This is just a rough translation, some things are not clear in the subtitles, watch it for yourself to be sure.
Current events are burning. The dates I previously gate were not false, you have to understand..... we are extremely extremely close. Yesterday something extremely bizarre occurred, I was told.... Donald Trump posted on Twitter [X] something from a Professor in Columbia who says that Bibi Netanyahu is the son of a prostitute and all the misfortunes in America are from him and led America to make the Gulf War [Trump was not even President back then, he was nothing in those days, no connection at all].. and he led America in that way as well as Syria, Hamas, Hazbollah..... this is what Trump put on his Twitter. It is very worrying, esp for a President of the United States... to say Bibi is the son of a prostitute [I say it nicely but the Professor said it in a worse way]...
In my view, this is excellent, excellent and I'll tell you why. continued.....
About a week ago Trump said he was on the side of Israel, be very clear.... and he said 3 times already that if Hamas don't release the hostages, he will bring hell to the Middle East. W So what is he going to do that Israel is already not doing? If he goes into the tunnels he will kill the hostages.... So I heard that what he is going to do is that he's going to the head of the snake, which is Iran. If Iran falls everyone falls. Hamas, Hezbollah, everybody. It's all tentacles of the octopus.
Iran is in a very fast race to the atomic bomb. continued....
Not so fast....Turkey is poised to be a regional power and they may very well take over from where Iran leaves off. (They were the ones that orchestrated the coup in Syria). Or worse, chalilah, they may unite in their determination to eradicate Am Yisroel. CSF
It is written in Avoda Zara Tosfot that in the future [the end of days] Persia [Iran] will fall into the hands of Rome. Rome is not the Vatican in Italy, Rome is the leader of the western world, America. There has never been a war between Iran and America.... if America attacks and Iran falls.... we are there... it is the end. And I believe in it completely and I think it will go very quickly in the weeks to come, bezrat Hashem, and that is why there is so much suffering... it is written before Moshiach there will be the birthpangs, but I can console everyone, it is very close. very close. No doubt about it. The grandson of Baba Sali, he has ruach haKodesh, he smiles every day because we are so close. it is any day now. Now Trump is very close with Netanyahu and the thing he put up on Twitter.... about the son of a prostitute... is to calm people down so they don't keep saying he's too close to Bibi. He will eliminate all our enemies b'ezrat Hashem.
That's an astute observation Devorah, because for sure Trump is wily as they come! He thrives on tricks. Even L'havdil Dovid Hamelech fooled people by playing the role of a crazy man.
Donald Trump has gematria the same as "Mashiach ben David" - G-d forbid not to think that Trump is MBD..... but thanks to him and his help we will see Moshiach ben David. yes absolutely b'ezrat Hashem. Some people are depressed because they wait and wait and wait, but we are nearly there !! Look what has happened.... Hamas has shrunk, Hezbollah has shrunk, Iran, Syria..... all our enemies.... who are going to hell and B"H there are a lot of people doing teshuva, it's phenomenal... so all that says we are nearly there, get ready, we are going to live the most beautiful moments in history, humanity has been waiting for this for 5,785 years.
What a horrid disgusting way for Trump to 'calm' people down. This is not what Hashem would like from this man 'Trump-et", He trumpets all things to please the world. This is evil, personified. Gd bless PM Netanyahu and keep him safe from ALL harm and evil people.
Oh for crying out loud, why don't you consider this analogy: On Yamim Noraim we say "Baruch Shem" with raised voices, in order to fool the Sit.Ach. So you're OK with that, but you're not OK with Trump's attempt to trick the agents of the Sit.Ach.? (if that was his intent)
You don't understand the Game. It's a tactic. It's meant to offend people like you, it's meant to pander to the basest instincts of the enemy. This is why Trump is where he is. I can assure you Bibi knows what's going on. Relax, and understand.
