Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Baruch Hashem

Trump is finally in the White House and all is wrong with the world.  

Don't worry though.... like "Bob the Builder" - Trump will fix it.   [Bob the Builder is a children's show, the theme song is "Bob the Builder, he will fix it....."]

So what went wrong with the Israel deal.... and why did Bibi cave.....what's really going on?

Well I don't have a hot-line to anyone in power, but it seems pretty obvious to me, and I am heartened by the fact that Dov bar Leib agrees.... judging by his comments on his blog.

You see, Trump had to do SOMETHING to appease Gog.   If Trump hadn't done the things he did..... such as posting that video of Prof. Sachs, which Rav Chaya was so excited about...... and set up certain impressions of his attitude towards Bibi.... then things would have gone pear-shaped because Gog wanted to go out with a Bang, and that would mean causing a lot of problems for Israel.

So Trump manipulated, and took the opportunity of a conveniently timed funeral to not only sit next to Gog but to whisper into his ear, and set up an urgent meeting to discuss.  

The cease-fire deal that was made was very pleasing to Gog because it appears that Hamas and co have won this war and Israel looks like a loser chas v'shalom.  

Nevertheless, it shut Gog up and he and his puppet O'Biden went out on a high, claiming credit for the deal to stop the bombing in Gaza and free 3 hostages.

I was under the impression that when Trump said the hostages must be freed or there would be hell to pay, he meant ALL the hostages.  Seems that was not the case, which is disappointing, but this is Trump's first day of his new Presidency and this is not over yet.

Meanwhile all the Trump haters felt vindicated, and relieved that everyone could finally see the orange man's true colours...... except we haven't seen his true colours, he did what he had to do in order to avoid something worse happening.  In my humble opinion.

And you can be sure that there was a sweetener for Bibi, an incentive to persuade him to look like a defeated man in order to pull off this sting. You would have noticed how quiet Bibi went for a few days.  He was either in shock or under strict orders to stay shtum.

Far from being upset about the deal, everyone should realize that we are all on a speeding train that has only just left the station.  We have a way to go yet, but at the end of the tunnel that we are travelling through, we will see the LIGHT.

Trump is not the enemy.  Nothing is as it seems.  We are living through chaos and confusion.  Moshiach is born out of chaos.  Tracht gut vet zein gut.  Everything will be ok in the end, and if it's not ok then it's not the end.

That's my take on the situation, agree or disagree, I'm just sharing my opinion please be kind.


  1. Great analysis of the situation

  2. Why would he need to appease the democrats when they’re not in power anymore? If they are still in power how would that help the situation?

    1. The Democrats WERE still in power, that's the point. They had a few days to do whatever it took to "kill" Netanyahu and his war. I have no idea what they had planned, but Trump knew and Trump had to stop it somehow, and give them something to make them happy. Trump is the Master Manipulator. We're in for a wild ride.

    2. Okay but you’re completely making that up. You don’t have any evidence for any of that

    3. That's why I said "in my humble opinion".

    4. Because in his last few days in office, Obama, Biden's puppeteer threatened to go to the UN Sec Council to inflict horrible, punitive, permanent worldwide economic and military sanctions against Israel that no future President could ever annul. Yes, a Sitting President is an absolute Monarch in the day to day running of foreign policy including deciding on votes at the UNSC in the final days as President.

      The President of the US only has 3 things that tether him to this mortal coil in the area of foreign policy according to the US Constitution:

      1. After the President goes to war and actually sends troops to territories not in the US, within 90 days of already sending troops, he must affirm the sending of troops with a Declaration of War by a Majority of both Houses of Congress.

      2. If a Pres. signs a treaty with a foreign power, the US Senate by 2/3rds of the members needs to ratify the Treaty.

      3.THE only other Absolute authority over the President is the Hand of G-d whether he recognizes it or not.

      Other than that, a sitting President is a benevolent dictator or a despot in foreign policy. A President elect has 0 power until the 20th of January at high noon.

  3. https://youtu.be/EfnE4KSH_kw?si=ORHL77tu8nb4vhaW

    Why would a President who retired 8 years ago need to have an urgent discussion with Trump that very day? The answer is obvious. There was nothing on Obama's schedule that needed to be addressed by Trump that very day except condemning Israel at the UNSC or the ceasefire deal. What else would the President elect concern himself with by talking to a retired ex-President?

  4. Thanks Dov.

    There is one very important thing to note here, and that is we still don't put our faith in a man, OUR FAITH IS IN HASHEM. Hashem is guiding Trump. Trump is the tool Hashem is using to bring Moshiach. That's why the gematria of Donald Trump is 424, the same as Moshiach ben David.

