Thursday, March 28, 2019

The Heavenly Voice

Have you ever heard a voice from Heaven?  I guess not many people have, and how would you know that it was from Heaven and not from somewhere else?   Once I did hear a voice, it was an electric sound that came into my right ear, I felt it as well as heard it.  It gave me advice which I followed, and saved myself from a disaster.  I have no idea what that voice was, I thought perhaps it was an angel.  That was many years ago, and it was the one and only time it ever happened. 

The other day I stumbled upon the following interesting information on the internet, which some of you may like to read.   [If you have ever heard a voice from Heaven, please leave a comment, I'd love to hear about it]

BAS KOL - Ein Mashgichin B'vas Kol 

One of the lower forms of prophecy is called Bas Kol [lit. echo], where certain individuals of a high spiritual status hear a heavenly voice. The Gemara in numerous places cites instances when a Bas Kol was heard, relaying information from Heaven to the earth. The Halachic ruling [Bava Metzia 59b] is that we do not accept the ruling of a Bas Kol when it contradicts the majority opinion of the Sages. [Some Tana'im ruled more stringently, asserting that we do not accept the testimony of a Bas Kol even if it follows the majority opinion. See Background to Yevamos 14:2:b.]

Source: Daf Yomi


  1. Ok. Here goes. My neighbor has been seeing angels for months. He told me the stories some time ago. It's hard to believe at first but he is such a tzadik and humble really emestic. Anyway he is also a veteran so his doctor has him seeing psychologists and prescribing meds. The whole story is layered and complex ...i wish I knew 100% if it was real.

  2. yes but in a dreams, several times, but i understood that it's impossible to share them on the internet and to someone else. I saw mashiach and end of days along with my 8 yr. son. As i understood, everything is going to end b'rachamim. The key is to be united, as one body. I think we are slowly getting there!Toda le kadosh baruch hu!

  3. In a dream when I was younger. An angel "flew by me" singing and it was the most incredible thing I had ever heard..something that has stayed with me for the last 40+ years...

  4. saw an old man watching me when i was a child ,home alone. for some reason, i knew not to be afraid. the 2nd time it happened, i asked him not to come and watch me. years later, after my grandmother's passing, my mother and i were going through photos and i saw a photo of this man- he was my great grandfather who i was named after. i would love for him to come back now, but he won't. when it happened, i told my parents. they said i was dreaming.

  5. My mother called my name two days before she passed.She was in Israel I was in America. Also I was once flying with my brother in the sky, in a dream. He is a tzadik. I told him and he said it was a good sign

  6. i am so thankful to Hashem for saving you from disaster...may Hashem always keep you safe together with all His children.

  7. I've seen the appearance (מראה) of Mashiach many times, but only later was I given that realization. A soothing, sweet voice, not like any I've heard before. A full head of red hair, usually but not always with a beard. Bright, engaging blue eyes, expressive and compassionate with a particular detail. Not quite 50 years old. Most not even willing to give him a second glance, because that would be absurd. Not horrifying though, because being so contrary to expectations, he is nobody who would be considered in the first place to even be shocking. That's how shocking.

    The Bas Kol repeatedly alluded to his name, effectively transcending any rulings about its testimony.

  8. I have heard a Bas Kol more than once. The fiest time was a voice that told me who I was going to marry. I mentioned this in my novel Love and Betrayal ( at Amazon).

  9. I have heard the heavenly voice more than once. The first time I was told who I was going to marry. I mention this in my book Love and Betrayl (on Amazon.)

  10. I heard a voice 3 times over the years.

    First time it was a comment about a situation which was spot on.

    Second time - it was a comment about a person and to this day i do not understand why it was said.

    Third time - it was a very strong warning about a person who came into our lives unexpectedly. Unfortunately i was unable to do anything about it and that person has coursed us a lot of problems as the voice predicted.

