Thursday, January 30, 2025

This Is What It Takes To Wake People Up?

Complaints from people living in the East because they are being woken up every night by the helicopters flying very low doing surveillance.... unfortunately they missed the attack in Maroubra last night.

There are quite a few non Jewish residents who are fed up with all this noise and nightly disturbance and blaming the Jews for it.  Just because the Jews are being terrorized .... why should their sleep be disturbed?

They don't realize that the Jews are just the canary in the coalmine and the main game is to terrorize everyone.  Even our government seems to overlook that fact, and it's the government itself who caused this problem in the first place, by denouncing Israel and thereby emboldening anti-semites. [See Gideon Saar Status on X]

But the real eye-opener is all the Jews, who are scared and don't understand what is happening.  They know nothing about Geula, or Moshiach, or chevlei Moshiach, which is what all this is.

Nobody is telling them.  I keep waiting for a Rabbi to jump into the conversations on FB and explain to them what is going on, but so far.... nothing at all. Not surprising, because they'd probably all attack him instead.  Everyone is so far from the truth.

Where are the Rabbis ?  The orthodox rabbis here may be talking amongst themselves and selected groups of people, but I don't see any of them publicly speaking about Moshiach.   At least if they re-assured people that we are living in the End Times, and these are the birthpangs of Moshiach, and maybe some of them should be thinking about Aliyah if they are able to..... but all I'm hearing is a silence from them, and a great deal of angst from local Jews.

Everyone is beginning to really understand why their grandparents or great-grandparents changed their last names.... welcome to 1939 re-visited.  

People being woken up by police helicopters.... or people awakening to the concept of Geula and Chevlei Moshiach....  so far it's just the helicopters.  


  1. An Anonymous Member just posted this to an Eastern Sydney FB group:

    **Posting on behalf of a friend**
    In light of the recent antisemitic events in Sydney, I’ve been wondering—has anyone in our community thought more seriously about making Aliyah and moving to Israel? With the rise in antisemitism globally, we are re-evaluating where we feel safest and most at home. For those who have considered it, what are your thoughts? What are the biggest factors influencing your decision—security, identity, community, or something else? And for those who have already made Aliyah, what advice would you give to those thinking about it?
    This isn’t an easy conversation, but it’s an important one. I’d love to hear different perspectives from our community.

    1. I would tell them this....its a complicated process. Begin it not wait till the last minute when you need to flee for your lives.
      If you sell your homes, or have savings or financial security, the process is easier. There is still a cultural adjustment and the language barrier. If they are thinking about making aliyah they should open a tik with nefesh b nefesh or a similar organization immediately. It takes time for them to vet and process all the documents they will need to send. They should begin learning hebrew immediately, do not wait until you get here. Don't assume because you can daven in hebrew or you've been frum your whole lives that you will learn the language in a snap. That's simply not always the case.
      The next challenge is finding a way to male a living, start looking into it now during the aliyah process don't wait till you get here either. If you're a professional there's a process to getting your degrees approved. They've made it easier in recent years but it can still take time. Language a a job will be your two biggest hurdles because the truth is Israel for better or worse has become alot more westernized and if you so choose you can find enclaves of english speaking communities .
      Having brought up some of the challenges, let me just say will never do anything better or more worthwhile in your life then making aliyah. You will never feel safer or more at home anywhere else. And as far as I'm concerned once you have had the zchut of living in Eretz Yisroel every other place in this world no matter how beautiful, feels dead , lifeless and unlivable. When I go abroad to visit family, I cannot breathe properly until I return to Eretz Yisroel.

  2. From 5741 until 27th Adar Rishon 5752, The Rebbe spoke nonstop about Moshiach and gave each year based on the Hebrew letters a title for that year for all the 5740's connected to the Revelation of Moshiach. The Rebbe revealed the now famous Yalkut Shimoni to the world at the end of 5750 into 5751. Read B'Soros HaGeula or all the Sichos in Sefer HaSichos 5750, 5751 and 5742. 5741 started "We Want Moshiach Now".

  3. Year of the Snake 2025 - You Tube Shorts
    Rabbi Palvanov

  4. Israel is your only home, what prospectives do you need?

  5. CSF I've felt it for a while now, I hardly go out anymore, this is not the Australia it used to be. It is not the world it used to be either. The problem is that Aliyah is impossible for many people for a myriad of reasons, all of which has been discussed before. If I could I would have made Aliyah a while ago. But I also don't believe that everyone has to, because if something is impossible then there's little you can do about it. It says that Moshiach will gather in the exiles. So that means there are still Jews who need to be gathered.

  6. Hi everyone, my name is Mike and I'm American.
    Is there anyone here who can give me some basic budget of living in Israel, I have a basic income avaialable to me of approx 500 US per week but I need to pay rent out of that as I cannot afford to buy anything. Is that enough money to survive in Israel? I would also need to pay for medical things like doctors appointments and medication and all the other general things we need in life. It would be very helpful if someone could let me know. Thank you for this blog.


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