Friday, May 3, 2024

All the Trouble

"All the trouble that comes from the world is from Gaza". [Zohar] "Redemption depends on the clarification of the sparks in Rafah."

This is a video that Ron linked to and it needs it's own blog post because what he is saying is incredible.

Hebrew with English subtitles. Click the cog in the bottom right of the video, click Sub-titles to ON, and then to auto-translate in whatever language you want.  

If I have the energy I'll try to type it up.  

I think this is Rav Moalem.


  1. It’s doesn’t give an option for English sub-titles. It just says Hebrew on or off. Does one need to be logged into a Google account to choose English sub-titles? I hope you can type up an overview of the video soon.


  2. He's saying that Rafah is the final battle. We have to redeem the hostages, he gives the kabbalistic reasons why Rafach is the name and what it corresponds to... and that must be achieved before the Geula.

    It's going to be a very bumpy journey, everyone must hold on to their emunah and we will win with G-d's help and we will have Geula Shleimah.

    1. Moshiach can come today. No one can say there’s more time left of golus and that it’s going to be a bumpy journey. It’s been more than bumpy and rough for too long.


  3. Sarah he's quoting the Zohar, Rafach is the final battle.

    1. Firstly, Netanyahu said that Rafah won’t be longer than 6 weeks. Other point is that Moshiach can come today. We don’t have to finish the war with rafach. This can all be over today. Ani maamim. Every day.


  4. It's Rafach - Reish Pei Chet - gematria 288

    1. What’s the connection to the number 288?


  5. I kind of skipped that part because I don't have time to translate all that. you'll have to watch it. It does have english subtitles because I can see them. There is an auto-translate option once you turn the captions on.

    1. I won’t watch it because I believe in the obligation to await Moshiach every day. It would be against the Torah for me to say that Moshiach can not possibly come “until …. “


    2. AGREED.


  6. Thank you Devorah for all your postings.

    Gd bless you and now i will say,

    Shabbat Shalom to you and your family - and all who come visit this wonderful blog.

    Perhaps, before this weekend is over, Mashiach will be here.. Amein.

    Gd Bless, to all.. Amein.


  7. Why on earth would I want to accept a belief that Moshiach can’t come until Rafiach is over? Seems contradictory against Judaism.


  8. Agree, with the 'not until'. It's not just another opinion but simply not true, hayom im tishmau. Even if the Rafah part is necessary, releasing the ntsotsot, Hashem can collapse time. If you don't want and believe that Moshiach can come today, you have to wonder if you want Moshiach at all. Our suffering is already unbearable, we don't need or need to anticipate any more. It cannot be repeated enough times, because there is still so much 'future dating' going on, that the geula depends on our tsaaka. Rabeinu Bachya. Rav Zamir wrote about this in one of his books. Pushing the geula off in your mind is actually delaying it.

  9. he said that after those nizazot will be released begins war at the north, a zohar. He said all the bad to the world comes from rafach..I live at the north, Haifa, but I'm very exited. LL

    1. You live in the north and you are excited about the possibility of a war in your area? I didn’t understand


  10. I'm pretty sure she means she's excited for the Geula.

  11. I also live in the North. Hashem is in control. Everything we see is theater. Hashem placed two tzaddikim here in the North. There's nothing to worry about.

  12. I love your comments Gavriela Dvorah

  13. i'm waiting for geula, i'm waiting for the time when evil will find their end for nezach nezachim, I'm waiting for the time when Hashem will 'show up' to save us, i don't think about war like many, I'm seeking THE RUSULT - Hashem! LL

  14. The rav said that after rafah evil will come from the north, ie war, but that it will be miraculous and moshiach will reveal himself and lead to geulah

    His entire explanation of the significance of Gaza and of Rafah is kabbalistic, from the Zohar

    He said we need to be strong in emuna


  15. The kabbalist Rav bitton of Arutz 2000 on YouTube has presented the same ideas in his talk at least a month ago

    Some other rabbi whose name I forgot said that the reason why there's so much opposition of the nations of Israel invading rafah reflects what is going on above in heaven and it's because the conquering of Rafah is crucial to the geulah process


    1. I don’t know Hebrew but would love to know how it’s proven that we won’t have to wait longer (at most) than past the time Israel is done with rafah (expected to go in this coming week for about 4-6 weeks, then the war would be over).


