Friday, May 6, 2016

Torah Codes say President Hillary

HT: Yaak

[Apparently] an orthodox yeshiva student was trying to see what the outcome of the US elections would be through the Torah codes and was looking for President Trump, but was surprised to discover the words "President Hillary".

Source: Kikar

Hillary as President would be ''a time of terrible distress'', according to Joel Gallis a''h and Dr Robert Wolf from their article written in 2009.  Read it here.


  1. Um I am Canadian,
    I would prefer just Mashiach...
    I think there will be no president in USA or any where any more, according to a lot of Jewish predictions i read,
    Therefore, Mashiach will be here soon.. And Amen.

  2. Oh dear,
    Do my eyes deceive me.. or is that a man i see..

  3. I am also a Canadian who believes that there will not be elections in the US. Agree with sc wholeheartedly. Besides, Moshiach is at the door. Ms. AP

    1. Thank you Devorah, you might be right, except from what i see of the horrors happening in our world today, Hashem has to intercede, and one can see for oneself too, that things cannot carry on the way they are going.
      Rav Kooks saying of all lies must disappear before the world of truth can emerge, (I guess he must have meant when Mashiach comes), one can see, lies are being exposed, people who try and have tried to hide things are being exposed..
      Yes, i am Noahide, but follow Hashem like all Noahides, and i have a brain to also think, read and see, No i think Hashem (please Hashem), will put a stop to this soon.. and Mashiach will come.

      Ms. AP.. we will see soon Mashiach coming to help Hashem`s Chosen, and all good people everywhere.

      Amen and Amen.
      Devorah, if you can, please tell us more of Rav Kook.. thank you in advance and Gd bless you and all who come here.. Amen.


  4. Oh dear, Katy Perry or any non-Jew for that matter, could do that on their own too!!

  5. I read that comment Devorah, the one you deleted. That person was extremely rude, I apologise on behalf of all the Noahides who come here - we are not all like her. We appreciate your blog.

  6. I've been saying this all along. That Clinton is 'groomed' to be the next prez. That was guaranteed by O. "THEY" want the current deterioration of the US to continue; and she will do it. Also as Joe Gallis gave us a hint to this.
    Other than this happening, it could be a stunning upset with a yet unknown pick by the GOP to run for prez.

  7. Now, there's our carrot. Teshuvah or Hillary.

  8. Torah Codes should be used to confirm the past; that is how they were used by the Tzaddik R' Weissmandel, and that was how the frum modern proponents (Rips etc.) used them. They should not be used to predict the future as a sort of 21st century Urim V'Tumim. There are are too many examples of such predictions being wrong, beginning with the books of the self-proclaimed atheist Drosnin, who co-opted Rips's work.

    One of the biggest problems with this approach is that it tries to force non-Hebrew names like "Hillary" and "Trump" into the Torah. The fundamental flaw with that approach is that such names can be spelled in various ways in Hebrew and (unlike names from the past) we have no Masorah as to the correct spelling. Take Hillary for example. It can be spelled Heh or Het, with a Yud or without a Yud, with one Lamed or two Lameds, with an Aleph or an Ayin after the Lamed or without either letter. Trump also can be spelled in various ways--Tet or Tav at the beginning, and Vav, Aleph, Ayin or none of these letters after the Resh. The (alleged) yeshiva bochur who conducted this search spelled Hillary "Heh, Yud, Lamed, Resh, Yud." Although that is a possible spelling, it's not the most grammatically accurate; there probably shouldn't be a Yud after the Heh, and there almost certainly should be either and Aleph or an Ayin after the Lamed to correspond to the A in Hillary.


  9. Think it is altogether not proper to predict from Torah codes about potential winners/losers of elections or anything of such a nature. In the end, everything is b'ydei Shamayim. The Jewish people voting in the U.S. have an obligation to not vote for someone who is ambivalent to the Jewish people/Israel. But we know better.

  10. See Mystical Paths:

    דונלד טראמפ = 424 Donald Trump
    משיח בן דוד = 424 Mashiach Ben Dovid
    Gematria equals each other to reveal in advance what's coming in President Trump's first term in office!!

    1. Yes I agree, it is Trump. And just in case anyone thinks that we think Trump is Moshiach, that is not the case. It's just that his name is indicative of the time.

    2. But how do you account for Barak Obama also being linked to Mashiach by gematria--Bes, Resh, Kuf=302. Alef, Vav, Bes, Mem, Heh=54. 302+54=356. Using the two words ("Im HaTeivos") brings the total to 358, which is the gematria of Mashiach.


  12. How about in a landslide by 21+ points?

  13. Maybe the gematriahs are the same as Moshiach because they are all connected in the same timeframe when, hopefully, Moshiach is expected to come. These are the superpower leaders and potential leaders, therefore, the connection. BTW, chas v'chalilah, anyone would dare think/say that any of them is Moshiach; that would be a chilul H'.

    1. Perhaps. Rodham-Clinton spelled Resh, Dalet, Heh, Mem, Kaf, Lamed, Nun, Tet, Vav, Nun=414. With the 10 letters, this also comes to 424. But I'm skeptical of trying to fit foreign names for which there is no accepted spelling into the Codes and Gematrias. You could probably use these things to link Mashiach to leaders of various nations (such as Roman emperors or British monarchs) going back thousands of years if you tried hard enough. I think that those things should be used to support points that emerge from other sources rather than as first sources themselves. (This is how the Rokeach and Baal HaTurim use gematrias.) If Obama etc. are in fact the leaders of the world at the time of Mashiach, I would think that their identities should be more openly disclosed in the Torah and Nach.


  14. Trump's name does in fact appear in the Torah; see Rabbi Glazerson's video about it on YouTube. Just based on that, I'm not sure how reliable this finding is, as the source claims he searched for Trump's name, but could not find it.


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