Will try, to understand.. Don't like 'politics' I just try to follow Hashem... i am guiltly of reading what sites say of this one or that one, but in the end, i just end up feeling horrid, I should stop reading world politics, Thanks for help.
just wondering, if you try to follow Hashem, why is it that you're so pro bibi, which is fighting a war against Hashem & his Torah? bibi is running a state that's doing everything & anything in it's capacity to destroy authentic judiasm & torah values, so you have to pick, either you follow hashem, or you follow bibi, they are opposites [& it's obvious who will prevail]
Bibi does not keep Shabbat. In that way he is like Achav. He is also like Achav in another way. He loves his nation as much as he loves himself, Achav's one redeeming attribute. But where and when has he gone to War against the Torah world or the Yeshivah world?
come on, he's running a state that is & has always been creating all kinds of policies & strategies to go against the torah, to minimize & diminish torah observant jews, to redefine judiasm as a mere nationality that's not bound to the torah, & to mislead jews all over the world to become weaker in true faith in hashem & torah observance.
It's a tactic. It's true that he posted it, see
You're too innocent for the games they play. That's not a put-down, it's a virtue to be innocent. When I read about it yesterday it went over my head and I just figured it was AI and not really Trump, but turns out it was Trump and Rav Chaya sees through the cloaked insult. Netanyahu for sure understand what is going on. You can relax as well.
To explain the oddly schizophrenic comments of Trump about Netanyahu and Israel...There are at least TWO Trumps. Vox Day has discussed this in numerous posts, most recently yesterday.
The fake Trump is at least six shorter than the real one, and this is quite noticeable when standing next to world leaders whose heights are known (Zelensky, Macron, et al, who are all way shorter than the real one). The fake Trump doesn't seem to be under the real Trump's control.
The fact that the media keeps quoting the fake Trump’s absurdities and does so in mostly favorable terms is the best indication, other than the obvious height issue, that he isn’t the real Donald Trump. The whole point of noticing anomalies is that there should not be any anomalies. Nor is the fake Trump alone; in addition to the six Bidens, the “Hillary Clinton” who received a medal from one of the Bidens quite obviously wasn’t the real Hillary; she was too young, too healthy, and insufficiently overweight to be the real individual.
I understand that it’s very hard to accept that everything that is presented to you by the mainstream Narrative is false, but you have to learn to trust the evidence of your eyes. Don’t take my word for it, just take a close look for yourself and pay attention to the details. If every single detail is not correct, then you can be certain that things are not what they are publicly reported to be.
I’m, what are we talking about here, fake trump real trump. Where exactly is there a fake trump, in any videos or photos. People we need to get real here excuse the pun!
If I can find the video of the fake Trump with Musk I will show it to you. All the US Presidents have had "doubles" but the Trump double that I saw was ridiculous.
Here is a photo/video of the Trump double at the SpaceX launch, he's standing next to Musk. Trump is actually a bit taller than Musk in real life. Here he looks shorter.
Regarding the fake Trump and the real Trump's silence, keep in mind, the real Trump is still in the same club as his opponents. The first rule of the club is, you don't talk about it.
There is a fake Trump but I think the comedy comes from the actual Trump. The fake one is there to take the load off when the real one is exhausted or something. And yes everything we read and hear can either be true or false and you can bet that we are being played. Nevertheless I feel that whatever was said by the Rav is on the right track. Apparently Bibi is not invited to the inauguration.... someone told me.... and I found it on Times of Israel, so for all to see Trump is moving away from Bibi if that's what you want to believe. IYKYK
Leah I think that was a language thing, probably a different translation in French, I don't know. Yes he said SOB.
Speaking of doubles, there are about 2 extra Bidens, one is very obvious because of the weird chin. It's difficult to know when we have ever seen the real Biden. Everything he says is scripted anyway. The Trump double doesn't speak, I just saw him standing next to Musk and he was a couple of inches shorter than Musk, had a MAGA hat pulled down low over his forehead and he was trying to make a Trump expression with his mouth but he didn't fool everyone.
