Thursday, September 8, 2011

Obama's Palestinian Dream

President Barack Obama is the unlikely star of a new Palestinian media campaign.

Part of a speech Obama gave in 2010 to the United Nations General Assembly is featured in an ad aimed to rally support for the Palestinians upcoming bid for statehood at the United Nations on Sept. 20, Reuters reported on Wednesday.

“When we come back here next year, we can have an agreement that can lead to a new member of the United Nations, an independent, sovereign state of Palestine living in peace with Israel,” Obama said in the 2010 speech in the clip that is played in the radio ad.

Although U.S. officials described Obama’s statement in the 2010 speech simply as an expression of hope, Abbas has called the statement the “Obama promise,” Reuters wrote.

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  1. So that's interesting becasue didn't the media say that recently (may be even today) that Obama was saying to the PA to drop their bid and or that the US won't support it etc....? I don't trust Obummer as far as I can throw him, and his 2010 speech is to be expected of him etc, yet the 20th is coming up sooner than we know so, we shall see....

  2. he's confused. He needs to relax more and play some golf.

  3. Devorah......that could be dangerous

    They are not the only things that he is shattering and breaking.

  4. mean he came back to Washington from his golfing vacation?

  5. Yes Joe, he has the killer effect. link to SFGate

    Leah: he teed off in Hawaii but came back for the earthquake and the cracking of the Washington Monument.

    Nobody could make this stuff up, if I ever thought there would be a shortage of things to blog about... heh, think again !

  6. So, true, I hear you. Yet, it's the country who is really "teed off."


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