Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Artist Unknown

''and I will remember My covenant [with] Jacob, and also My covenant [with] Isaac, and also My covenant [with] Abraham I will remember. And I will remember the Land'' [Bechukotai 26:42]

Unlike the redemption described here, where the Jewish people were redeemed despite their lowly state, without having done teshuvah, in the case of the true and final Redemption '''the Jewish people will eventually do teshuvah at the end of their exile, and they will immediately be redeemed''.  [Rambam, Laws of Teshuvah 7:5]

Source: Based on Likutei Sichos Vol 27 Lubavitcher Rebbe

Thank you to Yeranen Yaakov for the Cosmic Clock which you can now see on the side bar.  This clock shows us where we are when we count each millenium as one day, with the seventh day being Shabbat [the Geula].  We are now past the mid-day hour of the Friday and as we can bring Shabbat in early, we can see that we are very close to the Geula.


  1. Thank you Devorah for all the posts you do for us. The clock is timely and priceless. Thank you. Amazing how we all find ourselves this time... in this place... for this purpose of HaShem... almost too incredible to believe... After almost 6,000 years, here we are... here... wow...

    Thank you...

  2. Devorah:

    Didn't you have an animation of the Cosmic Clock on your blog a year or so ago? I've been trying to find it without success..

  3. Yes I remember blogging that, but I can't find it either. Can't even remember what it was called or who made the video. If anyone can remember please let us know.

  4. The video in English is the second video here. However, you may notice that the video claims that we are already in 12:37 - and that was a few months ago when it was made - while as of June 1st, my clock says that we are still in 12:36. (This should change in a few days.) The reason for the discrepancy is that they claim that morning of the sixth hour began in the secular year 1739 while midday would be 1989. I, on the other hand, believe that the morning of the sixth hour began in 1740 and midday was 1990 (Rosh Hashana 5751).

  5. Please read my post on the Shiloh Musings blog:

  6. b-h your posts are always inspiring toda

  7. Is the code for the Cosmic Clock available so we can share it on our blogs too?

  8. B"H

    Notice the Rebbe's words - ALL JEWS will eventually do Teshuva, and it can be in one moment and does NTO require anything negative to happen, and ALL Jews will be redeemed, not one will remain in exile. Unlike in Mitzraym where 80% did not go out, 100% of Jews will greet Moshiach in the true and complete redemption.

    Only the Rebbe can say such a thing.

  9. If you want the html for the cosmic clock, you will need to contact Yeranen Yaakov, email on his blog.


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