Don't shoot the messenger: Rav Ben Artzi recently put out a clip saying Trump will be good for the Jews of Israel, but not in the US. I'm not sure how good he'll be even for Israel considering he wants a plasticine state inside EY, and a we cease they fire deal with currently behind the scenes all the pressure being put on Israel, and not on Hamas. My concern is that if he gets the chance he'll leverage any success with the hostages to pressure us to accede to a terror state in EY. Rav Fish put out a new video, saying that there has to be a tsaaka for the geula. Hashem is looking down from shamayim... Aliya hastens the geula, so many rabbonim have said this and spoken of its importance and urgency, including rabbonim posted on this blog, including Rav Shaya.
Agree with anon above, so not interested in politics, wokism, stanning politicians... it's tefel. What matters is ratzon Hashem. I also heard in a shiur, that Jews putting their trust in Trump instead of in Hashem are delaying the geula, and that Trump can go either way ( vis a vis Jews, Israel), it depends on us. In any case, Jews should not put their trust in any basar ve'dam.
Bekarov memash Be'D, now would be a good time to buy a geula outfit, and to start packing if you're outside of Israel.
It distresses me too, when Jewish people talk about Trump like he is moshiach, or he will be our geula. NO, just No!! I will not forget what he tried to do at the end of his term last time. He had plans for his 'deal of the century', he was going to carve up Eretz Yisroel like all the rest of them. He cannot be trusted. Only Hashem and Moshiach his servant. (something is not right there, bc big Sonei Yisroel like Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens chuleh v chuleh, are all in on Trump. That seems ominous to me). Even if you feel secure in your zchut to be saved in the Chu"L, when the Geula happens, you should still try and make Aliya if you are able to. Because the more religious Jews that come, the better and faster we accelerate the Geula and it will forever tip the balance in this E"Y to a religious majority. And that will be Malchut Yehuda, when we have the power as the religious majority to change the secular character of the state. Come home please!
Talking of conspiracies, this is the most absurd one I've heard. Who would believe a President-elect, and one who has a brilliant mind, would stoop to such accusations, especially on an ally. We are now in the era, as never before in history, where everything is a bunch of lies. Our Sages foretold that the end of days, 'truth will literally be almost impossible to find'. We are there now. We need only to trust in Hashem and ignore most of what we read, hear and even see. We must put our total belief and trust in HKB'H and nothing else. Today, even Rabbis (orthodox ones too) cannot be trusted. To slander any person, let alone an important figure and leader, is disgusting. We are very close to Redemption and that proves that this is the most confusing and chaotic time in history. We pray that Moshiach Ben Dovid shows up in a flash!
We now have the Trump we cease they fire deal imposed on us, just in time for inauguration, and what a disaster it is for us. 840 soldiers killed, over 12,000 horribly injured and all the rest of the tsarot from the war and we have gained nothing. Hamas left in power, 'civilians' going back to the north of Aza and hundreds of terrorists to go free.
Absolutely heartbreaking.
These are facts. This not just Biden, Trump's envoy is in on it in Nazi Qatar.
Absolutely right-Hitoreri. Still don't understand why they are rushing this deal and the new adm. comes in one week from now. This deal they are now proposing is insane and shows the world that Hamas, yimach shmom v'zichrom, are the victors, c'v. They seem to be in control because Israel is allowing it and rushing it. Only G-D could help us. There's just too much evil out there from within our own camp and, of course, from all these Amaleikim,
Agreed! He wants his deal of the century so that he can leave a legacy. Everything he has done has been for a purpose. He is deadly clever, don't buy the buffoon act. He gives things for the purpose of getting something in return, its leverage to get his deal. He wants peace because it makes him look good and powerful and that gives him the prestige and global standing to manipulate the rest of the world to benefit the United States. The US and Israel's interests are sometimes mutually exclusive. While Trump may be better then the others, he still will not hesitate to throw Israel under the bus if it helps him or the USA. We can ONLY trust Hashem! CSF
1.) People often shrink as they get older. Donald Trump was 6 foot 3, he is now about 6 foot 1. We can see this from a photo of him standing next to Prince William who is 6 foot 3.
