Thursday, January 23, 2025

Held Hostage by the UN


It's not fake news, it's all over the internet.

The Sun and Friends


You may not have noticed, but many people HAVE noticed, we currently have what appears to be, more than one sun.  It's been like that for a long time, but only recently have people started to take videos and that means more and more people are learning about it.

Here are two videos for you to consider.

The first one shows three different "suns" floating around, one is the real sun that we all know, the other two are unknown spheres that appear to be lit up.  Whether they lit up because they are "suns" or because they are reflecting off our sun, I don't know.

The second video shows our sun squashed into a strange diamond shape, with giant blue lines coming out of it.  I can tell you that the reason why the sun is "squashed" into that shape is because there are other things around it blocking off it's light and causing it to appear that shape.  This is known as a "light pinch". The blue lines are also being caused by the objects around it.

The third video has nothing at all to do with the sun, I just thought it was funny.  The Bidens and the Trumps waiting for the helicopter.  I think the conversation is real, it sure looks real.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Current Events and the Final Exile of Yishmael

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz

The Severity of the Sin

Art by Nick Gustafson

Moses cried out to the Lord concerning the frogs that He had brought upon Pharaoh....And the Lord did according to Moses' word, and the frogs died .... [Va'eira 8:8-9]

Why is it, asked the Chofetz Chaim, that at the Plague of Frogs, Hashem accepted Moshe's prayer as soon as he uttered it and immediately stopped the devastating plague, yet when the Jews were in the wilderness and were attacked by fiery serpents, Moshe's prayers did not have an immediate effect?

For, in that case, Hashem told Moshe: ''Make yourself [the image of] a venomous snake, and place it on a pole.'' [Bamidbar 21:8]   Only by gazing at the copper ''snake'' did those who were bitten survive.

Why was it necessary for Moshe to perform an action here in order to save the Jewish people in the wilderness, yet in Egypt, no additional action was required?

This is meant to teach us, answered the Chofetz Chaim, the severity of the sin of speaking lashon hara.

As a rule, prayer is effective for removing all misfortunes and calamities.  Therefore, when Moshe beseeched Hashem to remove the frogs from Egypt, Hashem accepted his prayer and instantly stopped the plague.  However, the fiery serpents were sent to attack the Jewish people as a punishment for speaking lashon hara.  

Since they had committed a sin which the Heavenly Court judges with exactitude, Moshe's prayers were not immediately effective.  Instead, Hashem instructed him to make an image of a venomous snake for the people to gaze at.  This way, each Jew would think of his Father in Heaven and personally repent for his sin.  Each Jew would then be forgiven and granted life.

Source: Rabbi Yisroel Bronstein

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Hello Darkness My Old Friend

My friend Rivky said to me yesterday that this is the plague of darkness, we cannot see what is going on.  

To confuse the issue even more, the impulsive and sometimes crazy Elon Musk decided to thank everyone [like he's the one who's been elected] and put his hand on his heart and salute the crowd.  

Except the salute looked a lot like the Roman salute, a.k.a. the Fascist salute, or G-d forbid the nazi salute.

Again, confusion, very easy to jump to a conclusion here.  And everyone has indeed jumped to that conclusion.  

Elon Musk is impulsive, he's emotional, he just DOES things, this time he did something that made everyone think the worst.  Darkness and confusion again.  

I'm still not worried about it, he is not a nazi sympathizer.  Remember, Moshiach comes out of chaos.

Baruch Hashem

Trump is finally in the White House and all is wrong with the world.  

Don't worry though.... like "Bob the Builder" - Trump will fix it.   [Bob the Builder is a children's show, the theme song is "Bob the Builder, he will fix it....."]

So what went wrong with the Israel deal.... and why did Bibi cave.....what's really going on?

Well I don't have a hot-line to anyone in power, but it seems pretty obvious to me, and I am heartened by the fact that Dov bar Leib agrees.... judging by his comments on his blog.

You see, Trump had to do SOMETHING to appease Gog.   If Trump hadn't done the things he did..... such as posting that video of Prof. Sachs, which Rav Chaya was so excited about...... and set up certain impressions of his attitude towards Bibi.... then things would have gone pear-shaped because Gog wanted to go out with a Bang, and that would mean causing a lot of problems for Israel.

So Trump manipulated, and took the opportunity of a conveniently timed funeral to not only sit next to Gog but to whisper into his ear, and set up an urgent meeting to discuss.  

The cease-fire deal that was made was very pleasing to Gog because it appears that Hamas and co have won this war and Israel looks like a loser chas v'shalom.  

Nevertheless, it shut Gog up and he and his puppet O'Biden went out on a high, claiming credit for the deal to stop the bombing in Gaza and free 3 hostages.

I was under the impression that when Trump said the hostages must be freed or there would be hell to pay, he meant ALL the hostages.  Seems that was not the case, which is disappointing, but this is Trump's first day of his new Presidency and this is not over yet.

Meanwhile all the Trump haters felt vindicated, and relieved that everyone could finally see the orange man's true colours...... except we haven't seen his true colours, he did what he had to do in order to avoid something worse happening.  In my humble opinion.

And you can be sure that there was a sweetener for Bibi, an incentive to persuade him to look like a defeated man in order to pull off this sting. You would have noticed how quiet Bibi went for a few days.  He was either in shock or under strict orders to stay shtum.

Far from being upset about the deal, everyone should realize that we are all on a speeding train that has only just left the station.  We have a way to go yet, but at the end of the tunnel that we are travelling through, we will see the LIGHT.

Trump is not the enemy.  Nothing is as it seems.  We are living through chaos and confusion.  Moshiach is born out of chaos.  Tracht gut vet zein gut.  Everything will be ok in the end, and if it's not ok then it's not the end.

That's my take on the situation, agree or disagree, I'm just sharing my opinion please be kind.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Eve of Inauguration Moon

Did anyone see the moon last night next to the Capitol Building?  Have a look at it... 1.18.2025 at 10:17pm - photo by Gordon K. Lau whose Instagram page is here - text below photo is from Lau's IG page

Last night’s 74.7% Waning Gibbous Moon rising over the @uscapitol from 3.3 miles away. As always, this was a single exposure capture taken at 600mm, f6.3, ISO 1250 and 1/3s shutter speed. What makes this shot unique from most other moon alignments of the US Capitol is the Presidential Inauguration flags draping the facade of the building. That of course only comes around every four years.

The Jewish Prophecy Connecting America, Islam and 2025 REVEALED

H/t Sherry 

Highly recommended that you listen to this. 

October 7 was prophesied in the Book of Ovadiah.

Jake Turx joins the podcast to do an in-depth look at the book of Ovadiah. This episode explores ancient Jewish prophecies, particularly those of Obadiah, and how they remarkably align with contemporary events, including those in 2025. It examines the roles of America, Western civilization, and their relationships with Israel and Islamic nations in the context of these prophecies. The discussion highlights themes of unity, resilience, and the consequences of societal and moral decay, providing a profound lens to view modern global dynamics. This was recorded on December 31st, 2024.