  16. To all those people who keep harping on "Mashiach can come any day," that only applies while there is still an option for "redemption in haste." Once we are locked into "redemption in its time (bita)," Mashiach comes only at the pre-ordained final moment possible. However, we still have to expect him any day because we don't know when that final moment is, although there are hints to it in the sources that can lead to some good guesses.

    1. Not sure if I forgot to put my name at the end before so I’m resubmitting.

      How do you know we are b’ita and past achishena? Also, doesn’t b’ita mean that Moshiach would have to come in Nissan or Tishrei (more likely Nissan) since the Gemara has a machloket as to Moshiach coming in either month. Can b’ito be any month of the year even though the Gemara says Nissan or Tishrei? If so, there is nothing wrong with saying that Moshiach can come any day since we don’t know when the pre-ordained final moment of galut is!


  17. Eliyahu, he said that there are 288 sparks in Rafach (the gematria of R-P-CH that need to be released by the IDF going in and rescuing the hostages.

    -Anim Zemiros


  19. Anyone knows when Israel is gonna invade Rafah ?


    1. Israel said this week if no hostage deal is made.

  20. The You Tube link from aaaixxx is an english translation of the video.

    1. The Rabbi doesn’t state where exactly in the Zohar it states Rafah will be the last war before Moshiach. Does anyone know?

  21. Can someone answer Shai’s questions? I have the same concerns and it’s giving me doubts about Moshiach coming soon if it doesn’t come while it’s Nissan?


  22. Yitzchok my personal feeling is that we have to finish Rafach first, that's what all the signs are pointing to, including the reaction of the world which is off the scale ridiculous, not normal and obviously we are heading towards some bad times before we see Geula. This is why Chazal said they didn't want to be around in the time before Moshiach.
    All you can do is re-assure yourself that we are getting there, slowly but surely.

    1. Hate to break the relieving news to you but we already had more than enough bad times and it’s probably ending. I’m not sure why you feel finishing Rafiach is needed just because some rabbi on YouTube tried connecting it to the Zohar. Besides, Rafiach is expected to take less than 6 weeks. Netanyahu said this many times … and it’s starting this week. So if your feeling is another 6 weeks of golus with some more of the world shouting at Israel, we can handle that. I won’t change my belief that Moshiach can come today or tomorrow, etc. Only Hashem knows the exact moment it will all end and this golus certainly is telling us that it’s imminently about to end!


  23. To the 'harping on' comment, first of all, a little civility please, secondly, many reputed Israeli rabbonim say that Moshiach can come any day. It's just too sad that so many don't seem to understand the concept of tsaaka, and its central role in bringing the geula. I'll go with Rav Zamir shlita and Rabeinu Bachya, and other gedolim. The concept of Moshiach any day and tsaaka needs to be repeated, because too many go astray thinking that Moshiach can only come after x time, which is absolutely not the case. 'Harping on' about Moshiach any day is what hastens the geula. And even if we are in be'ita, there is achisheina betoch be'ita. You can bring Shabbat in early, or be into the 18 minutes after lighting.

    1. Agreed. Silly for anyone to harp on predictions like “Rafiach” MUST be finished before Moshiach can come. I have an obligation according to the Torah to believe that today can be the day Hashem will bring Moshiach. Nothing can change that.