  5. Trump is a servant of G-d, which is why he was shot in the ear. His ear was pierced.

    Rashbam says the ear piercing is so that everyone will know this person is an eved [servant/slave]

  6. Trump has expressed anger at Netanyahu and Jewish people that didn’t vote for him. Most recently he posted that video criticizing Israel. He’s also been supportive of Israel. So there is mixed signals. The average humble person would say they aren’t sure what’s going on and what will happen. Or you could assume you know everything and invent stories. There is also no evidence that Biden is a puppet of Obama. That was also completely invented with no evidence. If you make a claim you need evidence to back it up

  7. I didn't make up the Biden puppet claim, that is common knowledge these days. Obama has been running the Democrat party since his Presidency. Biden has onset dementia, he has admitted he didn't know what he was signing sometimes.
    I have written about it before, see The Manchurian Candidate

    It is also common knowledge that Obama is/was Gog. My attention was first drawn to Obama back in 2008 by Joel Gallis a"h
    Then there was the young boy Natan with his NDE, he confirmed Obama is Gog.
    Since then, many rabbis have confirmed they also believe Obama was Gog, including Rabbi M. Kessin.

    The "mixed signals" from Trump of which you speak is called "manipulation" and everyone fell for it - except for Rav Chaya! - and I was also confused although after giving it some thought I realized what had actually happened. Again, just my opinion, but I'm not doubting myself at all.

    I mentioned the video you speak of about Trump criticizing Israel in the actual blog post, that is the link to Rav Chaya.

  8. To my commenter friend who keeps insisting I'm making up the O'Biden puppet thing....
    everyone knows there were at least three different Bidens..... all actors, some wearing latex masks..... commenter Shimshon thinks there were at least FIVE of them, see comment of Jan 14 @ 8:12

    The Beginning of the End

    1. I've heard from military insider groups that there were four fake
      Bidens. But who's counting.

  9. I hear you Anon and I didn't publish your comment because it insulted some people.... yes everything does look crazy, that means we're on the right track. Someone suggested to me that this is the plague of darkness, we can't see what's going on. And I think she's right on the money.

  10. That’s fine. Well please keep blogging. I really love to read your theories.

  11. Also these rabbis seems to have been saying moshiach will be here in six months for years now, so I wouldn’t cite them as a reliable source

    1. I"ve also thought Moshiach would be here by now, I can't believe I've been blogging for so long. No-one knows the exact date of Moshiach's arrival, it's hidden, but we will know and it will be this year, again my opinion, but surely everyone can see what's happening in the skies, and I"ve only shown you a fraction of what I've seen. We are nearly there, and time has sped up and we're going to see miracles and wonders like we can't even imagine.

  12. I sure hope so. Keep keeping the hope alive

  13. And thanks for encouraging us with your posts too

  14. TRUMP removed all weapons shipment restrictions on
    Israel 🇮🇱 imposed by Biden.

    Trump halts funding to UNRWA

    The Executive Order establishes Government-wide the biological reality of two sexes and clearly defines Male and Female.
    All radical gender ideology guidance, communication, policies and reforms are removed.
    Agences will cease pretending that men can be women and women can be men when enforcing laws that protect against sex descrimination.
    "Woman" means an adult human female.
    The Executive Order directs that Government identification like passports and personnel records will reflect biological reality and not self-assessed gender identity.

  15. Deborah is basing her analysis on Rabbi Kessin's view. I like that.

  16. If you listened to Rabbi Palvanov's lecture The Spiritual Significance of 2025..... you would have heard this, but if not, go to the 2:44 min mark and listen to what he says about parshat Miketz. How many letters are contained in that Parsha which speaks about the End of Days.
    I'm sure that Parsha has many secrets still hidden there.

  17. My opinion is not an isolated opinion. I listened to a few other people who I respect, in private and on the internet. They are all thinking the same way. Team Trump all the way.... at least for now.

    But there are also people I respect who are thinking the worst.

  18. Donald Trump spent his first session back in the Oval Office signing executive orders to pardon all January 6 defendants and declare dangerous Mexican drug cartels as 'terrorists'.

    The designation of cartels as terrorists enables the United States to use military force on them, seize assets and freeze accounts, hold and jail members without trial, implement an automatic death penalty, and use surveillance and other techniques to track and engage them abroad. It also enables the same to be done to those within the United States that are aiding the cartels. It would strip citizenship for all Americans caught aiding them and they would lose all constitutional rights.