  11. Anon @ 11:24 - are you a deeply religious person? Do you have ancestors who were tzadikim or otherwise very virtuous? The reason I ask this is because at the time I heard the voice, I was not a religious person, and still don't know why I merited to hear such a thing.

  12. Hi Devorah
    To answer you @11:24 - religious I think so very, observant not very. I know the rules but only do what I can do comfortably. But I am very spiritual. My family is very Jewish, we did a DNA test and it showed over 96% Jewish DNA. But as far as we know no tzadikim or rabbis in the family. The first time I heard the voice was in the late 90's, and I was fighting very hard against the rules, but not against being Jewish. I always felt very Jewish. The second time happened around 12 yrs ago - at that time I was surrounded by a lot of miracles and spirituality. Third time few years ago. I do not know why I was given these gifts.

  13. I did think later on that perhaps I was given that gift because I needed it. I had so many dreadful things going on in my life, that I probably couldn't have faced another one. Maybe we just get what we need. Thanks for your response, it was very helpful. And by the way I also think that spiritual people are religious even if they don't keep all the mitzvot. We all do the best we can.

  14. It's said that we are all given situations in live that we can handle. I am going though difficult times now as are so many other people. To me these glimpses is a very powerful reminder that we are not alone (in fact never alone) and Hashem is always aware of what is happening. But for whatever reason we do not understand we have to live though these things. As someone recently said events in our lives are like little dots which eventually be all connected and only then we will understand the reason for everything that happened .....
    Shabbat Shalom and thank you very much for your blog.

  15. Anon @ MARCH 28, 2019 AT 11:48 PM
    ( )

    I had a similar experience.

    A beloved one just passed and appeared as an entity before me. I knew who it was but it still scared me. I asked the entity to leave and it did.

    I've been kicking myself ever since because I later realized it came to say goodbye.

  16. I've learned that the phenomenon of hearing these types of "spiritual" voices, whether in dreams or in real life, can be because of a number of reasons. On the positive side, just for example, they can come from "zechut avot," meaning you have a departed ancestor or relative who received heavenly permission to give you a beneficial message. Then there are tzaddikim who can come to you, usually this is because you either share the same soul root, or did a certain good deed that merited the connection. It can also come from visiting gravesites of tzaddikim. On the more negative side, simply put, it can be from an impure source/spirit, which can be one of reasons for mental illness (everything is from HaShem, and everything happens for a reason). It is usually obvious whether the message is good or bad (to our sorrow the news is filled with ppl who claim voices urged them to commit terrible deeds, G-d forbid).

    Bottom line, these type of beneficial communications should not be viewed as unusual. In the earliest generations it was more commonplace because the spiritual level was higher. As mashiach is revealed, we become more "purified" and our "daat" expands, this type of connection will again become more mainstream and have beneficial influence. For now, it needs to be less clear in order to preserve free choice, so we can receive our "tikkun." A 100% perfected world means no free choice.

  17. Anon @ 8.02pm - thank you for that. I did know about all that but it's great to have it reconfirmed. I would like to ask you something... I have read in different places that deceased souls do not know what is going on down here, and in other places that they do know what is going on and can get involved. I know they are allowed to attend family weddings, but I still wonder if they actually know what their families are going through, or whether they are far removed in another place and have no input at all. If they can appear in a dream, perhaps that is just a one-off occasion and they would also need special permission or great merit to do that. So my question is.... do deceased souls know what is going on down here, or not?

  18. Devorah, regarding whether or not deceased souls know what is going on in this world or not, it depends. Even in the case of tzaddikim, it depends. there is an extended section in the Zohar which speaks about the practice of the living who visit graves of the righteous to inform them of the world's suffering, so they can present the case before HaShem to bring down compassion on the world. (Zohar, Parshat Acharei 71a-71b)

    It is a complicated process since in reality, the soul is made up of different levels -- the nefesh remains most connected to the grave and the upper portions are more free to ascend to communicate to the upper realms. When a living person goes to the grave of a tzaddik and pours out their heart, it is the nefesh that receives that message. The person of course is not davening to the tzaddik, G-d forbid, but it is completely acceptable and desirable to ask a tzaddik for help, along with actually praying directly to G-d. This is a long established custom among Jews that goes back to the very beginning of our history. But it is also a topic that has provoked controversy when misunderstood.