      "אני מאמין באמונה שלימה בביאת המשיח ואף על פי שיתמהמה עם כל זה אחכה לו בכל יום שיבוא"


  24. Rabotai, we know that there are 2 Mashiahs; ben Yosef & ben David. Ben Yosef MUST precede. Why? Because you can't pour beautiful wine into a dirty cup. It must be cleaned; that is ben Yosef's job; to prepare the way for the Brachot of ben David. Well there is someone who has started to do that job which must be done in Eretz Israel.
    There is one man who is defying and challenging all the Israeli leadership. His name is Jonathan Pollard.
    One of the important criteria for this position is that he must have suffered. Can you name any Jew today or in the last 50 years who has suffered like Jonathan Pollard? And suffered precisely for Am Israel. There is no-one. But he still has to prove himself and no claims have been made yet.
    He needs our support!

  25. In reply to Dodeca,

    I am in complete agreement with you - Jonathan is looking more and more like the likely candidate for MBY. Either way we should all support him, his ideas are all on target and to protect Am Yisroel (no self interest motivation) and also le'Shem Shmayim


  26. What am I doing wrong? Beginning to hate myself..

    I as Noahide, and follower ONLY of Hashem, read this amazing blog, (and do some others too, But.. this is the bestest i know of) and I try to listen, read, and learn.

    The thing is, i tell myself i will change and try not to get angered or bothered by anyone.

    Next thing, I am doing exactly that, getting angry, angry at what is happening, angry if someone, some relative or friend, speaks something harshly, i lose control. Not all the time, but a while ago i got angry angry with someone, a relative.
    I regret, as the person concerned has their own emotions and problems.

    What if Hashem decides i am no good?
    Sometimes i just feel like giving up and doing myself harm you know like just shut the lights off for me.

    Where i live govt has no problem
    So how to carry on, one part of me says, no its a sin... the other just wants to let go of everything, and well .. and...

  27. Anonymous May 5th 9:58 - YES! thank you for saying it; Hashem can bring some achishena into the be'ita. Did I hear it said that we should be crying out twice a day...any one here want to join me?

    1. We’re not even achishena. We’re way past it. We’re b’itoh. If Moshiach comes right now (Please Hashem), it would be b’itoh for sure.


  28. Who is Rav Moalem? Does he have ruach hakodesh?


  29. I’d love to hear from Devorah why she feels Moshiach can’t come until Rafiach is finished.


  30. Last time I said what I felt, I was attacked by two people and decided to remove my comment and my thoughts. It's not even relevant what I think anyway. Who am I to decide when Moshiach is coming?

    1. People are just curious why you feel that way? It only started once this video of this rabbi on YouTube predictions rafiach then Moshiach was published here. Until then, you were optimistic about Moshiach coming on Pesach.


  31. Well I had a Plan A and a Plan B.
    Plan A was Pesach. It didn't happen.

    Plan B is connected to the Kochav Yaakov. This year the day of the week matches with the prophecy, the night of Thursday will already be the sixth day of the week, as Rabbi Palvanov pointed out in his shiur

    Will Mashiach Come This Year?

    I also don't think the world could handle a Moshiach yet, as someone said above, you can't pour wine into a dirty cup. Well said.

    1. But you believed the world can handle Moshiach on Pesach


  32. Well in hindsight, it couldn't. We didn't get a Pesach Geula, which is pretty annoying.

    But hope springs eternal.

    1. So believe we can have a 5/5 Geulah (still Nissan btw). And rabbi palvanov’s video has no credit anymore. The dates changed according to researchers and there is a high chance the comet will fade away before then.


  33. Zahava what are you talking about?

    Kochav Yaakov is not the comet you are thinking it is.

    Kochav Yaakov is red and shaped like a jack. I've seen photos of something that looks exactly like that.

    You are the one who has no credit, and please don't insult the rabbis I have on my blog.

    1. Weren’t you bringing up the video rabbi palvanov put up about the c3 comet he expected to peak on Friday the 25th of Elul followed by Moshiach? I’ve watched that entire video. No one is insulting any rabbis.