2.) In that photo with Musk, it really does look like a Trump "body double."
They are nothing new, those who have seen the real life World War Two account film "I was Monty's Double" will know.
For those who guffaw at the idea that there is a fake Trump going around, the fake one is at least six inches shorter. He is nearly as short as Zelensky, who is at most 5'5". Or Macron, similarly height-challenged.
This is not due to normal shrinkage from aging, as one obtuse commenter claims.
None of you pay attention or understand. Don't be obtuse. Observe what is put in front of your face. If the Trump you see doesn't tower over most people around him, including Melania (5'11" in heels), he's the fake. He also looks slightly different than the real one.
London Male is right when he says you shrink with age, and he also agreed with you that there is a fake Trump. Trump these days is probably an inch or so shorter than he was 20 years ago due to natural age-ing and stooping which is also natural at his age. So I don't know why you're arguing with L.M. when he actually agreed with you about the Trump double. Otherwise I agree with what you are saying.
1.) Thank you Devorah for clarifying that I wrote both that Trump is naturally a bit shorter than when he was a young man, and that there also is a Trump "Body Double". Probably for reasons of both security and logistics.
I ask the anonymous poster at January 14 2025 at 8:12pm to moderate their language. This is a respectful place, were we can discuss things but avoiding the language of insult.
2.) We must all be careful with Loshon Hora. Bibi is the Prime Minister, very much "spinning plates". He has a mix of politicians who are pro Tora, anti Torah, and various degrees between them.
He is not a dictator with total control; instead he has to constantly try to manage the different agendas of politicians and civil servants and the media.
Imho, each one of us with any kind of frum/geula consciousness should be acting to hasten the geula. Be the change you want to see in the world. Rav Ron Shaya has been telling Jews to make aliya for a good while. I posted a new video here, comment not published, of Rav Yaakov Maor, likewise begging, his words, 'what are you waiting for?' This really is the ikar. You can yt him.
Surely the most basic lesson to be learnt from the LA fires is that all one's stability and certainty can go up in flames in a few minutes and be lost forever. The things we cling on to can dissipate in the blink of an eye. Now is the time to let go emotionally and psychologically of one's home and one's galut country. Rav Yaakov Maor said that there is still time but next the banks in chutz la'aretz are going to collapse. Jews should be taking action. This is the order of the day.
Hiltoreri: ALL of your comments have been published.
I'm going to attempt again to change the format of the published comments because when someone replies to a comment it appears next to the comment they replied to, and not at the bottom of the comments list where people go to check.
The only comments I have deleted before publishing are the ones which are insulting or indecipherable.
Having said that..... you have sent about 6 different comments all saying pretty much the same thing, nevertheless they have all appeared on this site and have not been removed.
Art: Vladimir Kush The manna reminds us that a Jew's food, and his livelihood in general, come directly from G-d, in a manner of ...
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"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
This is just a rough translation, some things are not clear in the subtitles, watch it for yourself to be sure.
ReplyDeleteCurrent events are burning.
The dates I previously gate were not false, you have to understand.....
we are extremely extremely close.
Yesterday something extremely bizarre occurred, I was told....
Donald Trump posted on Twitter [X] something from a Professor in Columbia who says that Bibi Netanyahu is the son of a prostitute and all the misfortunes in America are from him and led America to make the Gulf War [Trump was not even President back then, he was nothing in those days, no connection at all].. and he led America in that way as well as Syria, Hamas, Hazbollah..... this is what Trump put on his Twitter.
It is very worrying, esp for a President of the United States... to say Bibi is the son of a prostitute [I say it nicely but the Professor said it in a worse way]...
In my view, this is excellent, excellent and I'll tell you why.
