Wednesday, April 11, 2018

How To Prepare for the Final Redemption

This post is the latest from the Rav Ofer Erez site by Avraham B.

Rav Ofer explains what we need to do in order to prepare for the final redemption. 

As the redemption nears, G-d is preparing each and every one us in very deep spiritual ways. One of the most important aspects of preparing for the final redemption is coming to an understanding that we are unable to bring upon the redemption on our own but rather Hashem Himself, alone will do it all for us. 

This aspect of the final redemption is called “Yeush d’Kdusha” Holy Despair. It is when we realize and understands that we cannot do anything without one hundred percent divine assistance, not ninety-nine percent but a hundred! 

Click the clip below to play: “Holy Despair – State of Redemption” [If you can’t see the English subtitles, go to the YouTube page directly, and click on the square-shaped icon in the bottom right of the screen, to switch on subtitles/captions for this clip].


  1. Enjoyed this very much. He says it exactly as it is. H' is in total control, even evident to the average person with a thinking mind.
    May the Geulah immediately!

  2. Wow, loved it and shared the video on Facebook. We want Moschiach NOW!

  3. Amen amen amen...
    even us gentiles know it is desperately needed for all of mankind...

  4. thank you for posting this video.

  5. Rabbi Kessin is resuming is shiurim in the united States this motzei Shabbos, stay tuned for the videos to be posted online.

  6. Thanks Alex, looking forward to hearing them... it's been a while.

  7. Beautiful! It makes so much sense right now and it is such a comfort- something real and tangible to hold on to in this insane frightening world.
    I love all the breslover rabbis, like chabadnikim, they give hope and you feel happy, uplifted and want to keep trying. Best of all, it really just makes sense and makes me love Hashem more and want to try harder and be better.
    Much love and admiration for the work you do in continuously posting chizzuk and spreading the faith, Devorah.


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