    Regarding regular people who have passed on, what i can say is that they are certainly aware at times, since their ascent, or aliyah, or progress is completely dependent upon any descendants they may have left in the world. This means they suffer greatly from misdeeds of their children, etc. and benefit tremendously from their righteous deeds. There are times these souls have a special merit to help their living relatives, guide them to a better path or save them from danger, etc.

    So much depends upon our own prayers and deeds. Every little thing matters, all the more so the big things we do.

  19. To answer a question above, I learned that if you wake up from a very meaningful dream and you are scared, it is from an impure source. If you wake up even from a scary dream but aren't scared and feel calm and good, that is from a malach/angel or tzaddik and you should take it as a good sign.

  20. Miriam I don't think a dream from a tzadik/malach would be scary... although I guess for some people it could be???. I know when the Lubavitcher Rebbe came to me in a dream [a few times] it was amazing, and I knew it was really him. You are correct that an impure source will definitely scare you.

    Thank you Anonymous for your response @ 6.09. Great knowledge to have...

  21. Also... regarding the Lubavitcher Rebbe..... a very high-up Rav told me that the Rebbe said he would never appear in a dream without his permission. From that, I gather than any dream of the Lubavitcher Rebbbe is a real appearance and not a imposter. Mine was definitely him, that's all I can tell you anyway.

  22. It seems a little arrogant to feel that one had a "vision" in a dream. Most of us are not on a level to have dreams that mean anything and most dreams today mean absolutely nothing- no matter who or what was seen in the dream.

    We don't have prophecy today. Dreams are not to be taken as visions or messages from above.

  23. I've had several dreams that could be described as ''visions''. I would not class myself as arrogant, but I understand why other people might think that so I tend not to talk about it. However there seem to be a lot of people reading my blog who understand what I mean, and who have had their own angelic visionary dreams. In one of the dreams I was shown the future, but at the time I did not realize what it was. It was only in hindsight that I knew. A friend of mine, not Jewish, had a dream of my daughter's baby before she was born, and described her accurately. Some people are given this gift, and it is a gift believe me. Some people need to be warned about certain things, in order to prepare them for it, and other people are just ''psychic''. Just because it hasn't happened to you, doesn't mean it's not possible. If it's written in the Torah, then it certainly happens. Why we have this gift I cannot tell you, but that takes us back to my original question I posed in the blog post.... why do I deserve such a merit? I still don't know, and I can promise you that arrogance is not something I possess... if anything I am the opposite, and have a low self esteem.

  24. Please Devorah, a request... what was the dream you were given regarding the future.. If you do not mind sharing.

    These times are so hard, and many are repenting and turning to the One and only God... Hashem..

    Any way you can help us more, would be greatly apprciated, i am sure by many..

    Hashem help all.. Amen..


  25. It was my personal future, actually it was something that was going to happen to a family member. Nothing to do with world events ;)

  26. it is written, there is a law that after the destruction of the temple there are no prophecies, but in every law there is an exception to the law. I know my dreams and the dreams of my son are real, since it was a cycle of dreams one after another.

  27. Devorah, definitely, one can have a dream with scary things going on (like destruction when Moshiach comes) but still feel at peace and safe. That's what I meant. I had a dream with the angel of death behind me and I woke up very at peace and felt good from the dream. I had other things happen in the dream that made it a very good sign.