  19. I like Trump and voted for him but I don't trust him on Israel. Rabbi Richter, Jonathan Pollard, Rabbi Isser Weisenberg and others have serious reservations about Trump as well as I do. I hope and pray for the best but I am honest that Trump could end up going against Israel. Trump tried to do his horrible Deal of the Century in his first term trying to create a Fakestinian State and may try it again? Rabbi Weisenberg believes Trump could end up being Gog. Obama was a potential Gog but he is out of power now as of today so that is irrelevant and old news not unless he becomes head of the UN.

  20. Maybe Trump will betray us in the end. [I just listened to part of Rabbi Richter where he said that]
    If Trump tries to divide the Land, there will be trouble.
    Maybe that's what my dream was showing me 15 years ago.

    When and if that happens, that means that Trump has done certain things which G-d wanted, and then the betrayal is also what G-d wants..... and that is when the miracles start happening and MBD appears.

    Whatever Trump is gonna do it's because G-d said so. Isn't that what we believe? The hearts and minds of kings.....

    1. I totally agree Devorah. Unfortunately I think Trump will betray Israel but it will be God's will, so we trust HaShem only and no mega conceited man called Trump the savior.

  21. In my honest opinion, I would like to suggest that it is a far stretch to perceive that what was being discussed between Obama and Trump is related to the ceasefire. Sure, the forensic lip reader may accurately assess what is being spoken. However, the subject matter was to be discussed privately.

    Could the commitment that Trump is referring to be Tik Tok. This was a flip flop and Trump has already signed this reversal into existence. Surly, a man of conviction that has the well being of American youth at heart would not sell out to the $100 million pledged by the CEO of Tik Tok USA. Trump openly stated that there was money to be made. I strongly suggest that the jesting between Obama and Trump is any laughing matter if it concerned the future well being of Israel and the suicidal ceasefire. Is this something to joke about?

    Obama could have pulled the trigger at the UNSC at any time following the 6th January Presidential ratification of Trump . The suggestion that he would leave it to the last minute is hard to imagine.

    If I had to sum up the "Deal" in one sentence...... Israel toiled and fought Hamas and sundry for 15 months with the death of over 2000 soldiers and civilians to reward the enemy with a ceasefire which is not a ceasefire but Hudnah. PURE EVIL!!!!

    Trump may do good things, but only things that benefit his personal ego and American interests. His Abraham Accords will drive the Saudi Arabian inclusion of a two state solution and the status of Yerushalayim.

    Zachariyah ha Navi and Yoel ha Navi are very explicit regarding the Ketz and ALL Nations coming against Israel regarding Yerushalayim. Yilkut Shimoni is also explicit regarding Israel only having HaShem for deliverance and salvation.

    The Rebbe of blessed memory warned back in 1985 and yet ground hog day.......


    1. You say that Obama "could have pulled the trigger at the UNSC at any time following the 6th January Presidential ratification of Trump". This is historically not true. George HW Bush (Gog Bush Sr.) and Obama himself in 2016 both waited until after the November election that either defeated them or their party for the Presidency to viciously come against Israel in the UNSC for fear of losing voters. Gog Bush Sr condemned Isrsel during Chanukah in 1992 for throwing 400 Hamas thugs into Southern Lebanon after he was defeated for a 2nd term. And Obama's first really punitive UNSC Resolution against Israel was after the defeat of Hillary Clinton in 2016. Both waited until they were officially "lame ducks" or until there would be no electoral consequences for their philosophical successor in the case of Obama in 2016. So what you claim here is historically incorrect. Going to the UNSC to do something irreversible normally occurs after the November election when the Anti-Israel President is about to leave office.

      Secondly, one has to ponder why would a retired President from 8 years ago have anything urgent to discuss with a President- elect who is entering the Office of the Presidency within 2 weeks. Did Obama have a Penthouse apartment in Chicago to sell to Trump, whose contract needed to be signed that very day? No, it had to do with US Govt policy matters that are of no concern to a 2 term President who is retired and who should be butting his nose out of the nation's business, esp. since he is Trump's political mortal enemy. Who hired him that he should be instructing the President elect about an issue of national importance that NEEDED to be taken care of on that very day? Ya think that Trump may have had more important things to take care of? It should bother you that Obama somehow is still on the nation's payroll? Who elected him for this job? Oh he is taking care of Biden's job while Biden is intellectually indisposed. That would make Obama some sort of puppet-master, right?

    2. Yes, there will be a final test to divide Jerusalem. It will likely have to do with some sort of Saudi peace deal. But Trump does not like bloodthirsty savages in his deals. They are bad for business.

