Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Obama's Coup Follows Path of Hitler's Enabling Law

Last night, under the influence of a terror campaign by Obama and his British and Wall Street backers, a majority of the US House of Representative signed off on a Hitler [yemach shemo] coup against the U.S. Constitution. Under this coup, the Congress will, as a first step, no longer have the power to decide on matters of spending—a specific violation of Section 1 of the nation's governing body. And that's just the beginning.

The Obama SuperCongress measure directly mirrors the Hitler Enabling Law [Ermaechtigungsgesetz] of March 1933, by which the German Reichstag "democratically" voted to give Hitler emergency powers by passing the "Law for Removing the Distress of People and Reich," which gave Hitler the right to govern on his own, and in contravention to the Constitution, without consulting the parliament for a period of four years. 

Only a cowardly idiot would not see the handwriting on the wall with Obama's Hitler coup today.

Read the whole thing at

P.S. Remember his first speech in Berlin, 2008?


  1. I would not quote Larouche guys. There are plenty of angles from which to attack the president - this should not be one of them.

  2. Lyndon LaRouche - Wikipedia:

    "Other commentators, including The Washington Post and The New York Times, have described him over the years as a conspiracy theorist, fascist, and anti-Semite, and have characterized his movement as a cult"

    An anti-semite comparing Obama to Hitler, interesting.


    The LaRouche movement is reported by multiple sources, including journalists Jason Berry and George Johnson, to have had close ties to the Iraqi Ba'ath Party of Saddam Hussein.[12][13] It was a leading opponent of the UN sanctions against Iraq in 1991 and the subsequent Gulf War in 1992.[14] Supporters formed the "Committee to Save the Children in Iraq".[15] LaRouche blamed the sanctions and war on "Israeli-controlled Moslem fundamentalist groups" and the "Ariel Sharon-dominated government of Israel" whose policies were "dictated by Kissinger and company, through the Hollinger Corporation, which has taken over The Jerusalem Post for that purpose."[16] Left-wing anti-war groups were divided over the LaRouche movement's involvement.[17]

  4. Thanks. I'll leave the post up for now anyway, because the message is important. Seems the autistics and others were right about R"H Av. Things did change.

  5. August 2nd !!!

    Hitler was Führer of Germany In office August 2, 1934 -- 30 April, 1945

  6. I think august 2nd means hitler destroyed the jews physicaly but not spiritualy the west this august 2nd have destroyed the jews spiritualy including yes definitely including the orthodox !

  7. Things for sure changed After R"H Av

  8. What's happening is so crazy and other than making the same dumb phone calls that they realy don't listen to(because they pass this stuff) what else is there to do? Daven, yes, in addition to that?


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