Thursday, May 8, 2014

A Prayer for Healing

Refuah shleimah: Chaya Simcha MaSha bas Devorah


  1. Hello Devorah. May one ask- the name here is bas Devorah. Any relation? Is it rude for me to ask?
    Also, please leave this up on your blog.

    1. She is a relation but not my daughter, thanks for asking......

  2. This is so very beautiful.
    When I hear it, it makes me weep. I just wish I was at the Holy Wall in Jerusalem to touch it, to kiss it, to pour my heart out to Hashem there..
    I am Noahide, what this song means I do not know the words in Hebrew, but it stirs my soul.
    Yes, where ever I am, I do pray to Hashem, but wish myself in Jerusalem. Perhaps some day; perhaps. May Hashem grant Chaya Simcha Masha bas Devorah, a complete healing, amen.
    stella. c

  3. Overlooked Psychology of the Arab-Israeli Peace Process
    by Mr. Cohen of the Derech Emet yahoo group, 2014/4/27

    In a very famous Bible story, King Solomon threatened to cut a baby in half
    to satisfy the claims of two women who claimed possession of the same baby
    (Melachim Aleph, chapter 3, verses 16 to 28).

    The fake mother did not object to cutting the baby in half,
    but the real mother begged King Solomon to not do it
    because the real mother did not want to see her baby die.

    Arabs are very familiar with this Bible story and they apply it
    to the conflict over possessing “Palestine.” Arabs believe that
    just as the fake mother in the court of King Solomon was
    willing to divide the baby, the Israelis are fake owners of
    “Palestine” because they are willing to divide it.

    According to this logic, Arabs can never agree to less than 100%
    of “Palestine” because doing so would make them like the fake
    mother in the court of King Solomon who was willing to divide the baby.

  4. She and your family will be in my tefilot.

  5. That's the most beautiful thing I've ever listened to . Thank you.


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