Friday, December 10, 2010

Rebbe Nachman on Emunah

from the writings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov

When you see something out of the ordinary, don't say that it's coincidence, rather believe that it is Divine Providence.

A person's faith endears him to G-d much like a wife is endeared by her husband.

When a person loses something it shows that he has fallen from his faith.

Should you find that you have doubts about G-d, remain silent. By virtue of this silence, your very thoughts will provide you with an answer to your question.

Remaining silent when you are insulted will earn you the answers to your questions and you'll merit a spirit of understanding.

It is first necessary to have faith in G-d and only then will you be worthy of understanding Him with your intellect.

A person who is always cleaning his hands is purifying his heart.

A man who has no faith does not accept rebuke.

When a man falls from faith, he should know that he is being judged Above.


  1. This painting is very beautiful. It reminds me of very special moments from my childhood. Can you tell me who the artist is?

  2. When you see something out of the ordinary, don't say that it's coincidence, rather believe that it is Divine Providence

    I think that thats a quote from the Bal Shem Tov :)

    I really enjoy your blog keep it up :)

  3. April: it's a photo, I don't have any other details about it, it's just something I had saved a few years ago.


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