have to hold on to our emunah and bitachon in H' - that's what really matters.
    Avi: You are missing 'Emunah and Bitachon' in Hakadosh Baruch Hu! Chazal had Ruach Hakodesh and everything they said was true, even when there was differences. We are taught that each of their words and prophecies are true and correct, even with all the differing opinions. The Torah is infinite and deep beyond our understandings and much will be explained when Moshiach is here and, hopefully, it will be sooner than we think and when we least expect him!

  17. There's a middle ground between believers and non-believers, and that's those who are confused due to their life experiences.

    Frankly, i fit there. And then there's the young girl i just met at the kosher store today. She was representing a potential orthodox jewish candidate, yet:

    Get ready to be shocked. When I joked that she appered to have the talent to go into politics as well, she casually answered "no, i'm joining the army". When i warned her of its implications, she said "well...i tried getting jobs, but they didn't work out, and so i decided that this is what i should do."


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