Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Oprah in Boro Park

In a just released photo, media mogul Oprah Winfrey dines with Lubavitch Shluchim Rabbi Aron and Shterna Sara Ginsberg and family at their home in Boro Park for an upcoming TV show.

Source: COLlive


  1. Lubavitch is intense in saving as many gentiles and jews as they can before judgement day !

  2. Oprah’s visit to a Jewish family, you have to remember Oprah was a very large sponsor for Lobama when he ran in 2008, and since he is losing the Jewish vote in the United States slowly, she has to start up lifting her candidate so the Jewish people will vote for him again in his upcoming election. The Jewish people are so foolish is to think since Oprah is coming to their house which maybe means that Lobama is for the Jew is really fooling themselves, for as soon as he is re-elected he will really lower the boom on Israel and really be dangerous, for he does not have to worry about what he does, for unless something terrible happens he cannot be reelected and can run loose like a mad man. So the Jew should be buyer beware, for what you buy we must all live with.
    Thank you for your website.

  3. When I was a goyta, I watched the Oprah show often. The below show is so full of cow patty dung - a so called orthodox jew woman stating that her family worshipped the devil with blood sacrifice and all


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