  34. I don't know what particular comet he was talking about, but honestly there are so many things flying around near us, and people are photographing them all the time, so I think we can expect anything and everything.

    There is a red object with many tails, making it look like a jack, and i think this is the thing that is expected by many people, but everyone calls it a different name.

    Maybe that's the same thing as the comet, but I don't think so.

    1. Do you have the name for the one you’re referring to? An article about it? Thank you.


  35. It has many names, depending on which group is talking about it. Wormwood, Nemesis, Nibiru, the Destroyer.... dare I even say Kochav Yaakov...and the only reason I think it is the Kochav Yaakov is because it is red, just as the Ramak said.

    if I find a photo I can publish, I will, but so far they are all copyrighted.
    When the time is right, it will be made available to us.

    1. So this isn’t the one rabbi palvanov was talking about. Not sure why you brought up rabbi palvanov.


  36. Rabbi Palvanov pointed out the date of 25 Elul this year matches the sixth day of the week. It doesn't matter which comet he was talking about, the rest of the information is still valid.

    1. Is there any evidence that the comet you were thinking of will be at its brightest on the 25th of Elul?


  37. I've actually been waiting since 2016, every Elul, for this Kochav Yaakov.

  38. Adam, there is no official news about this object, it is censored everywhere. You have to find information wherever you can.

    I believe this is the thing that they have built their bunkers to avoid.

    Doesn't it say somewhere that meteors will rain down on a gathering of leaders of the world?

    I really don't know what's going to happen but I hope things become clearer as we go.


      Just saw this article from 2022. Could this be the Kochav Yaakov that the Ramak described,

      C S



  40. I am sitting here on the floor after sobbing and crying many, many tears reciting Tikkun Chatzos pleading to Hashem to finally bring us the Geulah Shelaimah. May today be the day we greet Moshiach and welcome a beautiful and joyful world of tremendous kedusha.


    1. I cry, sometimes too for Moshiach, Yehuda. Although I don’t have the strength like you to say tikkun chatzos. I beg Hashem to have mercy on my suffering and all the suffering in Am Yisrael. I sometime think about ending my life because the suffering is unbearable.


  41. Zalman, do you have a Rav? a network? a community? family? someone to reach out to? Because while we all yearn for Hashem and daven that our suffering should end and that we should see Moshiach today, it doesn't come at the expense of life. When I see that you are thinking about ending your life...this is terrible. If you need to speak with someone, let me know. My husband would be happy to talk to you.

    1. I don’t really have anyone, unfortunately. Who is your husband? Is he a Rav? The last thing I want to do is end my life. It’s terrible I have to even think this way :(


    2. Zalman, I know it will probably sound like a cliché, but please hold on just a little bit longer... We are at the finish line. And suddenly, your suffering will be gone. (Read the account of Stalin's plot to murder the remaining 3 million Jews of Russia and the Jewish Doctors Plot of 1948. 4 giant concentration camps had already been built in the east, with no heating facilities, and train cars were already waiting to deport the Jews outside of Moscow and many large cities. Russian non Jews were already taunting Jews on the streets that they will soon be dead etc. Sound familiar? And then after partying and getting drunk all night with his fellow "leadership " buddies, on Purim morning 1953 Stalin suffered a major stroke, and he was dead and gone a few days later. Just like that. So don't think your suffering is endless. All your sorrow will also be gone miraculously just like that, very soon.

      Wishing you much good fortune

      C S

  42. Zalman, where do you live? My husband could be a Rav. He has many years of learning and continues to this day. Plus, he is filled with chesed and patience. It could be good. Want to give it a try?

    1. Yes. Please. Are you in America or Israel?

    2. Sorry, what did you mean that your husband “could be” a rav? Are you in Israel or America?

  43. Just send me your emails in a comment and I'll put you in touch with each other. I won't publish your emails, don't worry.