About a week ago Trump said he was on the side of Israel, be very clear.... and he said 3 times already that if Hamas don't release the hostages, he will bring hell to the Middle East. W
ReplyDeleteSo what is he going to do that Israel is already not doing? If he goes into the tunnels he will kill the hostages....
So I heard that what he is going to do is that he's going to the head of the snake, which is Iran. If Iran falls everyone falls. Hamas, Hezbollah, everybody.
It's all tentacles of the octopus.
Iran is in a very fast race to the atomic bomb.
Not so fast....Turkey is poised to be a regional power and they may very well take over from where Iran leaves off. (They were the ones that orchestrated the coup in Syria). Or worse, chalilah, they may unite in their determination to eradicate Am Yisroel.
If, as you say, Trump goes after Iran, i don't see how that would that stop Hamas from harming what's left of the hostages...
DeleteIt is written in Avoda Zara Tosfot that in the future [the end of days] Persia [Iran] will fall into the hands of Rome. Rome is not the Vatican in Italy, Rome is the leader of the western world, America.
ReplyDeleteThere has never been a war between Iran and America.... if America attacks and Iran falls.... we are there... it is the end. And I believe in it completely and I think it will go very quickly in the weeks to come, bezrat Hashem, and that is why there is so much suffering... it is written before Moshiach there will be the birthpangs, but I can console everyone, it is very close. very close. No doubt about it.
The grandson of Baba Sali, he has ruach haKodesh, he smiles every day because we are so close. it is any day now.
Now Trump is very close with Netanyahu and the thing he put up on Twitter.... about the son of a prostitute... is to calm people down so they don't keep saying he's too close to Bibi. He will eliminate all our enemies b'ezrat Hashem.
That's an astute observation Devorah, because for sure Trump is wily as they come! He thrives on tricks. Even L'havdil Dovid Hamelech fooled people by playing the role of a crazy man.
DeleteDonald Trump has gematria the same as "Mashiach ben David" - G-d forbid not to think that Trump is MBD..... but thanks to him and his help we will see Moshiach ben David. yes absolutely b'ezrat Hashem.
ReplyDeleteSome people are depressed because they wait and wait and wait, but we are nearly there !! Look what has happened.... Hamas has shrunk, Hezbollah has shrunk, Iran, Syria..... all our enemies.... who are going to hell and B"H there are a lot of people doing teshuva, it's phenomenal... so all that says we are nearly there, get ready, we are going to live the most beautiful moments in history, humanity has been waiting for this for 5,785 years.
Then there is the concept that things (or people) with the same gematria are opposing forces - like Mashiach and nachash.
DeleteGood point.
DeleteWhat a horrid thing to say about PM Netanyahu.
ReplyDeleteWhat a horrid disgusting way for Trump to 'calm' people down.
This is not what Hashem would like from this man 'Trump-et", He trumpets all things to please the world. This is evil, personified.
Gd bless PM Netanyahu and keep him safe from ALL harm and evil people.
Oh for crying out loud, why don't you consider this analogy: On Yamim Noraim we say "Baruch Shem" with raised voices, in order to fool the Sit.Ach. So you're OK with that, but you're not OK with Trump's attempt to trick the agents of the Sit.Ach.? (if that was his intent)
DeleteYou don't understand the Game. It's a tactic. It's meant to offend people like you, it's meant to pander to the basest instincts of the enemy. This is why Trump is where he is. I can assure you Bibi knows what's going on. Relax, and understand.
ReplyDeleteWill try, to understand..
ReplyDeleteDon't like 'politics'
I just try to follow Hashem... i am guiltly of reading what sites say of this one or that one, but in the end, i just end up feeling horrid,
I should stop reading world politics,
Thanks for help.
just wondering, if you try to follow Hashem, why is it that you're so pro bibi, which is fighting a war against Hashem & his Torah?
