Sunday, January 12, 2014

Yud Shvat: Death of Ariel Sharon

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has died on a most auspicious date for Lubavitchers: Yud Shvat [10 Shvat] - the 64th anniversary of the passing of sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, and the 63rd anniversary of the beginning of the seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe's tenure as Head of Chabad.  

For those who like to calculate: this date gives us 38 weeks until Yom Kippur 5775 [the term of a pregnancy].

As Yeranen Yaakov blogged:  [from The Forward] ''Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi (1745–1812) was the founder of Chabad and was its first rabbi (Alter Rebbe, as the Lubavitch refer to him). He was the genius of Torah, responsible for the Tanya. In his book “Maamarei Admor Hazakein,” the old rabbi offered his own calculation: the Hebrew year of 5775, the year that will begin in September 2014.''

As mentioned previously in a couple of earlier posts below, Ariel Sharon's death is the ''key'' to Moshiach.... Rabbi Kaduri zt'll stated that Moshiach will not come until after the death of Sharon.

Im yirtze Hashem..... 


  1. Today is 1/11/14 (the day Ariel Sharon dies) 270 (days equal to amount of time of human gestation) days after this date is October 8, 2014, which on this day a lunar eclipse takes place. Which is the night before the Holiday of Sukkot. WOW

    1. Yes, it's very exciting, but we must remember we can calculate all we want, it is just speculation and Moshiach can come anytime. Nevertheless I expect a turbulent 9 months coming up.

  2. "Before the world of truth can come, the world of lies must disappear" - Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kook

  3. Baruch Dayan Emet. an icon of courage has left this world. a man who put fear in yishmael's hearts. who feared no man, and yet was feared by his enemies. he was regarded as a hero by many non jews. there may be some who did not like him, but non can question his courage.

    1. Although he was indeed a courageous fighter, let's not forget that he wasn't all that courageous when he pulled out 10,000 of his fellow Yidden from their homes in Gush Katif. He could have said NO and suffered his personal consequences instead of causing so many to suffer.

  4. Question - was he halachically Jewish?

    1. possibly not, but was King Herod halakhically Jewish when he rebuilt the 2nd Temple into one of the wonders of the ancient world?? Perhaps they are one and the same.

      His mother Vera was a "convert", but curiously the Chief Rabbinate in 1948 would not put the word Jew (Yehudiyah) on her teudat zehut when it was customary to do so. So it seems to be an open question.

  5. The politicians mostly below par , mostly because they disregard our heritage the Torah , The Good Old book Of Moses . It seems that it makes little difference if they happen to be smart or dumb Jewish or not Jewish, we just have to keep praying and doing what we can in other words we have to put up with these poor leaders until we get a real Manhig , in my book these so-called leaders have not even graduated kinder-garten as they are too embarressed to to put a yarmulka on their heads , what kind of Jews are they ? They all behave like goyim , even Mr. Netanyahu was married to a non Jew ! We deserve better !


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