Monday, January 13, 2025

The Beginning of the End??

H/t Sherry and Serious Bible Student

Rav Ron Chaya

Subtitles available, all languages.  Rough transcription in the comments.


Devorah said...

This is just a rough translation, some things are not clear in the subtitles, watch it for yourself to be sure.

Current events are burning.
The dates I previously gate were not false, you have to understand.....
we are extremely extremely close.
Yesterday something extremely bizarre occurred, I was told....
Donald Trump posted on Twitter [X] something from a Professor in Columbia who says that Bibi Netanyahu is the son of a prostitute and all the misfortunes in America are from him and led America to make the Gulf War [Trump was not even President back then, he was nothing in those days, no connection at all].. and he led America in that way as well as Syria, Hamas, Hazbollah..... this is what Trump put on his Twitter.
It is very worrying, esp for a President of the United States... to say Bibi is the son of a prostitute [I say it nicely but the Professor said it in a worse way]...

In my view, this is excellent, excellent and I'll tell you why.

Devorah said...

About a week ago Trump said he was on the side of Israel, be very clear.... and he said 3 times already that if Hamas don't release the hostages, he will bring hell to the Middle East. W
So what is he going to do that Israel is already not doing? If he goes into the tunnels he will kill the hostages....
So I heard that what he is going to do is that he's going to the head of the snake, which is Iran. If Iran falls everyone falls. Hamas, Hezbollah, everybody.
It's all tentacles of the octopus.

Iran is in a very fast race to the atomic bomb.

Devorah said...

It is written in Avoda Zara Tosfot that in the future [the end of days] Persia [Iran] will fall into the hands of Rome. Rome is not the Vatican in Italy, Rome is the leader of the western world, America.
There has never been a war between Iran and America.... if America attacks and Iran falls.... we are there... it is the end. And I believe in it completely and I think it will go very quickly in the weeks to come, bezrat Hashem, and that is why there is so much suffering... it is written before Moshiach there will be the birthpangs, but I can console everyone, it is very close. very close. No doubt about it.
The grandson of Baba Sali, he has ruach haKodesh, he smiles every day because we are so close. it is any day now.
Now Trump is very close with Netanyahu and the thing he put up on Twitter.... about the son of a prostitute... is to calm people down so they don't keep saying he's too close to Bibi. He will eliminate all our enemies b'ezrat Hashem.

Devorah said...

Donald Trump has gematria the same as "Mashiach ben David" - G-d forbid not to think that Trump is MBD..... but thanks to him and his help we will see Moshiach ben David. yes absolutely b'ezrat Hashem.
Some people are depressed because they wait and wait and wait, but we are nearly there !! Look what has happened.... Hamas has shrunk, Hezbollah has shrunk, Iran, Syria..... all our enemies.... who are going to hell and B"H there are a lot of people doing teshuva, it's phenomenal... so all that says we are nearly there, get ready, we are going to live the most beautiful moments in history, humanity has been waiting for this for 5,785 years.

Anonymous said...

What a horrid thing to say about PM Netanyahu.

What a horrid disgusting way for Trump to 'calm' people down.
This is not what Hashem would like from this man 'Trump-et", He trumpets all things to please the world. This is evil, personified.
Gd bless PM Netanyahu and keep him safe from ALL harm and evil people.

Devorah said...

You don't understand the Game. It's a tactic. It's meant to offend people like you, it's meant to pander to the basest instincts of the enemy. This is why Trump is where he is. I can assure you Bibi knows what's going on. Relax, and understand.

Anonymous said...

Will try, to understand..
Don't like 'politics'
I just try to follow Hashem... i am guiltly of reading what sites say of this one or that one, but in the end, i just end up feeling horrid,
I should stop reading world politics,
Thanks for help.

skbzk said...

I'm confused..... How is this supposed to help Bibi in this war?? Is this accusation supposed to be true or not regardless of its intention?


Devorah said...

It's a tactic. It's true that he posted it, see

You're too innocent for the games they play. That's not a put-down, it's a virtue to be innocent. When I read about it yesterday it went over my head and I just figured it was AI and not really Trump, but turns out it was Trump and Rav Chaya sees through the cloaked insult. Netanyahu for sure understand what is going on. You can relax as well.

Unknown said...