Sunday, June 26, 2016

Brexit's Shmittah Hint

The world stock market plunge on Friday June 24, as a result of Brexit, occurred exactly 7 years, 7 months, 7 weeks and 7 days after the stock market crash of September 29, 2008 [erev Rosh Hashanah 5769] when the Dow fell 777 points.  Click here to see the calculation.

All those sevens hint to the Shemitah year and the oft-repeated phrase ''Motzei Shevi''it''  - after the seventh.


  1. Pretty amazing. Moshiach is coming any minute now.

  2. then according to that graph, end of 7th is the beginning of of 8th, 5778?

  3. Wonderful! and I great pic to introduce topic!

  4. How does this prove that Moshiach is coming any minute, Dovid Chaim?

  5. who says it proves anything, anonymous? the fact is it is amazing and moshiach is coming any minute.



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