Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Rabbi Mendel Kessin - ''Current Events''

The Kessin brothers have a couple of new videos given for the yarzheit of the RamChal, which you can listen to or watch at

In the video below Rabbi Mendel Kessin speaks about current events - a new shiur.  Fascinating as usual, he speaks about the cosmic clock, Yishmael, Obama, Moshiach ...... and the end of time.


  1. i am feeling very confused Rav kanievsky and many other tzaddikim are saying moshiach is imminent and this rabbi is claiming moshiach isnt due for another 14 years?

  2. He is saying that 14 years is the maximum time we would have to wait.

  3. Anonymous is right. According to Rav Kessin we still have 10-15 years. He does not even entertain the possibility of Moshiach coming this year. I hope he is wrong on that however, I trust him too much to think he is wrong. This has been a disagreement I have with blogs saying this year and Rav Kessin saying we still have time until the Geulah. Again, I hope he is wrong but doubtful.


  4. Fact: No one knows when.

  5. Exactly--no one knows when. And what of Nibiru? Where does that fit in?

  6. Whilst Rabbi Kessin is saying that the latest possible time for Moshiach to come is in 14 years, there is an obvious unstated fact that Moshiach can come any day, including today.

  7. A lot of us will probably have died by then, being old and ailing. Why are hopes raised, by 'signs seen', prophet predictions, visionary 'dreams' etc? It's all nonsense, why can't they just say 'We don't know' instead of moving goalposts?

  8. JT: It is Friday afternoon on the ''Cosmic Clock'' and as Shabbat can be brought in early, the Geula can be brought in earlier than the maximum of 14 years. It could happen any time, 14 years is the max.


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