Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Last Day of Time

Why is the world so chaotic now?

In a presentation titled "The Last day of Time", Rabbi Tzvi Freeman quoted from the Zohar: "in the sixth century of the sixth millennium, the gates of supernal wisdom will be opened, as will the springs of earthly wisdom, preparing the world to be elevated in the seventh millennium." 

He explained that the times of the world correspond to the days of the week and that the world is currently in the sixth century ["elef hashishi"], which can be translated to Friday afternoon.

"The year we live in, 5774, is erev Shabbos after chatzos, right before Elef Hashvi'i which will be the time of Moshiach, a time that will be higher than time, so we are now living in the last day of time. The current turmoil in the world is similar to the typical chaos that can be found in Jewish homes on Friday afternoons, shortly before Shabbos'' Freeman said.

Source: Col Live


  1. Looking at it in those terms, we are still roughly 246 years away from the year 6000. Chatzot means midday/midnight so still some time to go in earthly years!

    1. Yes... but we can bring Shabbat in early, which means we are nearly there. We will not have to wait until the year 6000.

    2. Hello anonymous. There are other elements to it as well within those 246 years, Moshiach must come, war of Gog U'Magog, Techiat Hametim and other particular events. There are fascinating details about these times and the events of this generation. Aish HaTorah has a wonderful article on this written by Rabbi Pinchas Winston.

    3. Is there not an error in the calendar? I've heard that the times have been obscured intentionally, and that we are closer to the year 6000 than many believe.

      Anyone have any information on that?

  2. i was there he is amazing so much knowledge read one of his books heaven expose you will love it

  3. If one is interested in this type of subject, I recommend the End Of Days link fro the front page of this website. It contains a lot of this subject from Rav Dov Bar Leib.

  4. The world is so chaotic now because the statue in Daniel 2 is falling apart. It is disintegrating before our eyes. The stone not hewn by the hands of man has basically already hit the feet of the statue whose feet of iron mired with clay were the first to crumble. This happened with the near miss of asteroid DA-14 in February of 2013. D is Dalet or YKWK. The A is the Aleph of Elokim. It referred to HaShem Elokim with 14 being the Yad or Hand of G-d that formed this stone. Its closest pass to earth was over Jakarta, Indonesia because Indonesia produced the half iron (Xtian) half clay (Muslim) world leader who would lead the entire world into moral and economic chaos. Apparently, it did its job very well. This statue will fully crumble no later than the end of the coming Shmittah year 5775 if not sooner as we approach the 49th Yovel Cycle since Ezra HaSofer which begins in 5776.

  5. Hashem yerachame on us we need his help to overcome personal adversity and of the nation and of the general tikkun of the whole olam . As to dov beirs comments extremely relevant and creative love his blog I try my best to understand geulah from the works of the gaon of vilna 1720-1797 and the greatest understander of the holy ari'zl in the gras estimation the ramchal 1707-1747. The gra looks at geulah as a period of zman -time , the ramchal seems to say suddenly ...............................

  6. Just a thought here, but if we are in the Sixth hour... the Sixth Day.... as Adam and Eve were in when their "test" came ... will we all be faced with the same test in this Sixth Hour/Day.... and must pass they should have?...

    Do we find ourselves back, so to speak, at square one, full circle.... to see if we will pass this test to move forward? Will it be all about our knowledge, like the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.... or eating from the Tree of Life/Torah/HaShem's Way of Life? Is this a correct understanding of it all?

    1. Excellent question anonymous @ 5:28 p.m. Yes, it is said by rabbanim (and yes, there are sources for this) that as we move through the exiles to the End of Days that we are finishing up tikkunim , eg: eating from the etz hada'as. (the tree of knowledge of good and evil)
      If you look on Aish Hatorah or other orthodox web sites you will find much on this. Great observation and questions...