Deletebibi is running a state that's doing everything & anything in it's capacity to destroy authentic judiasm & torah values, so you have to pick, either you follow hashem, or you follow bibi, they are opposites [& it's obvious who will prevail]
Bibi does not keep Shabbat. In that way he is like Achav. He is also like Achav in another way. He loves his nation as much as he loves himself, Achav's one redeeming attribute. But where and when has he gone to War against the Torah world or the Yeshivah world?
Deletecome on, he's running a state that is & has always been creating all kinds of policies & strategies to go against the torah, to minimize & diminish torah observant jews, to redefine judiasm as a mere nationality that's not bound to the torah, & to mislead jews all over the world to become weaker in true faith in hashem & torah observance.
DeleteI'm confused..... How is this supposed to help Bibi in this war?? Is this accusation supposed to be true or not regardless of its intention?
It's a tactic. It's true that he posted it, see
You're too innocent for the games they play. That's not a put-down, it's a virtue to be innocent. When I read about it yesterday it went over my head and I just figured it was AI and not really Trump, but turns out it was Trump and Rav Chaya sees through the cloaked insult. Netanyahu for sure understand what is going on. You can relax as well.
ReplyDeleteTo explain the oddly schizophrenic comments of Trump about Netanyahu and Israel...There are at least TWO Trumps. Vox Day has discussed this in numerous posts, most recently yesterday.
ReplyDeleteThe fake Trump is at least six shorter than the real one, and this is quite noticeable when standing next to world leaders whose heights are known (Zelensky, Macron, et al, who are all way shorter than the real one). The fake Trump doesn't seem to be under the real Trump's control.
Here is some of what he says:
The fact that the media keeps quoting the fake Trump’s absurdities and does so in mostly favorable terms is the best indication, other than the obvious height issue, that he isn’t the real Donald Trump. The whole point of noticing anomalies is that there should not be any anomalies. Nor is the fake Trump alone; in addition to the six Bidens, the “Hillary Clinton” who received a medal from one of the Bidens quite obviously wasn’t the real Hillary; she was too young, too healthy, and insufficiently overweight to be the real individual.
I understand that it’s very hard to accept that everything that is presented to you by the mainstream Narrative is false, but you have to learn to trust the evidence of your eyes. Don’t take my word for it, just take a close look for yourself and pay attention to the details. If every single detail is not correct, then you can be certain that things are not what they are publicly reported to be.
I’m, what are we talking about here, fake trump real trump. Where exactly is there a fake trump, in any videos or photos. People we need to get real here excuse the pun!
DeleteIf I can find the video of the fake Trump with Musk I will show it to you.
DeleteAll the US Presidents have had "doubles" but the Trump double that I saw was ridiculous.
Here is a photo/video of the Trump double at the SpaceX launch, he's standing next to Musk. Trump is actually a bit taller than Musk in real life. Here he looks shorter.
Regarding the fake Trump and the real Trump's silence, keep in mind, the real Trump is still in the same club as his opponents. The first rule of the club is, you don't talk about it.
ReplyDeleteYes Devorah I can also see it is a fake trump in that link you just posted. definitely not the real one
Deletehaha it's all nuts these days
There is a fake Trump but I think the comedy comes from the actual Trump.
ReplyDeleteThe fake one is there to take the load off when the real one is exhausted or something.
And yes everything we read and hear can either be true or false and you can bet that we are being played. Nevertheless I feel that whatever was said by the Rav is on the right track.
Apparently Bibi is not invited to the inauguration.... someone told me.... and I found it on Times of Israel, so for all to see Trump is moving away from Bibi if that's what you want to believe.
Yes, the real Trump is the funny one. I also believe the real Trump is or will distance himself from the war here that America is enabling.
DeleteNot that anyone needs this info but, bi%@h means a 'female dog.' In Hebrew we all know what ben z-na means but the two are not the same..
Leah I think that was a language thing, probably a different translation in French, I don't know. Yes he said SOB.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of doubles, there are about 2 extra Bidens, one is very obvious because of the weird chin. It's difficult to know when we have ever seen the real Biden. Everything he says is scripted anyway.
