Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Rebetzin Esther Jungreis a''h

Very sad to hear about the passing of Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis, whose articles I have blogged from time to time, and who was one of the greats in Kiruv work. Click on the JUNGREIS label below to see past blogs.

The levayah will take place on Wednesday morning, at 11 o’clock, at Agudath Israel of Long Island, located at 1121 Sage Street in Far Rockaway, NY.

See Matzav and The Yeshiva World for more about her life and holy work.


  1. Baruch Dayan Emmes...
    The passing of a New moves the whole world...we will all miss her and her affect on this world...

  2. BD”E
    She was so devoted to her father and the Kedoshim, non stop delivering messages of Torah to any and all who would hear. She especially spoke to the US Armed Forces. I heard her in Boro Park and the place was packed with women of all ages and types. A very dedicated woman. May her soul rest with the other Kedoshim in the glow of HKB”H.

  3. She even came to Sydney, I heard her speak some years ago. Some of her extended family live here.

  4. She spoke in Kendall, Florida. She was the epitome of middos and refined elegance. No one else like her.

    She will be missed. May her neshama receive a nechama.


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