Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Ahavat Yisroel Will Bring Moshiach


  1. see this question about moshiach's coming

  2. Devorah this shiur is gevaldik! We must pay attention to what Rabbi Anava gave over to us at the 12:20 mark regarding it only takes a group of Jews to cry out to bring Moshiach now. THE geula bloggers are part of this group!

  3. Surely, as HaShem is seeing the Jewish Rabbis teaching so many many hours of Torah online, and to the gentiles, does this merit the Jewish people for HaShem looking at these things they are doing and could bring or hasten the geulah, in His timing?

    1. The internet was created for the express purpose of spreading the light of the Torah. Everything else on the internet is just background noise. Everyone who is contributing to and learning Torah on the internet is part of The Plan. The more people listen and learn, the closer we are.


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