  44. She means he is very capable of being a Rav.

  45. I wish people would be more precise in their language. I don't understand what most people mean when they talk about Mashiach "coming." Coming from where? Can someone please enlighten me?

    1. Please keep your blog type of material and beliefs on your blog.


  46. Meaning, that Moshiach will be revealed to the Jewish nation, and the world, publicly. As opposed to only some great tzadikim privately. As was with Moshe Rabbinu, that he first revealed himself only privately to the leaders of the Jews.

    C S

  47. Rabbi Meir Kahane was probably Moshiach Ben Yosef Malky

  48. Surprising and disappointing that many commenters don't seem to understand that this Rabbi knows what he's talking about because he is referring to the Zohar which states these facts. Everyone seems to have personal opinions on something they & most of us cannot understand; it doesn't work that way. It is Hashem's holy Torah that gives us the answers and in the case of Moshiach, much is a mystery to us except for our great Sages and current kabbalists who understand what it all means and are trying to bring forth the information because it is allowed now because we are at that time of history already.


  49. I think that we are in the messianic process and many of the leaders have been dealt with. Perhaps we do not have the merit to see it, but G-d in is mercy with the help of the two messiahs is doing it. Deuteronomy 7:22, "Your G-d will dislodge these peoples before you little by little, you will not put an end to them at once, else the wild beasts would multiply to your hurt. Rabbi Kessin says that he remaining sparks off the 288 are in Gaza. Samson tried to recover them but he was at the 49th level of Kedusha so the 50th is needed which Messiah possesses. As for the hostages, Mossad made a cryptic remark on X, insinuating that hostages may be o.k. The question was "what is your favorite movie where hostages are actually in the hands of the good guys?"

  50. CS.... did you see the name of that comet? C/2014 UN271

    271 is the number of days of a pregnancy as written in the Talmud.

    1. Wow. That is truly amazing! Didn't even notice the 271. Doesn't Ari Goldwag say something about the completion of the "pregnancy?" and a number? Possibly 271? I must go back and listen to his Moshiach podcast number 17 again.

      C S

  51. So now that we have the video translated, the great news is that we have no more than 2 months left until the revelation of Moshiach and the Geulah Shelaimah! Obviously, Moshiach can come today and nothing is allowed to take our belief away in that. Very exciting times we are in! Just grab on to the last few moments before this golus is all over forever!


  52. Isaac, that's up to the blog owner's discretion, not yours. If she tells me I am unwelcome to comment, so be it.

  53. Finally, Rafah offensive begins


  54. Going in to redeem the sparks before Moshiach can come.
    Mind blowing.

    1. IY’H, that is true but all we know is that it has been decent speculation from the Rabbi in the video (and a few others) that this is the final part of the war before Moshiach. It will be mind blowing when Moshiach comes, until then we don’t know that this is connected to redeeming the last sparks so that Moshiach can come. I truly hope so very much. I hope Moshiach will come today too.


  55. It's not just this rabbi in the video, this topic is being talked about in other places now.

    Quoting Eliezer Meir Saidel

    When Adam Harishon sinned, according to the סִפְרֵי הַקַּבָּלָה, his neshama was split into רפח נִיצוֹצוֹת, 288 "sparks". To achieve the tikkun for Adam Harishon's sin, these רפח sparks had to be "repaired".

    When Am Yisrael left Egypt during the Exodus, 202 of the 288 sparks were repaired when the עֶרֶב רַב left with them. רַב in gematria is 202 (אריז"ל).

    In order for the Geulah to commence, we need to repair the remaining 86 sparks.

    86 in gematria is מֹחַ וְלֵב. In order for HKB"H's name and throne to be complete, we need to repair our hearts and minds. We need to achieve control over our hearts and minds, the very aspects of our human nature that the Amalek philosophy has perverted.

