Friday, April 5, 2013

Moshiach. Really? [video]

Hows your soul? 
Our souls connect us, it is our bodies that separate us. 
Rabbi Sholom Lipskar outlines the process of redemption and what to expect in the times of the Messiah. From the scientists who have discovered the G-d particle, to ancient texts, to the Lubatcher Rebbe's talks, Rabbi Lipskar brings Moshiach out of the texts and into the room.

Watch on TorahCafé.com!


  1. 1. Whilst we are not persecuted as a people (on the whole) we are persecuted as a nation, constantly subject to highly disproportionate international condemnation, and galut Jews are themselves forced to choose between Israel and social acceptability.

    2. Jews may perform Jewish ritual nearly everywhere in the world, except for the Temple Mount, where they are forbidden to pray.

  2. It was said in this video that Gemora Sanhedrin 98b means to say that the Moschiach could be the one from resurrected, i.e. the idea of second coming.
    Besides being a christian concept to cover up for yoshka's hasn't accomplished nothing from the messianic tasks and being a foreign idea to Judaism, the Gemora in Sanhedrin 98b does not mean to back up this idea.

    Here is the Rashi's explanation of the gemora in Sanhedrin 98b:

    אי מן חייא הוא כגון רבינו הקדוש.
    If from the living he, example would be Rabeinu HaKodesh

    אם משיח מאותן שחיים עכשיו ודאי היינו רבינו הקדוש
    If Moshiach from those that are living now, for sure he is Rabeynu HaKodesh
    דסובל תחלואים וחסיד גמור הוה כדאמרינן בבבא מציעא דף פה
    That he bears patiently sickness and he is completely pious as is said in Bava Metsia
    ואם היה מאותן שמתו כבר היה דניאל איש חמודות
    And if he was from those that have already died, he would has being the Desirable Daniel
    שנדון ביסורין בגוב אריות וחסיד גמור היה
    That he was judged with troubles of [being thrown] into lion dean and was completely pious
    והאי כגון לאו דווקא
    And this [word] “כגון” - “example would be” is not to be taken literally
    [Rashi by saying “The word “example would be” not to be taken literally” means that Daniel and Rabeynu haKodest are not the examples of Moshiach, but rather if the Moshiach was destined to come in the past, in the time of the generations that have already died, then he would literally be Daniel. And if the Moshiach was destined to come in this generation, i.e. in the generation of Rav, then he would be Rabeynu HaKodesh. That is, Rashi explains that the Gemora means to say that in the previous generations the most fit for Moshiach was Daniel, and in this generation the most fit for Moshiach is Rabeynu HaKodes and either of them could had becomen the Moshiach, while they were still alive, if their respective generations were destined for the Moshiach. Gemora does not mean that Daniel, or any body else from the dead would come back as a Moshiach, but rather it means that amongst the past candidates Daniel was the most fit for this job, and from the present candidates Rabeynu HaKodesh is the most fit]
    [Rashi continues:]
    ל"א כגון רבינו הקדוש
    Another explanation of “the example would be Rabeynu HaKodesh"
    כלומר אם יש דוגמתו בחיים
    Saying, if there is his [Mishiach’s] example amongst living
    היינו רבינו הקדוש
    This would be Rabeynu Hakodesh
    ואם דוגמא הוא למתים
    And if Moshiach to be compared to the dead once
    היינו כגון דניאל איש חמודות:
    This would be for example Daniel the Desirable man.
    [In his second explanation Rashi points out that if you want to find somebody who possess the same characteristics as the future Moschiach will possess, then amongst the living it would be Rabeynu HaKodesh and amongst the dead it would be Daniel. Again, according to this, the future Moshiach will not be Rabeynu HaKodesh, or Daniel, or anybody from the dead, but rather, the future Moshiach would possess character traits similar to Daniel and Rabeynu HaKodesh]

  3. "It was said in this video that" "The Leader contains every Jew within him." ~ Rashi


    Rebbe Nachman: "And Esther found favor in the sight of all who looked upon her" (Esther 2:15). The Rabbis explained this to mean that "everyone who saw her imagined she was from his own nation" (Megillah 13a). God said to Moses, "For you have found favor in My eyes and I know you by name" (Exodus 33:17). When "all the hosts of heaven bow to you [i.e. the Master of Prayer]" because they all receive and borrow from him, through this he finds favor in their eyes, since "each one imagines he is from his own nation." And through finding favor in the eyes of all, then: "I know you by name" for the "name" is the soul, as it is written, "the soul of every living creature is its name" (Genesis 2:19).

    R’ David Katz: The actual Messiah will inherit all paths of seed, ending up as an expression in Levy, under the guard of Moses.

    Those in the Generation of Mashiah have the same souls as those in the Generation of the Flood. ~ Rav Tzadok Hakohen of Lublin

    Noah directed by Darren Aronofsky alongside longtime collaborator and cinematographer Matisyahu Libatique is slated for worldwide release 2014/5774: The Year of the Horse.


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