    Also, I feel sad for the deniers as there is no reason to be so against the idea. There is no doubt that throughout the past few years more and more children as well as adults (but theirs is not coming from as pure a source) are having dreams with ruach hakodesh. Even foretelling the future is not true nevua but can just be ruach hakodesh. Many valid signs come through dreams. It is a big gift to receive it and I am not sure how worthy someone must be. Plenty of non-Jews as well receive. It is 100% divine and I have heard many stories (mostly firsthand) of the contents of dreams of children and they wake up knowing impossible things that were never taught to them and only the great kabbalists or other such learned individuals are educated as such. I have spoken to many rabbis about it and they all agree it is from Hashem as there are a few criteria that make up real dreams from nonsense ones and they meet the criteria.

    To deny it is unnecessary. It is a beautiful gift. One should be careful in following instructions from a dream perhaps, never interpret it negatively and check with a rav but mostly they are just good feelings and information of good tidings. Mostly from children it is just previous prophesies retold through their eyes. Shows we are almost ready for Moshiach's arrival as we are told people will start to get prophesy again before he comes. A Bas Kol can also come through a dream. That is very common.

  28. As a reference: See Yoel, Chapter 3, passuk 1: And it shall come to pass afterwards that I will pour out My spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and daughters shall prophesy; your elders shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.

    This is before the great day of Hashem. It is not true prophesy yet meaning new information but definitely old nevua coming fresh to young children who can't even understand.

  29. Dear Devorah,
    we don't think your arrogant at all...we think your generous and wonderful. You take your precious time to do a special outreach that provides comfort and spiritual uplifting to many in need. What I think is arrogant and in fact, a blind stupidity, is when people assume because they haven't experienced doesn't exist.
    If I went into all the insane things my family has experienced...I would be here all day long. But I will tell you one incredible story we experienced.
    The story is about one of my sons. When he was six years old he was playing with his brothers and he managed to climb an extremely high wall. Long story short, he fell head first. He walked away with a cut on his chin, nothing more. When I saw the wall, I literally couldn't breathe, I realized it was nothing short of a miracle he was okay. Sometime later he said to me privately, mommy when I fell something funny happened..I asked what..and he said, there was a white shiny man with a nice face and he was falling together with him, at his side and he was smiling at him. I don't know why I know this ...but whoever or whatever it was, it was sent from Hashem to slow my child's fall.
    I have strange dreams... in some I spoke to family members, and others that are gone and in other dreams I saw things before they happened and then watched them come to pass.
    All I do know that we know very little about the higher sefirot that surround us and what I kinda feel is that sometimes we brush against other dimensions, sort of like dipping a toe in a pond.

  30. I love these stories of angels.

  31. An Orthodox rabbi visited our community to give a shiur. Before the shiur he related the following.

    A Jewish woman was driving through town and witnessed a horrific traffic accident. All traffic stopped and emergency personnel soon arrived. Stuck in traffic at the scene, the woman read Tehillim for the victims.

    Several months later, the Jewish woman answered her door. It was the accident victim. "I'm here to thank you" the victim said. The Jewish woman said "How did you know I was praying for you? And how did you find me?

    "I died in the crash" replied the victim. "I was ascending from my body when I saw you praying and remembered your license plate. "Your prayers brought me back. I was resuscitated 30 minutes after I died."

  32. I saw something that I'm pretty sure had extremely profound meaning. I've only shared this with my husband and sister, after I had the 'vision', and didn't know what to make of it, at that time. It was only a year later that it dawned on me what it 'may have' been... Since nobody here knows who I am..... I can share:)

    It's hard to describe, but I was sort of floating in empty space. From afar, basically above me, I saw an image that was a blue light completely. In other words, I basically knew what it was, but all that I saw was a color blue that I've never seen before. (the closest color I can compare it to, is the blue light that they put a baby under to get his bilirubin numbers down, before a bris.) So, I saw this young man, it felt like he's in his mid thirties. He was sitting hunched over a simple table, learning. Again, all of this was in an otherworldly blue light, but I somehow 'knew' what it was. I had this urge to get closer and closer, and as it circled and spiraled closer to me, I tried with all my might to figure out who this was and what he was actually doing.
    It got closer and closer, and then, with a thud that I literally felt, the vision landed into my body, maybe from my head area. I woke up with a start, and felt like I'd just experienced something otherworldly. As I closed my eyes again, I tried with all my might, to have this amazing experience again, but nothing doing. My imagination couldn't duplicate it. I was trying to interpret in my mind, but I couldn't.

