Thursday, July 30, 2020

Corona: Erasing the World of Lies

According to the non-Jewish calendar, the year is 2020, which is the number 20 twice. The number 20 is equal in gematria to the word keter [crown]. This is the revelation that is taking place now, the keter d’keter, the innermost level of the keter, which is the word keter twice, equal to 20 and 20, which is a hint to the non-Jewish year of 2020. 

Therefore, a state of solitude has come into the world, an impaired kind of being alone, where nobody can come within the space of another person. The private space of a person corresponds to the yechidah level of the soul, and right now nobody is allowed to interfere with another person’s space. It is also causing people to remain secluded in their homes. And as it is known, the nefesh level of the soul is in the liver, the ruach is in the heart, and the neshamah is in the brain, the chaya is on the person's clothing and the yechidah is in the house. Therefore one is to become secluded in the house due now, to the yechidah revelation which is taking place in the world today.

Understand that Hakadosh Baruch Hu has now erased any connection to tumah [impurity], to all of the restaurants, to all of the mingling, all of the vacations and all of the entire world of falsity that has been here for the last couple of years.

The above text is a very small excerpt from Bilvavi-Corona- Q & A from the author of Bilvavi Mishkan Evneh.  It's a fascinating read.  HT Myrtle Rising


  1. I don't know DocOc, I only know one way of doing gematriot, and obviously that doesn't qualify me as an expert. But I do know there are several different ways you can reach the gematria of a word. But if the author of this work says it can equal 20, then I'm not going to argue with him. I may ask Yaak, he is a gematria expert..

  2. Kesser = 620
    Esrim (the word for 20) = 620

    This is brought in many places in Chassidus.

  3. A bit off topic, but as I was googling the Gematria of Keter (כֶּתֶר), I noticed that a lot of Xtian sites come up first, expounding on Jewish Gematria for their purposes.

    But the most appalling is a blog on the Times of Israel site called "Dafei Tang". He's an Asian-looking man who appears to be dressed as a black-hat orthodox Jew. At first blush, it seems he's writing about the Parshiot of the week. It soon becomes clear he's using the Torah to preach about JC "the messiah". He's using the Hebrew language and Gematria to prove all kinds of things about "yeshua".

    Yeah, messianic "Judaism" is not new, but the methods of deception are getting more and more sophisticated. WHY is the Times of Israel allowing this to happen on their pages? This is an outrage.

  4. Also off topic: in 2011, you posted a prophecy of the previous Rebbe that parts of a country will be destroyed by flooding in the days right before The end of days. He also said that this is a sign that Moshiach is close. Will it appears that prophecy is coming to fruition:


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