The Trump double doesn't speak, I just saw him standing next to Musk and he was a couple of inches shorter than Musk, had a MAGA hat pulled down low over his forehead and he was trying to make a Trump expression with his mouth but he didn't fool everyone.
Don't shoot the messenger:
ReplyDeleteRav Ben Artzi recently put out a clip saying Trump will be good for the Jews of Israel, but not in the US.
I'm not sure how good he'll be even for Israel considering he wants a plasticine state inside EY, and a we cease they fire deal with currently behind the scenes all the pressure being put on Israel, and not on Hamas. My concern is that if he gets the chance he'll leverage any success with the hostages to pressure us to accede to a terror state in EY.
Rav Fish put out a new video, saying that there has to be a tsaaka for the geula. Hashem is looking down from shamayim...
Aliya hastens the geula, so many rabbonim have said this and spoken of its importance and urgency, including rabbonim posted on this blog, including Rav Shaya.
Agree with anon above, so not interested in politics, wokism, stanning politicians... it's tefel. What matters is ratzon Hashem. I also heard in a shiur, that Jews putting their trust in Trump instead of in Hashem are delaying the geula, and that Trump can go either way ( vis a vis Jews, Israel), it depends on us. In any case, Jews should not put their trust in any basar ve'dam.
Bekarov memash Be'D, now would be a good time to buy a geula outfit, and to start packing if you're outside of Israel.
It distresses me too, when Jewish people talk about Trump like he is moshiach, or he will be our geula. NO, just No!!
DeleteI will not forget what he tried to do at the end of his term last time. He had plans for his 'deal of the century', he was going to carve up Eretz Yisroel like all the rest of them. He cannot be trusted. Only Hashem and Moshiach his servant.
(something is not right there, bc big Sonei Yisroel like Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens chuleh v chuleh, are all in on Trump. That seems ominous to me).
Even if you feel secure in your zchut to be saved in the Chu"L, when the Geula happens, you should still try and make Aliya if you are able to. Because the more religious Jews that come, the better and faster we accelerate the Geula and it will forever tip the balance in this E"Y to a religious majority. And that will be Malchut Yehuda, when we have the power as the religious majority to change the secular character of the state.
Come home please!
Talking of conspiracies, this is the most absurd one I've heard.
ReplyDeleteWho would believe a President-elect, and one who has a brilliant mind, would stoop to such accusations, especially on an ally. We are now in the era, as never before in history, where everything is a bunch of lies.
Our Sages foretold that the end of days, 'truth will literally be almost impossible to find'. We are there now. We need only to trust in Hashem and
ignore most of what we read, hear and even see. We must put our total belief and trust in HKB'H and nothing else.
Today, even Rabbis (orthodox ones too) cannot be trusted.
To slander any person, let alone an important figure and leader, is disgusting.
We are very close to Redemption and that proves that this is the most confusing and chaotic time in history.
We pray that Moshiach Ben Dovid shows up in a flash!
We now have the Trump we cease they fire deal imposed on us, just in time for inauguration, and what a disaster it is for us. 840 soldiers killed, over 12,000 horribly injured and all the rest of the tsarot from the war and we have gained nothing. Hamas left in power, 'civilians' going back to the north of Aza and hundreds of terrorists to go free.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely heartbreaking.
These are facts. This not just Biden, Trump's envoy is in on it in Nazi Qatar.
Absolutely right-Hitoreri. Still don't understand why they are rushing this deal and the new adm. comes in one week from now. This deal they are now proposing is insane and shows the world that Hamas, yimach shmom v'zichrom, are the victors, c'v. They seem to be in control because Israel is allowing it and rushing it. Only G-D could help us. There's just too much evil out there from within our own camp and, of course, from all these Amaleikim,
DeleteAgreed! He wants his deal of the century so that he can leave a legacy. Everything he has done has been for a purpose. He is deadly clever, don't buy the buffoon act. He gives things for the purpose of getting something in return, its leverage to get his deal. He wants peace because it makes him look good and powerful and that gives him the prestige and global standing to manipulate the rest of the world to benefit the United States. The US and Israel's interests are sometimes mutually exclusive. While Trump may be better then the others, he still will not hesitate to throw Israel under the bus if it helps him or the USA. We can ONLY trust Hashem!