    A year later I had an Ah Hah moment, and I really wonder if there's a connection. I lost a newborn baby. After his tragic passing, from a simple germ, I was told by family that when they went to ask Mekubalim and Rebbes for blessings that the child survive his hospitalization, they were told that this is a very special soul. It hit me one day, that this was the heavenly soul that entered my body/uterus. This dream actually happened at the time that I conceived. Recently, I spoke with a very big Mekubal who told me that this baby was a very lofty soul, and couldn't survive any longer in this world.

    I'll only know the truth, in the world of truths. But the dream was something that definitely was 'real'. If not for this vision, I would be as compelled as others not to believe all these things.... I feel that Hashem reminded me about it in the Shiva, so that I can make the immediate connection.

  33. That’s amazing thanks for sharing here. That colour blue is the highest level I think - I have learned that somewhere - actually my sister who died years ago was wearing that colour in a dream I had.

  34. Anon April 1, 2019 at 5:02 PM

    The blue light.

    I was in complete darkness, as far as I could see. But, it was filled with this light. I could see, but there wasn't anything to see. Emptiness, but filled with light. I was bathed in light. I don't know how I knew that because I was in the first person. The next thing I know, a seraph was slowly approaching me. I was also colored in this iridescent blue. As it came close to me, I realized just how large it was. It leaned over my head and kissed me on the apex of it. You know the kissing sound. It grew louder and louder, until it was almost unbearably loud. I don't know how high I was above it, but when I fell on the bed, I bounced at least three times. There was a message. I was meditating on "Kadoish, kadoish, ... kavoidoi."

    I am ben Noiach. The message was "Not yet."

  35. I just now had an epiphany. When I was pregnant with my 2nd daughter, I had a dream that I was encountering her as a teenager. She was wearing brown corduroy jeans and a striped sweater in the dream, and she seemed sad, but gave me a hug and told me that everything was going to be alright. This daughter went on to become a real tsanua, she always dressed modestly and even dressed up nicely to daven at home alone. She was a real tzaddekes until her death at the age of 18 from cancer, 3 years ago. After reading the comment above about the newborn who died and the vision his mother had, it JUST NOW HIT ME. My daughter only had to fix up her mode of dress. Perhaps she was "modern" in a past life and had to come back and choose to be more frum in this life. She may have been sad in the dream because she knew that she would only be with me through her teens. This must be why I still remember what she looked like in the dream, all these years later, to make the connection about her clothing and what needed the tikkun.

  36. Rachel.... that's HUGE. So happy for you that you understand now. this is a big reminder for everyone that this world is just the gateway to the next world.

  37. I was nearly gonna delete my whole text, after completing it. I thought, 'What's the point in sharing it"? But if it helped you Rachel, I'm glad I sent it....

  38. That special blue light.

    There are many ways to see it on demand. Perhaps the easiest is simple candle meditation as described by Aryeh Kaplan in Jewish Meditation, A Practical Guide.

    "It is also significant that, in Kabbalah sources, this sapphire blue color is also associated with the 'third eye.' One reason is that this color is seen not with the physical eyes, but with a mental or spiritual eye. In this blue, one can see visions that are invisible to the physical eyes."

    In just three pages Aryeh Kaplan details this blue citing Zohar, Sefer Yetzirah, Talmud, Ezekiel, and Exodus.

    Shabbat candle lighting is the perfect time to see this special blue (tzelem).