  7. John: Rav Shimon Schwab zt"l wrote a major essay on the hiding of 165 years of history by Daniel in Sefer Daniel, that those 165 years of the Persian Empire were removed from the historical record. Yet, since he was told to do this potentially by G-d Himself through the Angel Gavriel, the fact that those 165 years were "removed and sealed away" does not affect the year we are in the holy calendar. We are still in 5774 this year. So it is as if those 165 years have ceased to exist. The Gematriah of Sod Daniel is 165.

  8. Looks like We're in "The Last Days of the Secular State"

    When Ariel Sharon - the ultimate symbol of the secular state - finally passed from the scene, it was a sign, in my mind, that the state itself would not be far behind.

    This is wonderful news, because the "Medinah" is the unholy side - the Klipos - of the kingdom to come which arises from the side of holiness.

    According to Rav Aryeh Carmell in The Messianic Process:
    " The 'Holy kingdom of Israel' - Maharal's term for the reign of the Messiah - will emerge from an earlier, non-holy kingdom."
    The Maharal himself wrote: "...The holy kingdom of Israel... must grow out of the non-holy kingdom that preceded it."

    Netanyahu's Ultimatum: Bennett Must 'Apologize or Quit'
    ...sources threatened that "if (Bennett) won't apologize," he risks the dissolution of the current coalition government.

    ...On Tuesday, Bennett reiterated in a speech at the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) that "leaving Jews under foreign leadership is a 180-degree turn for Zionism. What happened to us?

    Min. Ariel Admits 'Mini-Crisis' with Netanyahu

    A further sign of the dissolution of the secular Zionist enterprise is the apparent assimilation of the Prime Minister's son with a gentile woman in the heart of Eretz Yisrael. And what can we say of ongoing physical attacks against Jews in the Land of Israel for simply being Jews?

    All of the reasons the secular Zionists ever gave for being "a free people in our own land" have proven to be empty. Jews are not safe from the attacks of goyim on the streets of our homeland. Our synagogues are not safe from the graffiti of swastikas. Our sons and daughters are not safe from intermarriage.

    Secular Zionism and the state it spawned are done! It only remains for us to recognize the fact.

    1. If we are in the last days of the secular state, within 9 months of its complete collapse, why would anyone want to stay in Chu"l any longer? The Erev Rav will cease ruling over us at that time. So the reason for not being here will be removed within 9 months. There is no reason for a delay anymore except money. Some people don't have the money to move. This is why communities should move together.

    2. I don't think it is the only reason. There are all sorts of logistics to consider, sick people, with serious physical and mental health needs, education, employment responsibilities, etc. Making a suddeass exodus takes more than a couple of months planning. Get real!

  9. Remember 120 Jubilee cycles of 50 years totaling 6000 years is how long YHVH said His Spirit would abide with man in Genesis 6:3. Those complete 120 Jubilee cycles totaling 6000 years would have ended on September 7, 2002.

    The reason we are living in the year 6014 is because YHVH turned back the ecliptic 15 years so Hezekiah could produce an heir to continue YHVH’s promise to David. So you can say these are the ‘Years of Hezekiah’ we live in that count out on September 20, 2017.

    Making this all the more probable is the fact that it counts out the same day as the “Seventy Shavuot” of Daniel 9:24.

    They are 70 literal 'Feast of Weeks' of YHVH that was determined on November 29, 1947 when the UN gave Israel the ‘right’ to statehood.

    The first year of those “70 Feast of Weeks” began on September 15, 1947, with the first 'Festival of Weeks' falling on June 13, 1948.

    The final ‘Feast of Weeks’ #70 falls on May 31, 2017, with the year ending on 29 Elul or September 20, 2017
    Yes, with chaos abounding in Israel and her regional enemies, while Haman has a “destroyer” and other ships heading to the US coastlands for a ‘three month’ training maneuver, I’d say the days are short and time is fleeting.

    Shalom, Gavriel

    1. Gavriel, I published your comment, but for your info Jewish people do not write Hashem's name as YHVH.....

  10. Thank you Devorah, I'm so sorry, Gavriel

  11. Really amazing post! thanks for sharing. will back again.


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