Monday, August 8, 2016

Is This ''Generation Moshiach''?

Applied Chassidus with Rabbi Simon Jacobson: Is it possible, G-d forbid, that this generation won’t bring Moshiach? Why is childbirth so difficult? And more.

Why does G-d make the process of childbearing so difficult for women? Is there any other significance to the painful process aside for it being attributed to Chava’s sin?

Is it possible, G-d forbid, that this generation won’t be the one to bring Mashiach? Even though the Rebbe said we would, is it conceivable that we failed and another generation will succeed? After all, the Rebbe said that “it’s up to us.” So what happens if we don’t fulfill the mission given to us?

The fear of someone else’s impression of us, often times, handicaps us. Why do so many people worry about it? Is it a confidence issue? How can one get over worrying about what others may think of him/her?

These are among the relevant and provocative issues Rabbi Jacobson will address in this week’s 126th episode of MyLife: Chassidus Applied. Other topics that will be discussed include: the possible limits to making a dirah b’tachtonim, other projects that Rabbi Jacobson was involved in, and follow up to previously discussed concerns related to a secular education.

See more at ColLive


  1. I hate to say this, but I began having doubts about this a little while ago. I don’t remember the current events at the time, but the thought did creep in and I became aware that we might not see what we anticipate this year. I haven’t figures it out yet and don’t know if i will. It was intuiting.

  2. No matter what, it looks like Nibiru is barreling down towards its earth flyby which is imminent. The outcome is up to Hashem. Things are getting worse and not better so the next generation will probably have even less of the attributes that are desirable to bring Moshiach. My guess is that it is now or never. Ms. AP

  3. Gevaldig shiur. Have to wait two weeks for next one. Very inspiring.

  4. .... if anything it's the fundamentals that has to be re-examined. The idea of the coming of the moschiac being in human hands (deserving or undeserving) is not explicitly stated anywhere in the TANAKH (the ONLY infallible source). Unfortunately inherited interpretations can't be questioned.

  5. Pleased with Ms. AP's comment. We have to get it into our heads and understand that when it's time H' deems it right for Moshiach's coming, it will be, no matter what goes through our minds. We want Moshiach's coming to be with ease and therefore need to do teshuvah and influence other Jews to do the same; but even if that is not probable (most likely, it is not probable) Moshiach will come anyway, but not with such ease.

    The signs are here but we, as human beings, lose confidence when time goes by and become influenced by all the naysayers (many of whom are religious, r'l).

    Moshiach is coming when we least expect it. We see on a daily basis how things can change in an instant. The news is frightening but when a few days or a week goes by and everything is, B'H, b'seder, we forget everything. We are too bombarded with so many different things and news that we have all become confused.

    Fear not, Moshiach is on his way; H' is in control and when He says Go, we will b'ezrat H' witness his coming. We just don't know exactly when. It will be when least expected.

  6. No doubts, the big picture screams now is the time.

  7. I recall a rabbi saying that Moschiach comes during a time of war; I don't remember what he was referencing, but I'm pretty sure it was a passage in the Zohar.

  8. There is no way to know exactly when or how the geula will happen. But clearly it is in process. The world has changed and continues to change faster and faster, and in bigger and bigger ways. Signs of redemption are all over. It's not just conceptual, it's visible. But it's a process and the process has taken way longer than any of us wanted or expected and it's not over yet.

    What I heard Rabbi Jacobson saying is that we are intrisically involved, and that what we do is a major piece of how things unfold. He pointed out that the Rebbe said from the beginning of his leadership that this is the generation, because the time has come. But not that it would happen on its own, but that we would have to do our part to make it happen. The way it looks and feels to me is that it is an irreversible process, but that it will be slower or quicker, happier or harder, more or less miraculous, depending upon what we do.

  9. People, especially Jewish, are getting more disbelieving and disillusioned as time goes on, while being assured by rabbis, etc that Moshiach is imminent. To be put on hold much longer, talking in terms of generations, will mean that even 'disbelief' will one day die. What then?

  10. Yes, and the more we talk about it, and it DOESN'T happen, only gives the non-believers more ammunition to say that everything is nonsense [chas v'shalom]. Rabbi Jacobson says we just keep doing what we are doing. Don't give up, and don't be disheartened. It is a test for ourselves, as frustrating as it all is, to NOT believe is much harder. i personally would not know how to begin to NOT believe, and I certainly couldn't handle the world as it is now without believing that something much better is just around the corner.

  11. Such optimistic responses!
    Thank you so much!
    Holding and hoping together with Hashem's help is the only way to get through it...

  12. Dear Friend,

    This past Shabbat in Jerusalem, less than a mile from the site of the Holy Temple, a guest at our table reminded me that “expectations are resentments waiting to happen.” Indeed, predetermining the future is often the surest route to disappointment. Yet Maimonides’s thirteen principles of the Jewish faith includes, “I believe with complete faith in the coming of Moshiach, and although he may tarry, nevertheless, I wait every day for him to come.”

    Day after day, year after year, we have waited, for thousands of years, expectantly but without resentment. How is that possible? There are many ways to approach this question, and much to learn on about the many deep meanings of Tisha B’Av, exile and redemption.

    But one concept is central: Like parents who believe in their children no matter what, G‑d believes in us. And we believe in Him. We are believers, children of believers, certain of G‑d’s goodness, no matter how hidden that goodness may be. Our faith transcends resentment and unmet expectations.

    Whether this Tisha B’Av will be a day of fasting or feasting, we believe with a perfect faith that we are closer to the final redemption than ever before, and we will continue to joyously await its imminent arrival.

    Yaakov Ort

  13. Amen Amen Amen!!!
    Soon, Please, HaShem!!!

  14. How do you know it's without resentment? Perhaps Jewish people are ashamed, or scared, to express resentment because they will be scolded that they - that individual - hasn't enough emunah, hasn't prayed enough, done enough teshuva, etc. Bit of a catch 22 imho.


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