  39. Bs''d
    Dvora, i just saw your post about your mom. May her neshama have a Aliyah.
    It was 6 years now for me on PURIM, on the yom holedet date of my father, when she left. He did that too, on her BD year and half later, on Hoshana Rabba.
    I read your post becuase i saw blue...and it was her favourite colour also.
    Not just that, she wore all the time a small ring with BLUE DIAMOND. that she got for her 18. bd from her father.
    She said that the secret of the blue diamonds is that they have inside water...
    In the first year after, i heard at 6.00 in the morning clearly in my right ear ONE SENTENCE, as like she stood next to me to say that.
    I did what she said, and it saved my life.
    Not so long after grandchildren where born.
    They look like them...just switched, my granddaughter look like my father, and my grandson like my mother. One born after the fast of T'sha b AV (NACHAMU NACHAMU), one after the BD and Yahrtzeit of Moshe Rabeinu. Both in ERETZ ISRAEL.
    The biggest NES of my life!
    So Neomi Hadassah looks like Yosef, and Simcha like Tikvah...
    Greatgrandkids of Tikva and children of Dvora! :)
    Just Hashem knows the extra secrets and thats OK...!
    We are here just visotors...

  40. Devorah- I want to really apologize- I was not chas vashalom implying that you are arrogant in any way. I love your site! I get so much chizuk from everything you post and you clearly take so much time to help so many people grow spiritually- thank you!
    I just meant that in general interpreting dreams can be tricky and many times dreams can be distorted to represent the wrong message (according to what the dreamer wants to tell people)- and this can be very dangerous and damaging. I've heard of so many different dreams from people- predictions of terrible things that are going to happen, when Moshiach is going to come etc... and so many of these dreams are just meaningless and just a reflection of what the person was thinking of that day.
    I feel like only great Rabbanim and Kabbalists can correctly interpret dreams today and when people start reading in to dreams they had it could be a dangerous path to go on.

  41. I really must point this out, that so many Jewish sources tell us NOT to meditate on the colour blue.
    It is imperative to meditate correctly, to avoid danger.

    It is the colour of the sky and the of things that are part of the earth's surface where humans do not normally exist (of course we occasionally take plane flights and boat trips.)
    I know that Rabbi Kaplan of Blessed Memory wrote about it in his book Jewish Meditation but other Rabbis have warned against that particular meditation.
    Perhaps in retrospect where he to be alive, Rabbi Kaplan would not include that section in his book.

    If one experiences the blue in a "vision" or in a dream then so be it.

    A practical safe guide to Jewish Mediation can be found from Reb Gutman Locks who talks about it on his blog

    This short film explains it.

    Alsoa longer film from Rabbi Laibl Wolf

    And Harav Yitzhak Ginsburgh with a series of films

  42. Thanks Anonymous - I was not offended anyway - and London Male for all the meditation stuff.

  43. Orna: isn't it great to see grandkids... I never thought I would get to that stage but it's so incredible.

  44. Bs''d

    Dvora, the NES is, that they are born here, and also that i had the oportunity to be here to see them!
    I was 33 and on my BD the doctor told me the 'bad' news...that i will die in 3 months if not getting intensive CHE MO....
    That was the last day i went to a doctor...
    I think he never expected the reaction.
    'Doctor do you really think that you can decide when i die or live???
    Thank you for the information, now i know what to do!'
    My grandchildren are born home, without doctors interference.
    Its a beautiful thing...we learn what to do and not to do from the previeus generations!
    I pray, that all the Jewish people start they roots again in ERETZ YISRAEL, and that anyone that is against us and Hashem, just leave this place, so that there is place for us, that love to serve Hashem in HIS LAND.
    May it be this PE-SAH!
    Do you think that anything is impossible for the Craetor of everything ;)...??

  45. The person who wrote the comment about disappearing colours (unpublished) please cite your sources otherwise it’s just nonsense.

  46. Bs''d

    the logica is the same...we will have no sun and no moon, for Hashem will be our sun and our moon.
    see this article to get the idea, bli neder i will provide the real source...bussy with Hevron...


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