    Pesach has an integral role to play in this. To complete HKB"H's name and throne, we need to replace the missing letters אִוָּהּ, which in gematria is בדו. As everyone knows, there is a rule that Pesach can never fall out on the days בדו, Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Pesach, more than any other chag, is a symbol of our control over our yetzer harah (chametz). This is why Pesach davaka is called Zman Cheiruteinu and not Yom Kippur or Sukkot, for example.

    However, that is not all. אִוָּהּ in gematria is also י"ב. To merit redemption, the Twelve Tribes need to be united as one.

    Finally, אִוָּהּ in gematria is גּוֹג. This is the final stage prior to the Geulah, when the last remnants of Amalek and their philosophy are finally eradicated from the world.

    1. I know, and I’m not, Chas Veshalom, negating it. I was just trying to say it still is speculation. It may sound convincing but it’s not 100% proof that Moshiach is imminent and that this is the final stage of the war before Moshiach. The gematrias sound all interesting and convincing but we’ve had other types of gematrias and speculation about Moshiach in the past that hasn’t come true. I do want Moshiach to come extremely soon, of course. I do hope it’s correct.


  56. You're right, we shouldn't get too excited about it just in case.... however it seems to me that the reaction of the world, and the reaction once the bombing really starts.... is a sure sign that we are indeed right before the end, and there is a very dangerous time which is imminent and we need to psychologically prepare ourselves for the out-pouring of anti-semitism which is about to erupt even more.

    1. Hopefully, Hashem will make it that it won’t be a more dangerous time now in the final moments before Moshiach and it will not be worse than it is now. The bombing already started today. I believe Bibi said Rafiach/Rafah will take up to 6 weeks to be complete. That doesn’t mean that Moshiach can’t come today and end this all.


  57. London Male posted this link on another site

    Explanation of 120 forms of name Elokim; explanation of 288 sparks that fell in the shattering of worlds of Tohu - Lubavitcher Rebbe

    "The level of the 288 sparks are explained in detail in Etz Chayim, Shaar 18. The rationale for the number 288 is explained in ch. 2: “The number of 288 sparks stems from the four dimensions of 72 that descended from the four forms of the name Havayah (i.e., Havayah [with a milui10of] 72, 63, 45, and 52). Together they are 288 sparks.”
    See also Pri Etz Chayim, Shaar HaKerias Shema, ch. 9, and Mishnas Chassidim, Maseches HaNitzutzin.

    With regard to this concept, it is explained — see Torah Or (Parshas Vayeishev, the maamar entitled ViHinei Anachnu, sec. 2) — that the number 288 refers to the sparks as they existed in Atzilus. As they fell from Atzilus to the world of Beriah and fell from Beriah to Yetzirah and from Yetzirah to Asiyah, they became divided and separated into thousands and myriads.

    On this basis, we can understand why this exile has been prolonged for so long. For as is well known, the intent is to refine the 288 sparks and when their refinement is completed, Mashiach will come; may that be speedily in our days, Amen.

    (The Hagahas Tzemach — to Mevo Shaarim, Shaar 2, Vol. III, ch. 9 — resolves this matter somewhat differently; see also Emek HaMelech, ch. 53.) Torah Or, Parshas Bo, the maamar entitled B’Etzem HaYom states: “288 sparks fell during the shattering of the vessels. From them, 202 were refined in the Egyptian exile.”

    See also the maamarim of Parshas Vayeishev in Torah Or and Toras Chayim. The maamar entitled Ish Al Diglo (Parshas Bamidbar, 5700) explains the shattering of the vessels according to the teachings of Chassidus."

  58. Thank you for that London Male, now we know we're on the right track with the 288 sparks/ Rafach.

    Moshiach Now !

  59. Where exactly is this Zohar that "Gaza/Aza/Rafah is the source of all evil in the world"?

    The speakers don't say, and no one seems to know!

  60. I don't know where in the Zohar, I wish someone would tell us.

    Anyway he is also quoting from Amos
    as it is written in Amos
    this is what my Lord said about 3 crimes in Gaza

    and this
    The Seven Curses of Gaza


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