  22. In short, if Obama has been the guardian of American national policy with regards to Tik Tok in thenBiden Administration, he is surely writing UNSC Resolutions for Biden to economically and militarily cripple Israel until Mashiach comes. Who hired him for either role? Is there a place for a perpetual Obama to have this 3rd term with so much power in the US Constitution? Was he confirmed for this Cabinet position by the US Senate?

  23. Dov bar Leib, just because Trump talked to Obama for a few seconds isn’t proof that Obama is controlling Biden. There is no actual real proof or evidence for that

    1. I am not Dov, but with all due respect to you Anonymous.... you must have been living under a rock if you did not know that, and you are still arguing the point. Not that it matters anymore, because they're both gone.

  24. I’m not living under a rock, I just don’t make claims without having evidence to support them. The idea that Biden is a puppet of Obama is a conspiracy based on a desire to slander Biden. A more likely conspiracy is that both Obama and Biden are puppets of some other people we don’t know of. There’s also no evidence for the assertion that Obama or George HW Bush are Gog. Wouldn’t Gog be accompanied by the War of Gog uMagog? Making wildly speculative claims with one hundred percent certainty is what I object to

  25. There is a tendency these days to call anyone who disagrees with you a 'hater' as a way to discredit them. Imho, it's unbecoming to describe as such the many Jews with serious reservations, hashkafically and practically.

    The issue is the undue Jewish adulation of 'Trump Our Saviour', that has been going on for months on end, and trying to fit the facts or the news into the TOS narrative. If you trust in something other than Hashem, Hashem will leave you to deal with it alone. A leader is simply a tool in Hashem's hand, and whichever way he goes is a reflection of that. No Jew should be team anybody all the way. That in itself is the problem. A footnote in a comment, oh of course we trust in Hashem, comes across as an afterthought. The ikar should be trust in Hashem, and the tefel is if, big if, Trump is used to for good, so be it. Not the other way around.
    Also, there is a difference in saying that Trump is not a friend of Israel, to saying that he is an enemy. Two different things, Trump's goal is to go down in history as the statesman who solved the Arab Israeli conflict and brought world peace. In furtherance of that aim, some of the things that he does might align with Israel's interests. If they don't, well y'know, a deal, get a little, give a little. What's a few hundred terrorists between friends.

    A true friend, let alone a servant, would not have leveraged the Iran situation to pressure Israel to release terrorists.
    And you are not living in the vicinity of the released terrorists. All for the good. Yet you are happy when you have a helicopter patrol over Jewish areas by you. Please keep the same standard for all. You want measures taken for your security, so do Israelis.

    Anon, Tuvia, Joe, spot on.
    'all hell will break loose', this is really playing with semantics. Hostages in the plural were released, in time for a photo-op and self coronation of Trump the peacemaker, but THE hostages have not been released. At the moment, Israel is literally back to Oct 8th, or worse, as 1000 terrorists set to be released, and the whole saga only emboldens arabs.

    The elephant in the room, overlooked, is the heavy missionary make up of the Trump administration with all the ensuing implications.

    Be'D the good news, a tsadik nistar said the year tashpah, is the chotemet of the word bracha. bet, last letter of the letter spelled out taf, reish ... shin, , chaf ... peh and hei .... hei, giving taf, shin, peh ,heh, and that it is the chotemet, the end of the galut, and the year of geula. Bekarov memash.

    1. Thank you for your encouraging words about Geula.

      May I just point out that I titled the blog post "Baruch Hashem", which is hardly just "a footnote in a comment". Hashem is my employer, Hashem is my G-d, Hashem is the One who put me here. Until everyone started yelling about "putting faith in a man" I never saw any need to clarify my feelings towards Hashem.

      Just wanted to say that in my own defence.

      But I do understand there are some people who do put their faith in Trump and therefore mentioning Hashem in footnotes or anywhere else is often required, even if I feel my attitude towards G-d was always understood by the majority of my readers who feel the same way I do. Hashem is King and always will be.

    2. I would like to respond to anonymous @ 8:56
      and I just want to say that the way I feel sorry if I am wrong but I feel you are angry with Devorah for something?? It is because you said and accused her of posting about helicopters and you are angry about that?? I live in Australia too and there has been many many anti semtic attacks here but not to compare to Israel of course but why can't she mention it?

    3. Thank you Avigail.

      That particular Anonymous is always aggravated by me.

      Even if she doesn't sign a name I know it's her because of her writing style and her opinions.

      And especially because she consistently looks for ways to bait me by deliberately reading things into my comments that I did not say or intend.

      That's called manipulation.

