Friday, December 9, 2011

Finally some blue sky....

Sydney celebrates its first sunny day - so far - this summer. Rain expected to return tomorrow.

Bondi Beach


  1. Beautiful! Is the water realllllly THIS blue, Devorah?

  2. Yes, no photoshopping, straight from my niece's Iphone.

  3. a most beautiful scene. thanks.

  4. Hey Devorah, the rain and cold even up here in the subtropics is a wee bit unusual.
    The cloud cover dissipated just in time to witness the blood red moon eclipse.Did you witness it in Sydney?

    Shavua Tov

  5. No, I didn't see it, decided to sleep instead.

  6. Devorah,
    Every time I go or drive down towards Bondi Beach, I see the ocean in a different light. Literally. At times the view can be so utterly breathtaking that all I can do is look-on in awe. And recite Borchi Nafshi (Psalms 102)!
    (However I have yet to merit to see the sea (!) from this angle. This pic certainly 'blows me away'...


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