Wednesday, May 25, 2016

דרך כוכב מיעקב אל תירא עבדי יעקב

And now, apparently, the sun is tilting.  That link takes you to the latest Steve Olson video, where he is talking about the apparent tilt of the sun, just as we are aware that the moon has already tilted, and the sun is now setting a few degrees further north-west, or south-west for me, than it should be for this time of year.    Steve  states that ''they'' are using technology to make the sun appear a certain way, but whoever ''they'' are in his mind, we all know that whatever is happening in the Heavens is being controlled by Hashem.

I have read on another blog some comments from readers who are terrified of Nibiru [the Kochav Yaakov] and its possible effects on earth.   We should not be scared, none of you should be worrying about any of the dreadful scenarios being bandied about.  Every motzei Shabbat, Jews around the globe sing zmirot, one of which is Amar Hashem LeÝaakov also known as ''Al  Tira Avdi Yaakov'' , and you can clearly see the words:  

דרך כוכב מיעקב אל תירא עבדי יעקב

''A star will emerge from Yaakov   Fear not, My servant Yaakov''

God said to Yaakov / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
God chose Yaakov / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
A star will emerge from Yaakov / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
In Days to come Yaakov will strike roots / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
A ruler will arise from Yaakov / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
Remember these things for Yaakov / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
Delight will come with the salvations of Yaakov / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
Your tents are good Yaakov / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
They shall teach your ordinances to Yaakov / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
For there is no sorcery in Yaakov / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
He perceives no wrong in Yaakov / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
Who can count the dust of Yaakov / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
God made a vow to Yaakov / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
Please forgive the transgression of Yaakov / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
Bring back Yaakov from captivity now / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
God has redeemed Yaakov / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
Command salvation for Yaakov / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
The voice is the voice of Yaakov / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
Sing and be joyous for Yaakov / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
God has brought back Yaakov from captivity / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
Grant truth to Yaakov / Fear not, My servant Yaakov

And here is the video of it performed by Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, if you have time to listen on Lag B'' Omer which begins tonight my time.  


  1. Dvorah,

    That posting is simply AMAZING ! ! !

    Thanks for your constant 'upgrades' and far all your insights and


    A person who truly TRUSTS in HASHEM should never, ever fear ANYTHING!

    But this NIBIRU thing. What a pity that most other bloggers fail to

    calm Our People. Instead some bloggers even seem to cause panic.

    The LAST thing we need is mass hysteria.. .

    Are they crazy, or what ?! Do they truly believe in their own posts?

    But YOU see the LIGHT, D'vora.

    Congratulations !

    YOU have shown The right WAY! AL TIRO AVDI Y'AKOV! NEVER fear ! ! !

  2. Thanks for that beautiful rendition of Amar Hashem L'Yaacov.

    I felt like a small infant in the arms of his mother singing

    that tune as a lullaby. It's so very comforting to listen to.

  3. Excellent Devorah. You think of things for your readers that others do not. A tremendous act of kindness. Neshama

  4. The other blogs have good intentions, but I don't believe that Hashem expects us to be terrified of this. There are many prophecies and many theories, we just need to have faith and as Rabbi Anava said ''Moshiach comes through Ahavas Yisroel''.

  5. Rabbi Anava also said to come to Eretz Israel!

  6. Yes he did, but for some it is impossible. For them it is enough to yearn.

  7. DEVORAH! Thank you for this wonderful post. Let me share that I know HaShem knows the yearning of every yid. And though I posted pics of the sun and this star - by no means am I panicking here. My urgency to get to Eretz Yisrael is because our son is 6 years old - I wish for him to learn in Hebrew - not translating to Yiddish or English. And much more....our family is in Israel.

  8. Agree with the commenters and also thank you for your wonderful post. Of course, everything H' is doing is for the Yidden. "Everything I have done I am doing for you'.

    As we were redeemed from Mitzrayim, we will be redeemed in the Geulah Shleimah! H' protected us then and sent us out even with great wealth, so, too, will H' protect every Yid and the righteous of the world. We need not fear, for everything is for our sakes and we must not forget that. This Star is a sign for us that Moshiach Tzdkeinu is on his way to redeem us b'rachamim!


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