Sunday, April 15, 2018

And This is Your Sign

And this is your sign [that the Redemption is close]: When you see that the Nero of the East who is in Damascus has fallen, the kingdom of the children of the East [Yishmael] will fall, and then the salvation for Israel will sprout.

 נרון מזרחי [Nero of the East] is the same gematria as בשאר אסאד [Bashar Assad] - plus the words.

See: Yeranen Yaakov


    5778 is the year of the revelation of Moshiach ben David
    How are the dark stars in the world created? Why are there black stars? Because they didn’t come to help Devorah HaNevia. Any star that didn’t come to help Devorah became a dark star.

    Now we are in 5778, the year of the revelation of Moshiach ben David. Now, Moshiach ben David needs to come, and after that a lady by the name of Hafetziva will and blow the shofar, and then the tom of Moshe Rabeinu will be revealed.

    Moshe will leave his tomb, he will go with everyone to the Mearat HaMachpela, he will wake up Avraham, Yitzhak and Yaakov, and then he will go back to his tomb.

    Then, the Jewish nation will blow on shofars, the whole world will go out for war, and all of them will come to the gates of Jerusalem, and then the Jews will have to leave Jerusalem for the desert, for nine months, and they will only eat grass. People will be chewing grass, and then will be the moment of the redemption.


    We already have Moshiach ben Yosef, and now Moshiach ben David will arrive.

  2. Nir ben Artzi's latest is very interesting [thank you Dove for the heads up] - he says about Yom Ha'atmaut [19 April] - from Google translate: ''Independence Day will be a day of power, joy and holiness. There was and will not be such a thing in 1948, and there will be such joy in the Land of Israel in the 70th year of the Holy State of Israel, blessed be He, will be happy with the people of Israel! Some of the rabbis continue to declare the messiah king and many more rabbis will come to proclaim the king Messiah, whom the Holy One, blessed be He, has chosen.''

    See for the original Hebrew.

  3. the whole world will go out for war, and all of them will come to the gates of Jerusalem, and then the Jews will have to leave Jerusalem for the desert, for nine months, and they will only eat grass. People will be chewing grass,

    Devorah..can you please investigate if the Rav Berland really said this, bc Rav Artzi keeps saying EY will be protected and there wont be anymore suffering for the Jews. My hebrew is very poor and I cant verify this for myself. I dont know what to believe anymore, everybody says something different. I also saw posted that 2/3 of Jews in EY will be wiped out, is this true?

  4. The post quoted above was written by Kalman Wiseman who is well known to another blogger, and he can be trusted to write the truth. So I would say that is a reliable quote.

  5. The son of Rav Dovid Chaim Stern also made reference to something he'd heard about Tel Aviv being destroyed, that was said by the late head of the Lamed Vavnikim (hidden Tzaddikim) Rav Yehuda Zev Leibowitz z'tl. (Rav Arush was also very close to Rav Leibowitz before he passed away and also passed on many of Rav Leibowitz's warnings before he died.

    You can see more here:

  6. Bs''d

    The answer about MEROZ is very simple.
    Like in Mitzraiym, many Jews are out...being eaten by mamon, having slaves, stuck to tuma and dogs/gentiles in relations.
    Both answers are true.
    The DESERT= SEE!!!! like we did in time of yetzirat Mitzraim, so it will be now also, folowing our Moshe!
    But before that, like Harav Nir Ben Artzi says, all is good in Eretz Israel, and to be part of the final REDEMPTION, WE MUST BE HERE< IN ERETZ ISRAEL.
    No ridles, no suprises, everything is very clear, when you take your SEFER HA TORAH, and take it very serieusly as the only and complete TRUTH.

    The Tzadikim are not giving us diferent answers, just diferent part of all the answers. When you adopt a standpoint of yourself that everything the Tzadikim are saying is truly the TRUTH, and slay the kafer side of yourself away, the clearness of the answers will shine true for you as clean pure water in the mountains. Or a diamond, if you want.

    Now you can clearly see by the way of speech and Rachamim of these of us, who they realy are, and you can ask from our Creator, to guide you to recognize the TRUTH, to see what is the CHITA and what are the KLIPOT that will burn of by SHEMESH TZEDAKA.
    Only yourself can find the truth.
    The precieus part in you called NESHAMA, that is actualy Hashem HIMSELF.
    Follow Hashem, no one else....and get free out of your gaddets, please, its starting to be ridicolous to see my people walking around with all kind of chinese plastic stucking out the ear, nose, who knows what....
    Be serieus, serve Hashem, don't look like a joke of the other side.

  7. HaGaon HaRav Shimon Baadani, shlita, member of the Nesius of Daf HaYomi B'Halacha,
    9-Mounths Of Moshiach
    "The Moshiach must come 5778,”
    video in hebrew
    Moshiach will be Revealed Israel 5778 w

  8. The post quoted above was written by Kalman Wiseman who is well known to another blogger, and he can be trusted to write the truth. So I would say that is a reliable quote.

    which post? Yours or the other blogger talking about rav berland?
    what shoud a person believe when two big tzaddikim are saying opposite things?

  9. Kalman Wiseman is from the Rav Berland site. I was talking about the post appearing there.

  10. where did HaGon Rabbi Shimon Baadani say in the video "Moshiach to Appear before the End of 5778". Please tell the duration of the video in which he said this statement or the exact Hebrew words that he used.

  11. We must all remember that there are many interpretations to everything in Torah. You can get many truly Orthodox scholarly rabbanim and each will have a slightly different interpretation of a matter. That is why there is so much friction and different factions within our Torah world. There is the chassidic concept, yeshivish, sephardic, etc., etc. There are many hashkafot, so there are optimistic ones and pessimistic ones; all depends on the person who interprets. First, we don't know exactly when Moshiach will arrive, just as we do not know who he is. Believe that no Jew will be left behind in this, the ultimate and final Redemption. Those who will pay the ultimate price will most likely be the Erev Rav and those who foolishly still follow their evil ways, etc. H' is All Merciful and every Jewish neshamah will be saved. H' is giving us more time so we, the Bnai Yisrael, can do teshuvah. Every Jew has a portion in the World to Come!


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