      It's also called bullying, and sometimes I do not publish comments because of her insinuations against me which are totally false.

    4. Another Aussie Sydneysider here. I didn't know what the helicopters were until I read it here and i was grateful for the info. The owner of this blog is an Australian and she can blog whatever she wants about Australia.

      Galus Australis

  26. Mendy.... are you serious?
    I can't publish that. You need to re-think everything you know because you're heading towards xtian beliefs.

    1. Just what I’ve been thinking lately.


  27. Specifically where it says "cursed is the person who trusts in man and relies on humans".

  28. Yes but that’s it. Donald Trump isn’t human. I’m not the only one saying that. That’s the word out in 770 these days


    1. Oh please tell me more..... what on earth are people saying? And when you say 770, are you talking about management... random Lubavitchers.... meshichists..... who is saying this stuff?

    2. Just what I told you. Just a lot of Lubavitchers, me included, especially younger ones. The enthusiasm is out of control really


    3. After I published your comment Mendy, I rang my Lubavitcher friend who knows everything.... and she hasn't heard anything about what you just wrote. But she did confirm that are a bunch of crazies among the crowd, so it wouldn't be surprising.... you need to be careful which friends you choose to associate with because from what you're saying, you're hanging out with the wrong people.

    4. It's also good to remember that Trump was shot in the ear in the 7th year [counting from his first Presidency in 2017] - that's a sign.... how can it not be? - he had his ear "pierced" just like this:

      If you buy a Hebrew servant, he is to serve you for six years. But in the seventh year, he shall go free, without paying anything . . . But if the servant declares, ‘I love my master and my wife and children and do not want to go free,’ then his master must take him before the judges. He shall take him to the door or the doorpost and pierce his ear with an awl. Then he will be his servant for life. Source

      Trump is a tool, he's a servant, but like all other leaders of the world, his heart and mind is controlled by Hashem. Please tell your friends at 770.

  29. Trump is not my Savior, but there have been a series of podcasts and Youtube videos accusing him of siding with bloodthirsty murderers in this ceasefire deal. This is a slander for the reasons I stated above. What is very obvious is that Barack Obama is one of the most spiritually malevolent forces for Evil in the last 500 years. It is only by the Grace of G-d, that he did not achieve in Eretz Yisrael what at least three Yimach Shmos successfully achieved in terms of innocent human bloodshed in the 20th Century alone. Obama as a malevolent, diabolically sinister force is really that evil. My point all along was that all of this ceasefire show last week was the equivalent of throwing a Goat to Azazel, with Obama being Azazel. There is most certainly something to rejoice if we successfully fooled the Satan.

    Trump will not be perfect, not even close. He is not a Savior, but he is 10,000 times better than what paraded as a world leader in the US for the last 4 years. He will do his deals. His Tachlit is Making Money for his country. His nation's national mission is to serve G-d in order to make money at the 33rd level of purity. America as a nation does not reward altruistic human decency. Its tachlit is to prosper and build Olam HaZeh, and one receives reward in this world for doing that from the Almighty. He may very likely come up with another Saudi Peace deal to divide Eretz Yisrael in two, and if he does we have a promise from HaShem that he will fail. But I cannot sit by and watch podcast after podcast accuse him of making deals with bloodthirsty savages when I am 99% sure that this is Obama's Yimach Shmo's doing, and Trump and Netanyahu had to force us in Israel to choose between two of Obama's poisons, this ceasefire deal or series of irreversible sanctions against Israel in the UNSC. And since I live in the Binyamin Nachalah, we will need to live in close vicinity to some of these released bloodthirsty savages because we had to choose the lesser of two poisons. Because I have studied the US Constitution and know who has been running America for the last 4 years, I have a clear-eyed view on who authored this evil during the previous 10 days. It was not Donald Trump. G-d bless the readers of this blog. I pray that The last 5 days before this Inauguration may be the worst of GoguMagog. Amen.

  30. why would obama choose a ceasefire, with releasing of the hostages and israel's right to reenter assa if hamas rearms? of course hamas is going to rearm....if i was obama, i would have just done the un resolution.

    1. Donald Trump had to convince Obama that he will force Israel into a worse deal with Hamas after Biden leaves office. He made it very convincing to Obama that he is coming after Israel as Obama would. In Obama's world the poison of this ceasefire deal will be enough to kill us as long as Trump enforces it.

      But yes, a UN Resolution would have been 1000 times worse. So thank G-d you are not Obama, and it was not your choice.

  31. Someone commented here that Trump and Obama could have been discussing TikTok..... but NO - check out Caroline Glick
    Via Dov bar Leib's comment


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