Monday, March 16, 2020

Midrash: Plague in ''Days of Moshiach''

HT: Yaakov Nathan

“Rebbi Yossi says: Hashem will never again bring a mabul of water, but a mabul of plague is to be brought on the idolatrous nations in the days of Moshiach.” [Yalkut Shimoni, Bereishis 8]


  1. Interesting. But how does this allude to the coronavirus?

  2. I guess you’re serious. Coronavirus is a plague.

  3. I thought the Yalkut Shimoni was going to spell out the word corona in Hebrew letters.

  4. And lo and behold, blaming the Jooz, that didn't take long

  5. What exactly does ACU"M translate into word for word, meaning for meaning?

  6. well hopefully someone can tell us the exact Hebrew words it stands for - I don't know - but the translate given is ''idolatrous nations''.

  7. I just asked someone: it stands for Avdei cochavim: worshippers of the stars [literally].... that is what they call things like normal milk [chalav akum] as opposed to kosher milk [chalav Yisroel]. Thanks for asking, I never knew what it stood for before.

  8. If the Midrash has been censored like the Talmud...someone many years ago showed me his Venice edition of the Talmud, and how it differed from the Vilna edition. It was fascinating. Besides the outright censorship in the latter edition, there are phrases that get changed too. For example, ovdei kochavim could have originally been, simply, goyim.

  9. Starry: coincidence your name is ''Starry'' and it's talking about stars ?

    Shimshon: perhaps that's why it's written in a code that way.

  10. Shimshon is right.
    Often ovdei kochavim simply does mean goyim. Nothing derogatory. Like saying
    Gentiles or the Nations of the world.'stam' any person or people, not jewish.

  11. A.C.U.M stands for Avdei Cochavim U Mazalos. i.e. worshipers of the stars and constellations. The reason we often used that term is that historically if we would have written non-Jews there could have been dangerous consequences. The change was made so that if the non-Jews say "why are you saying that about us" we can answer "no we are not talking about you (Christians, Muslims etc) we are just referring to the worshipers of the stars and constellations.

  12. :) I just chose the name given things are starting to heat up in the heavens - comets, asteroids and more. Was inspired. So, about the ACU"M this makes a lot of sense, if you ever have a chance to listen to HaRav Daniel Asor he talks about the NWO and the powers behind all of this and how MBD will be at war with them. They rely on dark magic to achieve their diabolical plans.

  13. The translation is that: H' will not bring another flood of water(as HE promised) but will bring a 'flood' of plague(pestilence) on the worshippers of the stars (meaning idolatries) bringing us to the days of Moshiach.'(Believe this could also refer to, in today's world, as 'doubters', such as athiests who deny there is the G-D of Creation.)


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