ReplyDeleteshort and very much to the point
don't make gds out of flesh and blood connection to the fires
1.) People often shrink as they get older.
ReplyDeleteDonald Trump was 6 foot 3, he is now about 6 foot 1.
We can see this from a photo of him standing next to Prince William who is 6 foot 3.
2.) In that photo with Musk, it really does look like a Trump "body double."
They are nothing new, those who have seen the real life World War Two account film "I was Monty's Double" will know.
Russia/Iran to sign strategic partnership treaty this week
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DeleteEfraim Palvanov, said Russia is Rome
DeleteFor those who guffaw at the idea that there is a fake Trump going around, the fake one is at least six inches shorter. He is nearly as short as Zelensky, who is at most 5'5". Or Macron, similarly height-challenged.
ReplyDeleteThis is not due to normal shrinkage from aging, as one obtuse commenter claims.
None of you pay attention or understand. Don't be obtuse. Observe what is put in front of your face. If the Trump you see doesn't tower over most people around him, including Melania (5'11" in heels), he's the fake. He also looks slightly different than the real one.
Here is a recent post with pictures of the fake Trump next to Macron and the real Trump next to Prince William.
There is another post with a pic of the fake Trump next to Joe Rogan, who is around 5'3". He is barely taller than him.
There are at lease five fake Bidens.
London Male is right when he says you shrink with age, and he also agreed with you that there is a fake Trump. Trump these days is probably an inch or so shorter than he was 20 years ago due to natural age-ing and stooping which is also natural at his age.
ReplyDeleteSo I don't know why you're arguing with L.M. when he actually agreed with you about the Trump double.
Otherwise I agree with what you are saying.
Just wanted to clear that up.
in donald ducks colorful verbiage the prolem for donald is his "small hands"envy!(hamevin yavin)
ReplyDelete1.) Thank you Devorah for clarifying that I wrote both that Trump is naturally a bit shorter than when he was a young man, and that there also is a Trump "Body Double".
ReplyDeleteProbably for reasons of both security and logistics.
I ask the anonymous poster at January 14 2025 at 8:12pm to moderate their language.
This is a respectful place, were we can discuss things but avoiding the language of insult.
2.) We must all be careful with Loshon Hora.
Bibi is the Prime Minister, very much "spinning plates".
He has a mix of politicians who are pro Tora, anti Torah, and various degrees between them.
He is not a dictator with total control; instead he has to constantly try to manage the different agendas of politicians and civil servants and the media.
Imho, each one of us with any kind of frum/geula consciousness should be acting to hasten the geula. Be the change you want to see in the world. Rav Ron Shaya has been telling Jews to make aliya for a good while. I posted a new video here, comment not published, of Rav Yaakov Maor, likewise begging, his words, 'what are you waiting for?' This really is the ikar. You can yt him.
ReplyDeleteSurely the most basic lesson to be learnt from the LA fires is that all one's stability and certainty can go up in flames in a few minutes and be lost forever. The things we cling on to can dissipate in the blink of an eye. Now is the time to let go emotionally and psychologically of one's home and one's galut country. Rav Yaakov Maor said that there is still time but next the banks in chutz la'aretz are going to collapse. Jews should be taking action. This is the order of the day.
Hiltoreri: ALL of your comments have been published.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to attempt again to change the format of the published comments because when someone replies to a comment it appears next to the comment they replied to, and not at the bottom of the comments list where people go to check.
The only comments I have deleted before publishing are the ones which are insulting or indecipherable.
Having said that..... you have sent about 6 different comments all saying pretty much the same thing, nevertheless they have all appeared on this site and have not been removed.
Confusion Reigns